How does an egoist behave, exactly.
Does he just disregard laws if he thinks he wont get caught or is there more to it?
How does an egoist behave, exactly.
Does he just disregard laws if he thinks he wont get caught or is there more to it?
If they have the Will to, indeed.
An egoist will break the law if it's in their interest to do so, but at the same time they understand consequences, so i don't think it's something they will do often unless its absolutely necessary.
Know what is best for you and have the will to do it.
"Can I get the metro without a ticket? Are the chances of me getting caught low enough? I will do it!"
Yeah, well.
Of course the person would have to want to get on the metro too, and want to cheat the system. Being an egoist doesn't mean just doing shit for the hell of it.
just act like kanye west
It's like a pedophile who rapes children.
If not paying ticket will benefit you, why pay ticket?
Because you understand that if you do not eventually there will be no trains or perhaps because it is not within your nature to cheat.
Act like a nigger (but don't get caught)
Well, if I see that the ticket's price is too high for me, why should I pay it? Mass transit could be getting paid by taxes. Why have tickets?
If I can use my 1.40€ for something else and using them for a ticket would not allow me to have said something else, and the chances of me getting caught are low enough, why should I pay ticket?
Because you're not a child and even though you know the transport system ought to be managed otherwise, you do not actively damage it nor passively promote its damage. As a reasonable adult, you would rather work on making the system functioning in the way you believe is the most correct.
Then obviously you can't and the question of whether or not you should is irrelevant.
Good point. Is that the system that is implemented though?
Because you want to.
If you don't then obviously don't do it, but being an egoist does not mean becoming a super-rational actor, it simply means living according to your own values and will to power.
You can not defeat such logic, with such logic.
Which is why we don't operate solely on game theory.
my values will benefit me, and i can disregard them at will.
So, if i want to pay the ticket I will, but only because it benefits me as in I don't have to be anxious about being found without it. Otherwise, fuck trains, fuck the economy, fuck everyone I'm not paying.
I do whatever I want to that I feel I can get away with. I acknowledge everyone else has the ability to do the same, so there's a general level of respect for consequences of my actions.
Generally I see morality as something where the burden of proof is on the moralist to show me why going out of my way to do something outside my own will is necessarily good for everyone. I can respect movements that want to improve things for everyone, because I'm included in that.
If any substantive damage happens to the train system, then I'd consider this a win because everyone would be compelled to address it. Paying into the system and bitching about it isn't going to stop anything.
This sounds a lot like the end of Man From Underground.
The journey of the "egoist'
I am an egoist walking down to get a hotdog…for my own interest.
I bump into an africa-american basketball gentleman.
The african-american basketball demands a handsome fee for that bump.
I promptly give the money to him….for my own interest because I would be beaten up otherwise.
torch police cars, fuck bitches
Actually that's quite a good position, though it should only be used in case of last necessity. The train system might as well be closed for a decade, only to reopen with stricter controls, which is the opposite of what you wanted.
Kanye West is a 1%er. He's only egotistical because he has money
Just fight him you chickenshit
i mean yeah we can make up bizarre scenarios and just talk about those I guess
Welcome to /liberty/
You don't its ahistorical bs, the only good egoism is rejecting it and reading Nietzsche instead.
Also doing things only in terms of mutual interest is a fucking superficial existence, the truth to is that communism/anarchism will probably make your life worse if you are in the first world (at least in terms of convenience and consumption).
That said crime is hot, and more people should do it. Capitalism endorses it and carves out markets for its use, take advantage of it if you can, it beats working.
I don't see egotism as full throttle hedonism and sociopathy. I believe the egotist's first and most important job is introspection. Hedonists often fill a bottomless pit with excessive consumption, at the expense of others, thinking "morals a spook lol!". But the reality is, a person only has so much control over what gives them pleasure, and that the only reason to live, to strive for more, to do as one wills, is because it grants a sense of joy and fulfillment.
Personally, I have the urge to fap furiously each and every day. There's the search for new and exciting material, seeing what content best titillates, and finally the climax. Then it's over, all joy and fulfillment is lost, and I realize I've wasted my time on temporary entertainment that rarely grants fond memories. All my favorite, most valued moments are to do with personal accomplishments and helping people whom like to do the same. Thus, while some might think an egotist should do as he pleases in the moment, an egotist would best serve himself by doing what would please him best.
Of course, not everybody is the same, I take great pleasure from creation, cooperation, time spent alone, and gaining knowledge. If somebody else never looks back on time spent with others as pleasurable, then, as an egotist, it is not in their best interest to do so. If it bothers me that dining and dashing will perhaps cost a waitress her wage, I will not do so, but were I not to care, I would.
I think the overall philosophy of egotism is to know what grants you the greatest satisfaction, consider how it would affect your satisfaction in other areas, and strive for it.
Do you really care about laws intrinsically? Do you think it will, or care otherwise, about how breaking said laws may affect anything you particularly care for? Is there a reasonable chance of success, and is it worth the effort? Your choice, do as you please.