Oh look, Trump was right again
CNN Fake News
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You think its sad this day in age people need to be shown a video of a secret meeting that news companies are a business to realize something they should've known all along?
Come on man, it's not made by a Russian Pixar.
Holly fuck every media and news network has some kind of agenda
Colour me surprised.
I mean you people are supposed to be adults, you should know that every news site has an ageda and you should be able to differentiate between real news and opinions
You're right, it's not even that
The issue is that liberals deny their bias and claim that they give objective info. They later claim that you're a conspiracy theorizing looney for stating that they're opinionated people who plan in private.
Ans people buy it 100%, it's insane.
American news outlets manufacture news though, it's not just opinion pieces or shilling but often straight up lying about what's going on. There's a difference between having your news coloured by the political allegiance of the network but when they start to just make shit up that's kind of a different things. Americans now have their own Pravda, which will print anything the establishment wants.
eww cringe
You leftists suck at emulating Holla Forums.
Shouldn't there be some e-celeb thread you should be shitting up in?
Im not leftist
Sure you aren't.
Im fact i have been banned from Holla Forums for being "reactionary"
That's just their word for faggot, doesn't mean anything. If you think Trump is a part of the establishment you're either a leftist playing dumb or genuinely dumb, not sure which is worse.
Im not even american
But (((trump))) = president
President = establishment
Even though he was elected president the same old establishment remains, you dummy. He might eventually form a new one that will supplant the old and I sincerely hope he does but as it stands right now he has to fight his own party to get anything done. When Trump has a network to print his own fake news, the almost universal support of the culture class and his own assassins like Obama or Shillary had then he will be leading a new establishment. Right now he's a rodeo clown that has somehow managed to bully the elites into making fools out of themselves. The elites/establishment hates him still, even more than during the election.
I elected Trump and he can get impeached for all I care, fuck him
According to TwitterAudit.com, nearly fifty percent of the followers on CNN’s verified Twitter account are fake.
Of CNN’s millions of followers on their verified Twitter account, over 17 million or 48 percent are fake, according to TwitterAudit.
According to TwitterAudit, the site determines the quality and score of real and fake followers by taking “a sample of up to 5000 (or more, if you subscribe to Pro) Twitter followers for a user and calculates a score for each follower. This score is based on number of tweets, date of the last tweet, and ratio of followers to friends.”
TwitterAudit states that these results are not definitive but do provide insight into whether or not a Twitter account gained followers through illegitimate means: “We use these scores to determine whether any given user is real or fake. Of course, this scoring method is not perfect but it is a good way to tell if someone with lots of followers is likely to have increased their follower count by inorganic, fraudulent, or dishonest means.”
In comparison, Breitbart New’s verified Twitter account has a TwitterAudit rating of 96 percent.
BOOM! CNN Producer Admits Network Hyping 'Bullshit' Trump-Russia Scandal for Ratings
WATCH!: youtube.com
DOWNLOAD: a.pomf.space
BOOM! CNN Political Commentator Van Jones Admits Witch Hunt Against Trump
WATCH: youtube.com
DOWNLOAD: fast-files.com
Oy vey, slide this slide this!
Sure you did big guy.
I did I'm two for two, I only pick winners, Obama in 12 and Trump in 16.
I almost feel sorry for the Clinton News Network tbh. The only wanted ratings but got so much harassment and hate from Internet virgin and the Stormfront startup Breitbart. Why do porkies have to be such bullies? Where's your free speech advocates now?
I'm for free speech, but I'm not for propaganda masquerading as facts.
The establishment make articles about how Trump is going to kill us all because their demographic would stop watching if they said "actually things aren't that bad"
So you voted for Trump, want him impeached so he gets replaced by Pence? Is your only goal to make Liberals cry in agony?
t. guy who watches (((Fox News))) and listens to (((Rush Limbaugh)))
Many Fox Anchors openly support Republican candidates and tell you who they are voting for.
A bit different from Trump is literally hitler and we have no bias.
Many CNN Anchors openly support Democrat candidates and tell you who they are voting for.
Does that suddenly make them not shit?
nise dry drupper puppers, dads wun hel ubba falzfglab
it makes them more objective than someone with 24/7 russia coverage with no proof at all.
Please play poker with me. I need a easily fleeced sucker at the table.
They tried to warn us…..
Nobody listened
did the drumpff shitposter die already?
sounded like he was beyond having libtard chronic analblast stroke in some posts
still triggered we stole it, aren't you?
he's the producer of CNN health and has fuck all to do with running Trump stories. plus the investigator is probably a 10/10 twink who told him he's dtf but anti-Trump guys aren't his type, guy's just bullshitting to get his dick sucked. all in all it's fucking nothing, get some footage of the learned elders of Zion at Bohemian Grove plz.
The MSM really makes you think.
He literally talked about the producer meetings he was in and what his collegues are saying. Are you going to wait until the CNN CEO calls a press conference and says "News is a Business"?
Fuck man, I don't even know what to say anymore.
what, you didn't vote for a war in Syria? what are you, a cuck?
Really gets your mind going
CUCK = AFRICAN SUPREMACIST (alternatively big black cock worshiper)
I'm fucking dying, how could the be so wrong about all of this?
A fucking Google search of these terms could lead them to their UD pages that explain what they actually mean.
I mean holy shit, it's short for cuckold/cuckquean (depends on whether the cuck in question is a man or a woman, respectively), a chubby chaser is a guy who wants fat chicks.
This isn't internet slang either, the term dates back hundreds of years.
Ain't that the truth :^)
I have a strong feeling this is fake.
I can't find the supposed report anywhere else, not only that but "alt-right frog cult"? That sounds like something somebody from 4/pol/ would write.
I'm not quite able to wrap my head around geopolitics but why does the BBC support ISIS and Islamic terrorists? What do they get out of it?
You clearly didn't look very hard.
The entire report is even funnier.
user, please. That's clearly not a real report.
It's not edited at all like how MSNBC edit their reports and besides these videos I haven't found any evidence they ever aired this.
There's nothing on their site, their channel, no archives, nothing.
I wanna believe, damn it.
Posts get stuck on 100% and then dont even register as your posts again, fucking codemonkey.
All these coincidences
Because it destabilises society and divides your audience by subtly planting contrary ideas in their minds, duh.
I never knew that "grow up and be an adult" meant "don't do anything about shit that's going on".
he probably got six million hours of CNN higher ups expressing legitimate concern about muh russia, but showing you that will not make him any money
What are you basing your assumption on?
I JUST can not believe the ratings are this low, what the fucking HELL is those goddamn weaboos and their WAIFUSHIT again? I wish Russia was not an hologram and could just nuke everything in sight.
Common sense and the fact that he won't release unedited footage and gives zero fucks about deceptive editing
It's always some embarrassing statement from some Joe Blowberg middle manager, he can e.g. get some DNC minion to say they bus illegals but he can't find any footage of actual verified illegal voters getting bussed. Many such cases. SAD!!
A worthless leftist tactic to deny facts in front of their eyes.
All the same shit. Even if totally unedited footage was released, it would be tl;dw to them just like the CNN tapes were. There isn't a shred of intellectual honesty in any of the bawling about editing that you cocksuckers do.
More likely a shill. There's talk of CNN being shut down because it's become such a liability. If so the damage control is too little too late. Credibility is not just gone there's so much resentment even MSNBC is turning on them so they don't get swallowed up in the shit storm. It's a fantasic meltdown to watch. I've been as hard as diamonds for days. Should probably go to the ER.
Who will play CNN in the inevitable film?
You'd think they'd shut down MSNBC first.
I don't get this complaint, all footage is edited. Is a nature documentary fake because it cuts into a close up shot? Come on.
the media is too useful as a propaganda arm, even if it lost money, losing it would just create a vacuum for a new media organization to take up the propoganda role.
Look at the salt… oh gawd, THE SALT!
Yes, we. You know, the people on the right side of history.
Isn't everyone on the right side of history considering progressives keep sliding left and progress down all the way to hell? The liberal leftist of today are the most staunch conservatives of tomorrow.
I'm still not tired of winning.
And neither of getting quads, I suppose. Nice.
It's actually brilliant, when you look at it - if they complain about how Trump is promoting "violence" against CNN, all Trump has to do is point out that it's "fake violence" - ringing perfectly with the "fake news" angle he's trying to highlight. I mean, who else but small children and autistic people like Spoony really think wrestling is real?
being a serf is not freedom