Who is the best waifu and why is it Vivian? (((datamining)))
Who is the best waifu and why is it Vivian? (((datamining)))
Vivian is the OG thicc God Damn
What is this niggerbabble? (((datamining)))
You have never been inside the celestial joy that is the moist cunny of Brianna chan.
You can relate to her.
Essentially she is a reflection of ourselves, like a genderbended user but with qt ranga hair
The best waifu is my waifu.
I don't know why it's Asriel, it just is.
best girl here
Zero Suit Fox is best waifu.
Best waifu right here
What is it about redheads that is so attractive? (((datamining))) Even chubby butterfaces like pic related become 7/10s.
It's a shame they're all batshit insane.
For some reason I find that attractive; the idea of a woman being "down to earth" like that.
Vivian is literally 100,000 user's waifu. She's a complete slut. Enjoy being cucked by ever Holla Forumsirgin on every chan.
Best Vivian coming through.
oh, look, an underbitch
back to tumblr you fucking faggot
Lain is the queen of Holla Forums.
Shit taste, but it isn't as bad as holo.
You misspelled Rei.
Rei is best girl in evangelion, but nothing can beat the beauty that is lain.
Rei is best waifu.
lain is not for lewding though
she's god, not a waifu
You are doing it wrong, you don't lewd your waifu you gentely caress her and tell her everything is gonna be okay.
if that's how you waifu, you'd better give her plenty of headpats because she probably needs them
Post more Vivians ITT
this faggots
test ==test== test
I agree, user; they don't even have to be pretty. They're fun to treat like fuck meat; knock that pretension down a few pegs.
Two words: puffy vulva