Have you ever been in love /bee/? (((da​tamin​ing)))

have you ever been in love /bee/? (((da​tamin​ing)))



I was once but then everything went to shit

I want to write a book based on it someday because the events surrounding it were pretty extraordinary

Once. It shattered me and turned me into the drug-abusing, alcoholic, stock-photo-spamming mess you see today.

We enjoyed our time together
Every minute was experienced joyfully

This minus the stock photo thing

Song Sauce? (((da​tamin​ing)))



Once but I got better

Gosui Tarasu Tsuri Ito

You will grown out of it when you reach 18, OP.

This triggers their BO

Once and now I'm immune, thank Dog.

"I am in love with the thought of being in love" - me.

its true Franz isnt into pedo

/agatha/ still better than /asmr/

The latter went to shit went that LARPing Holla Forums nigger took over jan 1st and decided to turn it into his private hot pocket torture chamber. He reads every post because he doesn't have a life, and if someone says or does something that pisses him off he waits and watches like some autistic eagle for any post vaguely against some unwritten rule. Then he hands out ridiculous bans for absolutely nothing.

To be fair it's been going down hill much longer, but he was the final nail in the coffin. It used to be my favorite board on 8ch

Franz does not give a shit what you say lol if he doesn't like it he'll say so but not ban you like a faggot

nope, I am too smart

only with fictional characters



I went to a camp when I was 17 and this wonderful girl fell for me. I remember all 300 of us were playing some silly team activity game. It was about scooping water into a pail. So I would be running back and forth to a bucket and she would be running with me. Barefoot, on the grass, we all got wet. Yep. I didn't know her name, all I knew is the nice brunette girl was actually talking to me, just because she liked me. That was the first day. The second day another brunette girl was in one of the 'classes' I was assigned to. However, I then realized she was the same girl. A manlet started chatting her up. Talking about stupid shit that manlets talk about. I just sat it out because I had no confidence. When class dismissed however I walked 10 paces behind them. I had an epiphany. Why am I letting this pale, 5'6 bumpkin talk to her? (((da​tamin​ing))) She was just trying to avoid him, waiting for me to rescue her. So boom. I walk up to her other side and she starts walking closer, by my side. Almost leaning into me. A few minutes later we get to an intersection and the manlet fucks off to his dorm. She and I cross and keep talking. I see my friends and she sees hers. We split up.

I enter the cafeteria with my friends. We're a diverse group of guys, an Asian, an Arab, a Mulatto, a Texan, and myself. We get our table. I had a coffee - it was lunch, a bit late, but I was so high on life, my thoughts kept me up at night anyways. I went up to get some cream, 'refill my soda, will ya'? (((da​tamin​ing))) My friend asks. I oblige. I'm heading back to the table. The brunette girl - and her friend - , "Hey! Mind if we sit with you and your friends? (((da​tamin​ing)))".
I laugh "sure thing. How are you? (((da​tamin​ing)))"…

Later that day I'm at the track with my other friend. He's real tall but modest. He could get any girl, they throw themselves at him, but he doesn't brag about it. Anyways, I challenge him to a 400m dash. I win with 1 minute 4 seconds. He's less than 2 seconds behind me. I hadn't worked out in 3 weeks. It was a lot harder than I expected. I used to do it in 58 seconds. We're heading back up the hill to go hang out with our buddies in the park. A brunette girl smiles at me, "Hey user!". I nod with a confused smile. Who is this? (((da​tamin​ing)))

I realize back at my dorm it was the cute brunette, but she was wearing a different shirt than earlier in the day… dumbass…. She probably took offense…

The next day we go on field trips. She happens to be on the same one as I. We sit next to each other on the bus. We make awkward back and forth conversation. When one of us finishes there's a minute or two and then one of us starts it up again. I end up talking to her about things like homecoming and prom. She tells me how fancy they do it at her high school… I lie and tell her similar stories despite the fact I had never gone to homecoming or prom.

During the tour of, basically, a museum, she walks at my side. I keep my folder over my shorts, covering my massive boner. I was so turned on. Here was a girl that had not only sat with me on the bus, but decided to huddle next to me the entire time in front of everybody to see. I think she knew I had a boner. The folder I held at my waist can only hide so much at that angle. She was shorter than me, only 5'6 or so, she probably sneaked a few looks at it. I mean, it is massive.

So then its Saturday night. The dance. I get there a bit early and the place starts to fill up. I don't notice her. But I do notice a hot southern belle. She must have been 5'4, C-cup tits, great smile, great shining blonde hair. Just screaming of sex. I wanted her. More than anything. Like the beta I was at the time, I just dance around but never approach her. Soon my friend from Texas gets her. Fuck… well, gotta let him have her, there's nothing I can do, at least my friend scored.

I step out for a moment to get a drink of water. I had been dancing so hard, doing all sorts of retarded shit like handstands to show off, people enjoyed it, I enjoyed it, I had sweat so much my shirt stuck to me, my white Hawaiian shirt almost transparent now, half unbuckled anyways. I saw the cute brunette that I had courted the entire week. She said something. I really forget what she said. I said some bullshit to her. I don't know what I said. What I know, however, is that I ripped her heart in that moment. We had only known each other a week but I brushed her off, still pissed about not getting the southern belle. All or none, I thought.

That was the last I ever saw her.

2 years later, where did it get me? (((da​tamin​ing)))

Nowhere. That's where, friends. Love the one you got.

Not ever with 3DPD. Remember 3DPD can't love.

yes, and it sucks