Rejoice my Aryan brothers. Trum will run for re-election
Rejoice my Aryan brothers. Trum will run for re-election
>you'll vote for me again, right? (((datamining)))
Better than having a democrat again
Oh nu/pol/. Never change.
I'd prefer a repuplican with a higher IQ
No wall, no Hillary investigation, gun control, no re-election
His bloodline is almost entirely jewed, it doesn't get more anti-aryan than that
What will you do when democrats inevitably get into the white house again? (((datamining)))
What else? (((datamining)))
everyone knew that since 2016, he registered his campaign first week in office for some bizarre law that changes the rules for running candidates when it comes to slander and there's no specification how early one can start running.
Hey, he still has about 2 1/2 years to go and hopefully another 4 years. Then after him, Mike Pence another 8 years. Trump has done a lot that i want. I like getting a Supreme Court Justice in and he may get another soon or later. Then there is the tax cut, that started in February. That is saving me about $30 a week x 4 weeks x 11 months = $1,320 for this year. So thank you Trump!
? (((datamining)))
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? (((datamining)))
like that stops the media from making shit up…(((sarcasm)))
This article is from over a year ago
It also seems to be satire. That or it's poorly written
I know dysnomia will hate me for doing this, but please see pic related. If anyone ever claims that shilling isn't real, they they are a shill themselves.
that was all me tbh
I'd prefer someone… ANYONE with a higher IQ and common sense.
Doesn't matter from which party, just stop voting anti-science dipshits into leading roles.
i dont get it… someone posts a couple of times about trump, so now it's proof of shilling conspiracy? (((datamining)))
heh… is there a javascript thing now that adds datamining to my posts…? (((datamining)))
testing again
test ? (((datamining)))
Get out
This is yet another symptom of nu/pol/'s psychosis. They seem trends when there aren't any, enemies in everyone and themselves with baseless claims. Everyone's a shill or a crises actor, except their precious mods and Gawd Emprah. It's pretty pathetic. You don't see anything in that pic because there is nothing to see. It's a random selection of threads in an image cap. But don't tell nu/pol/ that, they'll accuse you of being shareblue fake news.
And to follow up on this, look at nu/pol/'s memes. They're completely stuck in late 2016, they haven't had anything new or fresh since. They're literally in their very own time capsule. "It's Okay to be White" could've been great, but then they did nothing with it and went with an infinitely lamer meme that never took off.
Either you're new here or or a dumb jew who hasn't read the divide and conquer handbook handed out by our kike mods
Old stale meme, smh.
Why do Trump supporters love corny shit like this? (((datamining)))
I'd be fine with Trump as president for another 4 years but this sort of imagery is a cultural curiosity to me. Is it a lack of self awareness? (((datamining)))