Well? (((datamining)))
Thoughts, Holla Forums?
This isn't even accurate, kill yourself
>Thoughts, Holla Forums? (((datamining)))
Yeah,….I'm thiking bout horse fuckin.
If this is true, who ISN'T getting played by jews? (((datamining))) Globalist capitalists? (((datamining)))
"We must close union offices, confiscate their money and put their leaders in prison. We must reduce workers' salaries and take away their right to strike." Adolf Hitler, May 2, 1933.
a) you don't work, you LARP here on Holla Forums all the time
b) workers will be replaced by robots
c) kys tbh>>7793985
Whatever apologetical commie OP was attempting to say with this thread lacked context, clearly OP doesn't value his/her own time.
"We stand for the maintenance of private property… We shall protect free enterprise as the most expedient, or rather, the sole possible, economic order." Adolf Hitler, Sept 28, 1930.
Good little classcuck. And you will not complain when humans are killed off because they are obsolete.
of course not, where do you think you are? (((datamining)))
Oh dear, i had no idea i was talking to an actual species cuck! What a surprise, this is.
I will probably invest in some of those commie killing robots.
Don't worry, brainlet. You'll get there some day!
He won't if people in charge of spreading your ideology will be as emotional as you.
What? (((datamining))) Where did fee-fees come into the conversation? (((datamining)))
Sounds like some civic nationalism bullshit.
You come here and expect everyone to know about some commie spinoff ideology nobody cares about and when someone posts something contradicting your views you resort to insult rather than educating, that's being emotional.
Protip; some of the most BASED anti-globalists around have been non-white.
Example: Kim Il-Sung, Bashar Al-Assad, Muammar Al-Qaddafi.
Funnily enough, they were all leftists too.
No, i don't expect people to know about true National Socialism, i only expect them to attempt to learn about it once becoming aware that it exists. By the way, do you have any questions about the actual beliefs of Strasserism, or are you just going to strawman it as "muh commies"? (((datamining)))
"Our adopted term 'Socialist' has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not" - Adolf Hitler, Sunday Express, 28 September, 1930.
The other two, indeed, Holla Forums thinks is based. They're both anti semites as well. Ironic isn't it? (((datamining))) That anti globalists leaders are also anti semetic.
I never said that faggot. I meant that specific qoute was made up. There was no doubt that he was against the unions. But, that qoute is complete full of crap.
Let them be non-white in their own countries then.
They were/are anti globalist only because USA is/was their enemy. Do you really want to live under dictatorship in North-Korea type country? (((datamining))) You would't enjoy the internet censorship.
You made the thread, posted one image and one word, you could at least state the main differences between some other popular ideologies.
I never said you did. It just seems like Hitler gets misquoted a shit-ton by capitalist faggots who try to make him into a big scary Socialist strawman to attack leftists with.
Kim Il-Sung did nothing wrong though.
Never said I hated other races. I just want a white ethnostate.
Alright. Here is the basics of Strasserism.
That's about all i can think of.
Its not left vs. right. Why are you calling them (((globalist)))? (((datamining))) Its Jews. The proper course of action is National Socialism.
You imagine your dream land to be christian, but religion can not be controlled, religion controls us and christianity has already passed the torch to humanistic values.
Here: it is a book written by Otto while in exile from Hitler's Germany. Be aware; this is a time when he accepted jews. Sometimes when you hate somebody with all your heart, you will do the opposite of what they do (killing jews).
What you describe is very similar to fascism (state controlled financial practice for the benefit of the people), only without money, but that's not a good thing, money is just a tool and a good one.
Fascism is leftism still, but generally not truly socialist. Debt-based money is a great tool, but it would be better to replace it with non-transferrable, non-debt-based labor vouchers in a for-use economic system instead of a for-profit economic system.
Fascism = highly regulated capitalism though.
Usury would be illegal under fascism if memory serves me.
That's money.
Capitalism doesn't necessary have to be dept based.
USA benefits from its dept based capitalism when they print more money and exchange it for imports, its the rest of the world that loses when they are forced to use $ to buy oil.
But none of that's true though.
Labor vouchers aren't regular money. They can only be exchanged directly with the states, instead of other people.
Capitalism does have to be debt based. Rent and loans are fundamental parts of the system. Debt based currency = debt based system.
I don't see any benefit in not letting people trade with one another, money is like blood in an organism, it ensures rapid exchange of goods. Will people get punished with gulags for trying to earn more then others? (((datamining))) Because people will try, we aren't made equal, some are ambitious while others want to be NEETs.
Banks in islamic countries are forbidden to loan money with interest, usury is illegal there, but its still capitalism. And rent is not the same as dept.
Currency doesn't necessary have to be dept based either, it used to be gold based before.
It all goes back to production for-profit instead of production for-use. You should probably read the detailed shit in some books. Any old leftist book on economics will do, it shouldn't be too liberally biased. People who work 6 hours will earn the same as somebody else who worked 6 hours, but will earn more than someone who worked 4 hours with labor vouchers. People who work hard can still buy more socialist playstations and comfy couches than lazy bums can afford.
I'm going to sleep now.
We all saw how that worked for commies.
To profit you need to have someone interested in buying it, if your product/service is shitty you lose money.
In case of socialists you have 1 gov controlled entity which no matter the quality or demand will never go bankrupt even if they produce shit nobody wants, but think people need it, you either take what they provided for you, or you can fuck off.
I don't see anybody buying roads, they're obviously very useful, but still nobody seems interested in buying them. Strange how people think the government would be better than companies at doing certain things, eh? (((datamining)))
gay AF tbh fam