American Gods

Has anyone actually watched this shit? It's the most blatant propaganda show to ever exist. Apparently it is doing pretty good in the ratings. The main character is a nigger who was married to a white girl, she then dies and he has to struggle through his life. Then there are weird random scenes of muslims having gay sex with each other. It's like a David Lynch film if he was a SJW.

Just watch this scene, it is Jesus walking on water and pushing the Mexicans to cross the border. The thing is, after this happens, Jesus is killed by a bunch of rednecks picking off the border hoppers with rifles. I couldn't find the full scene on Jewtube because it was probably deleted.

It was created by a faggot. Of course it's evil.

There's thousands of beaners named Jesus. Your point is?


Hey Holla Forums

It's a bit less ridiculous in context. Beliefs create deities, so every branch of Christianity has it's own Christ. If enough illegals believe Jesus has their back, The Mexican Jesus who helps illegals to cross the border poofs into existance.
That's not to say the show isn't full of poz though.

Not even close.

Did Gaiman steal that Pratchett?

Fuck off Holla Forums




I want to fuck Gillian Anderson

Odin's cool.

I wish we could pick off border hoppers with rifles without the feds fucking us in the ass :(

t.Cletus Bumblefuck

Belief creating and empowering entities is an ancient concept present in philosophy and theology alike.

That's more a pic of a midwesterner, matey, such camo wouldn't work to well in the southwest/south.

I live in west texas not far from the border. I assure you, if you had to deal with illegal beanpeople day in and day out you'd feel *exactly* the same way.


I'll have you know I live in an upper middle class neighbourhood, and my Mexican maid is lovely. Maybe try not being such a bigot. smh.

This was on r/Christianity, only went because it was relevant to a thread once; reddit is fucking awful and I don't understand how anyone can take it for even a minute, unless there's some unknown subreddit that isn't complete sewage.

I wish faggots like you who don't know what the fuck they're talking about would eat shit and die in a fire.

That's not what Neil Gaiman has in the book, or are you a faggot with poor reading comprehension?

Nah, that's the premise of the book and probably the show, don't know, didn't watch. It's why it's called American Gods. There is a Mr Wednesday, for example, who is like an American Odin, only has a little power, because Americans know who Odin is, but don't worship him. He gets a power-up on Wednesdays because the day is named after him. There is also a Scandinavian Odin in Iceland who wanders around picking through trash.

So you're saying that Neil Gaiman believes/wrote about that?
It was clear to me that YOU were saying that, that that was what YOU believed.

Thank you!


I have a fujoshi friend who watches it just for the gay sex scenes.

1)I'm not the same user
2) I understood him to be talking about the book/show ('in context'). You didn't, because
3) you're a retard.

Like any of you fags will ever write anything better. HBO is taking some liberties I see. Most of this shit you guys posted did not happen in the book. Neil Gaiman is phenomenal writer, and although I do not like him as a person, to deny the quality of his works would be absolutely asinine. You morons are hating on him simply because he wrote one book with black MC, and some shitty HBO interpretation.

Do yourself a favor and go read his work. Even his short stories are top tier. My personal favorite being the one is the one when a man dies and goes to hell. He is tortured physical and mentality by demon resembling a mutilated corpse until he himself is nothing more than a corpse. Then the demon leaves, and he is alone in his torture chamber. The door opens and he sees himself enter the room. He then realizes what he must do, a never ending cycle where he must punish himself. One of the most terrifying and memorable short stories I have ever read. I believe he won an award for it.

Really makes you (not you though) think.

user, I'm sorry to say but you're a goddamn imbecile.


You know coraline is about ritual child abuse, right?

Neil Gaiman is a mediocre writer and American Gods was dull trash. It took an interesting concept and did absolutely nothing with it.

Gayman is another trustfunder who got famous because his parents knew all the right people. They're multimillionaire Scientologists, the family has Jewish roots.

you need to read better writers

the muslim/djinn sex scene is in american gods, and when I read it I kept waiting for it to be a dream/joke something

no, it's gay sex scene

neil gaiman is a homosexual

That's just one interpretation, and that doesn't make it any less good. Great book and film.

Do you not see the see the hypocrisy of your post? If we are going to judge people's success by their parents wealth and jewish ties, I guess all of Trump's accomplishments are moot too.

Why don't you go back to sniffing your wife's hairy armpits, Neil?

100% poz the post

That's the premise of the show ya genius

Neil Gaiman took care of that. He proudly endorsed a boycott of white male authors. Easy for him, since he's famous and successful, not so great for a guy starting out. But then that was the point.

He sucks and so do you. Fuck you and your pleb tastes.

It's a bit of a theme for him, he sees them as gods. Notice the racemixing propaganda on the cover too. Also: the book sucked.

Neil stahp

Thankfully negated your shitty GET

that as may be, gaiman clearly read Small Gods, forgot about it, and then years later used it as the basis of every 'original' idea he's had

this show is too smart for you

sloppy 2nds 4 u
