What's with niggers and reaction videos?

I swear to fucking god, 90% of all the reaction videos on jewtube are specifically from niggers. It is something that appeals to them?

Niggers can't be assed to sit down and watch something for 20 minutes and judge said video by themselves, they need someone to show them the ropes and react in accordance. Like a group of monkeys.

Reaction vids take the least amount of work and nigs hate work

What's with whiteys and actual films?
I swear to fucking god, 90% of all the film in Hollywood are specifically from white people. Is it something that appeals to them?

>(((white people)))

Makes sense. It's basically robbing people by not doing anything.


Most modern comedy is black people going 'awwwww helll naw' or 'dayyyyyum.' Normalfags seem to eat that up.

Yeah, but that's the thing, most of those "reaction" videos have nothing. It's a just a nog face staring at the screen in silence and then saying "wow. ok" at the end. I'm not exaggerating.

A question for the ages, user.

You spelled foreskin eating kikes wrong. Like, those keys aren't even next to each other. You lack the power of speech and have intercourse with those whose genitalia matches your own.

When that average IQ of 80 hits just right

I think you guys lack the IQ to recognize satire

Probably shitskins from nu/pol/.

fucking kys

fucking kek

are you a nigger



Just look at the difference between white people and black people reacting to a magic trick. Black people jump and run away when the trick is complete and scream. While white people just stand there and laugh like a normal person. Black people like to over eghagerate.

You should watch videos by POiiSED


how's my verniggular?

More nigger IQ is so low, they think an actual demonic voodoo that might posses them took place.


leftypol proves its autism as always

No I'm german american, the kind of white german that leaves germany

nah you're a nigger

all so a nigger can make noises and amuse himself obnoxiously.


Ever have a nigger teacher in a high school? It's a joke.

No, there are no niggers in my country. What does a class like that look like?