Can you guys tell me some babykino?

Can you guys tell me some babykino?

there is none. babies are useless.

They're the future you bigot baby racist.

who cares?


judging from how ass backwards society has become thanks to the jews and the freakazoid mentally ill they have cultivated ( fags/trannies/furries/SJWs) there is no future.

like 1.something% of people? A lot more? Still doesn't really affect babies, they actual can adopt babies that don't have homes even

same thing? Not too many, but I think this type of shit was around during the Greek days and Roman empire

i think whoever succumbed to that was doomed no matter what by whatever

Who isn't a SJW at this point, your post is technically SJWing

Pls don't advocate pedophilia on this board, we're against such kikewood practices here. Kids are not for fucking.

A Serbian Film


Mai-chan's Daily Life.

Ideological subversion for you:


That baby discrimination.

I know you think you have an argument but you don't


Stop projecting your fake argument complex on that user. SJWism is just as much about the values (subversion) as the method. Indeed, they do have a certain cult like structure to their hierarchies and ideology, doesn't mean that all cults are SJWist.

Having values =/= being SJW

Equating healthy standards with mentally ill rejects that are divorced from reality, jewish subversion at work.


I didn't even think you were a redditor but thanks for proving you have no point


meant for (You)

Let me guess, you think Feminists don't have values? And you think you can discern right from wrong?

Having strong opinions and whining does not an SJW make. SJW's are people who not only whine about their opinions but try to radicalize their views on people, change laws, getpeople fired from their job for having differing views, etc.

Holla Forums does not equal Holla Forums

Feminists don't have any true values at all. Even for a basic bitch ideology it's too filled with internal contradictions for anyone to make any sense out of it. And yes, I do know right from wrong, I'm not a dumb relativist cuck.

Get some self awareness, feminism is just a word

Yes. They need to be leftwing though.

I also do those things you describe. (But I have to be very subtle about it.) Except I do it to trannies, obnoxious gays, and niggerghettotrash. Etc.etc.etc. So you see. That does not make me an sjw though. Although an SJW would call me a bigot. But I don't really care about that now do I.

Someone asked Emma Watson on twitter what it means to be a feminist and she responded to them saying to include women in conversation and activity, simply that. I think she's right, you don't even want women on this board.

Or maybe it was how they could be a feminist I dont remember but she said it would be doing that in everyday life.

Here we go relativism time to pull out the Yard-mall-lukes.
Yes easily there are ideas that are superior to others and allow for society to thrive and advance and then there are destructive ones that lead to decay and ruin. This is why murderers are locked up you lunatic.
It is an observable fact that some people/races, ideas, cultures, etc. are better than others.Your talmudic-Feminism/fag enabling is a weaponized destabilizing ideology meant to lower birth rates, alienate and disunity the first world (see Sweden or Psyop white papers).
That being said Feminism does nothing to actual help women it only ensures that they remain bitter and angry until they die or leave the movement.

And "I fucked your grandmother" is a just a phrase.

Your mother and grandmothers and future offspring if you have any will all be feminists

Women have only been able to vote for 60 years and you are still triggered by them banding together

The world is run by men, time to let the world be run by women.

And the word refers to a moronic ideology that is destroying the West.

The SJW will also call you a racist/sexist while they themselves remain politically correct racist or sexist

There is no west, there never was, every single moment in human history has been controlled shit

Holla Forumsacks call them cucks because thats exactly what they are, regardless if it's become a pathetic identifier for sjw themselves.


Mother and Grandmother were not feminist because they lived in far better times & were happier than modern women as a result.

It wouldn't matter if that's the case as it would ensure the extinction of the west and its collapse.

Which is why the west is now in ruins. Although women getting to vote I consider a lesser evil than that of the sham of democracy itself.

Even with your delusions you admit a truth women need to ask for permission from men to lead. Sweden is a feminist paradise when are you immigrating there?

Yes the greatest civilization that humans created never existed……. ridiculous
The west was until 1945. Afterwards is when the anti-nation state,anti-white culture , white extinction propaganda was introduced into the west.

Feminists can have strong family values you are cucked by Holla Forums as is evident with your pictures, you have never met an honest woman in your life because you havent met any at all

pic related to feminism (part of the reason why they are so ugly).

They got the franchise in 1919 in my country. America. So its been nearly 100 years.

It's satire you dumb fuck

Niggers in america voted before women

I suppose if its not "harry potter" you people never read it.

They can't subversion of natural norms only breads weaker men and mal adjusted women.

This thread about suppose to about babies, not people being ignorant about who sjw are wrong…

SJW are always wrong.

Plenty of feminists have strong family values, want to be mothers and respect their fathers and the importance of tatherhood.



They also had the first, (and hopefully last) non white male president. (Although Obongo was half white)

Although. I don't say this to disrespect women. I like them. They're A-ok in my book. Most of the time.

I'm not so sure honestly, many leftist think exactly like that. You cannot satirise the left anymore because reality will always one up you. Wyatt Mann cartoons are actually quite mild even considering what's going on in different institutions now. Leftism keeps becoming a hyperbole version of itself. They call it progress.

They they are not feminist or you have a poor understanding of the word respect.

Then rather

That would be in spite of their ideology, not due to it.

Nope you're wrong, you have cognitive dissonance as well m8, the "main infamous vocal" feminist is for equality and she has championed her father and talked about the recent lack of importance placed on fatherhood and how its wrong, plus has talked about mens mental health and suicide, while saying she cant wait to be a mom and was brought up valuing her core family as it is all that matters to her.

user, come on…their whole goal is remove those values, they may have families that are conservative and that they respect but that doesn't change what they're deluded into believing. It's like the communists who live in capitalist societies. The majority of them hate families, they hate motherhood and especially fatherhood.

Oh, you're that Emma Watson faggot again.

That's complete bullshit and its the worst of the bunch making you think all of them are like that.

Threadly Reminder

This Is Babby Kino Thread!


Lets complain about women who identify as feminists thread #6,000,000

Good day.

She did the film Noah for a reason, she did Regression and played a false rape accuser for a reason, etc she isn't evil and doesnt have a narrow point of view. Not that you have noticed, but you've memed, memed about her speech when I dont think you even read it.

Not that user, but you're tactics are the equivalent of niggers chimping out when they are upset.

I don't think there is any baby kino

Is this Baby Kino?

Women that have kids and are married usually adopt the ideology of the father (nature of women). Assuming the father is not some nu-male faggot.

Wrong feminist want an end to men however retarded that idea is it is what they want. Every so often on of their jewesses goes on a rant or writes shit, abuses an "ebil" boy child or something which makes headlines.
Which can never be because Men and women are not equal. This will always result in women not being happy, men not being happy ,and less families as a result.

I think this is moreso something of the older generation and couple would usually have the same ideology anyways. Nowadays sure it happens but women stick to their opinions


This is baby kino.

Incorrect. This has remained unchanged, you can't change human nature it will forever mess up your false ideas of equality.

Also women are inconsistent & contradictory with their ideas from one sentence to the next. As they are emotional creatures rather than rational ones.
This is even alluded to by this attempt here to show that feminists "respect" men and families despite demonstrable evidence of their hatred for both as well as their recorded efforts to upend and destroy both:

Who is this 'women' you're referring too? Women are different m8. I mean there's some things you can say about them in generalities. Not all that you said though.

That's a blast from the past

I don't know about baby. But this is kid kino.

Women as a whole which like any animal follow certain behavior patterns. Individualistic traits don't override basic biologically programed patterns.

Japanese is better than US sub.

Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers

Best Into of All Times!


Adventures Of The Gummi Bears

US dub rather

Beast wars

Are you an animal user? Or are you a man? Is a woman an animal? Or is she a potential m'lady? Think about it. Really get the noggin joggin.

humans are animals.

There's your mistake kiddo.

Man is far removed from mere animal.

Watch embed related.
It might help. Maybe. In some small way.

You're not entirely wrong about women being biological. Duh. Guess what that means your job is user? Since you're so into science. Be in good shape, hold down a steady fulltime job of some sort. Find some cool hobbies. And approach women and show off what you're made of. You think a lady woodpeckers wants a male that doesn't peck away? Make your pecker strong. Peck and peck away. Then show off your pecker user.

Because they're annoying as fuck, can't go a minute without attention whoring and keep reminding everyone how much of a girl they are when it's not relevant to whatever's being discussed.
If some girl could manage to avoid doing that and blend in then no one would really care. Plus no one's actually stopping them from posting, just calling out an attention whore for being an attention whore. It's like someone saying that they don't feel included because another person called them a faggot.

Why do you guys dislike this movie? i thought it was okay, but i have really low standards.

You're supposed to discern right and wrong based on facts not 'beliefs', nigger.

Even a fucking child has better reading comprehension skills than you.