Winning? (((datamining)))
Why do low T faggots hate
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Provoking mudslimes into attacking kikes….and this is bad how? (((datamining))) stay mad soyboy
back to leftypol buddi
Trump is such a fat fuck. look at that belly, holly shit. how can he even have sex? (((datamining))) like…how? (((datamining))) it baffles me. when was the last time he looked down and was able to see his own cock? (((datamining)))
Trump is nothing but a fat lazy cunt trust fund baby. He's so hillarious.
He's more shallow than the average western woman.
I'm a little piggy, here's my snout. oik oink oink
ahahah look at that, a fat lazy old cunt. so pathetic
He's not even as fat as the average American male. Anyways, attacking someone over their body type is pretty weak sauce. It's like calling him a manlet or whatever, totally pointless.
I agree with everything else you said.
test test test
If it wasn't for his wealthy daddy Trump would have never got to where he is.
If it wasn't for that i bet he would be dead by now after spending the last 20 years of his life as a homeless in New York city ahahah. He's so fat, dumb and useless.
Apparently his wife barely interacts with him. But did you see the dance they did together? (((datamining))) That was some cringey shit.
t. manlet
such win. this is you in 1 year OP.
maybe he was better off with this norweigan girl.
But isn't that just about everything he said? (((datamining))) Or are you autistic enough to believe adhoms are agruments? (((datamining)))
But how will he have a gun if they're made illegal? (((datamining)))
Athiests: 3
Bhuddists : 0
imagine being this retarded
you know if you niggers would stop lying maybe people wouldn't hate you so much.
worshiping a dead kike on a stick …….you sir suck cock
Sure showed us. Islam has no power in Europe anyways. There are state Churches in Europe, there are no state Mosques.
>supporting the bumpstock ban
take a look at what the jewish fags are proposes in the way of "gun control legislation".
gg. semi autos will be banned. can't trade, sell, manufacture, or anything. confiscation soon.
Bump stock aren't guns
banning features of a gun is okay because it isn't a gun, therefore it doesn't violate the 2nd amendment.
t. trumpcuck
lmao you legitimately support the ATF, zog, and fucking brady campaign gun control
Muslims-We plan on taking over Europe through mass migration.
Delusional leftist-Islam is a religion of peace don't be racist.
P.S they said the same thing about the U.S in 64…..they lied.
imagine losing your mind because trump did a complete 180 on you, betrayed the NRA, his son (jr), and his voterbase.
but you t_Drones will still suck his dick.
Leftypol makes false claim…..herr derr you guys is da reddit……keep sucking that dick retard
Are you okay user? (((datamining)))
It's funny because America has no state churches and Islam has completely failed to make any kind of penetration in America. They only go to Europe because it's easy. But most of them still have to go back eventually, worst-case scenario or not
not gonna datamine me faggot.
I'm talking about the immigration act of 64 stupid you know when the U.S was a white super majority and they said the polices wouldn't change that…..holy shit you're fucking stupid.
Literally all that changed was Mexicans flooded America. Even the number of blacks in America is dropping because they have a negative replacement rate like whites.
God damn i hate so much that my country is a NATO member and colony. Fuck…i can't stand americunts, i just can't. black, white, jew, brown, whatever…they all seem like their useless fag of a president.
When the cunt said he was going to end with NATO i was thrilled. Holy fucking shit! a US president is going to give indepedence to my beautiful country. Fucking cunt. Never trust an american. We must kill them all. Fucking all
Ikr. That's like saying because a silencer is illegal or incredibly small barrel lengths are outlawed in a state or country therefore they are illegal or are going to become illegal in a short amount of time. A stock is an extension of a riffle not apart of the mechanisms required to fire a riffle.
Crisis Actor - David Hogg
They already were, when you shitposted on the internet the merchant meme. Weak excuse.
Christians dont have it, cuckboy.
after the announcement they immediately increased
1488D chess, I bet
Did we really have a choice? (((datamining))) Another Clinton or Bush in the White House? (((datamining))) No thanks.
Was Trump being ironic when he shat all over his support base? (((datamining)))
>Another Clinton or Bush in the White House? (((datamining)))
Or Cruz
Or Kasich
Or Rubio
Or Sanders
Or Carson
Or Christie
Or Perry
Or Fiorna
Or O'Malley
Or Webb
Or Walker
Or Pawlenty
But no, It was just Bush, Clinton, or Trump, and you just happened to choose the TV conman because no reasons.
? (((datamining)))
Hard to tell when Holla Forums exemplifies Poe's Law.
I've never fired with a bump stock, I've only seen descriptions of how they work
can you aim at anything whith them? are they useful for anything than spraypainting a porch or walkway while drive-bying in a stolen cab?
"watches cuckold porn"
"attacks trump"
"watches cnn"
Should make an averageap of meduim n high scenerio since the pew saod thats the most likely scenerio
They shpuld add a nonwhite map too an age breakdown
Mega cancer
I’m not voting for him again next time. Not building the wall, gun control and his kike romance are unacceptable.
Retarded faggots like you really should be gassed tbh
Walls being funded…illegal immigration already down 40%……no gun control dummy…..and he's playing the kikes like a fiddle.
Europe does not count demographics by race like America does. That's why I always find it rather funny when Europeans play the goblin card when we don't actually know the true racial makeup of Europe. In Europe we only know about 2 percent of the population is non-European which isn't helpful at all because straight up niggers from Africa can get citizenship and be considered European as far as the census goes. We can only infer it with religious graphs and such
At least American census' has the decency to break down Americas demographics by race so we actually know what groups are replacing what. It's how we know the nigger population is actually dropping because blacks have a negative replacement rate like whites while Mexicans are taking over
And how many of our troops have been sent to Israel? (((datamining))) You are one low I.Q goo gobbler.
Yeah ok, Peter
MAGA MAGA MAGA based josh must see this