On Slavoj Zizek?
What is Holla Forums's opinion
he's a faggot and fraud, shittalking retard, absolute trash
no wonder anarchists are sucking his dick so hard
He's pretty cool fam
there are people on this board who will defend this faggot on this
please kill yourself anytime
he's a lunatic, has more in common with >>>/fringe/ than Holla Forums
Chomsky pls
you don't have to be chomsky to dislike idpol shit
pick one
Is this a troll?
The people that criticize him probably don't understand him
Still not seeing the idpol, fam.
he identified himself as a hegelian marxist
Truly the quintessential leftypol
This is your brain on the cynical ideology.
So, what I can gauge from this, is that we have a couple of Holla Forumsacks on here who did quick Google searches of Zizek, read his Wikipedia article and thought his areas of focus sounded esjewy
You don't ned to be a Holla Forumsack to dislike a hack
Zizek isn't that confusing, you're just an idiot.
in fact, all leftist ideologies are idpols, since class counciousness is an identity.
Then it's only fair that all right ideologies are idpol because ownership of private property is an identity.
is a meme you dip
ownership of private property is not a identity, it's just a common basic right.
checkmate damn commiecuck.
I honestly think that part of the reason why he tries so hard to be shocking, why he's so prolific and obsure in his writing is that he's literally trying to be Hegel and have a school of revolutionary followers and then a bunch of reactionary followers on the other side.
"Look here: he literally said that Stalin and Hitler weren't violent enough"
"Ya. But clearly this chicken joke that he used for the 100th time clearly says we need communism"
"Ya. But he says here we need a ton of alienation too; right next to where he says fuck democracy and multiculturalism."
tankiddies BTFO
/thread, zizkek is a pretentious faggot and a loser
Really? I thought he was a Reformist Marxist (lol) like papa Wolff and Varoufakis
No. This is part of the reason why he constantly unironically calls himself a Stalinist. But it's funny because it's so outlandish!
Since when is Varouf marxist???
He's a Marxist economist, like Wolff.
Then it's reddit
Proof that you're shitty triggered Holla Forumsyps.
Sort of. It is a valid criticism for many leftist philosophies but not all. Many communist revolutions have turned the oppressors into the oppressed and created a new class of oppressors in their place. This motivates some people to be anarchists or others to argue for a government based more on human rights and equality than on class consciousness.
Lol. R u serious?
He triggers leddit commie LARPers so that's good enough for me to like him.
Not all of his stuff is bad when he's not tripping on acid going full Hegel/Lacan. First as Tragedy was good, Violence was okay tier. I've got sublime object but I'm afraid to read it lest I go mad from whatever arcane scribblings are inside.
Noam Chomsky was red pilled on feminism on the brink of the third wave, but tbh I think he's an absolute retard
I'm trying to read sublime object and just working trough the introduction where he goes full Hegel/Kant, Althusser was painful but i will keep doing.
even if you disagree with his conclusions and/or analysis, he has immensely valuable insight into the way in which modern day, late capitalist ideology functions.
also i think he intentionally plays into a lot of the "oooh wow look zizek said ____, he's sooooo crazy", maybe he even exaggerates some of his tics. he's not stupid, he likes to be controversial and he knows its good for his PR and for selling books
Identities in postmodern society are freely chosen. The free play of masks, as Jameson would put it. Class, however, is not chosen.
Bait is reaching new heights
The false flagging is getting ridiculous.
He is Holla Forums's patron saint.
My hero
His countryman here.
He's an idiot.
And yes he's as ununderstandable in his native language as he is is english.
Have you never seen Zizek talk about European culture? Maybe you guys are trying too hard with this stuff.
This can't be the only difference. You also don't choose your skin color or your sexuality. What is the actual difference between those than your economic class.
Most criticism I've heard of him is that he's dumb and stupid. I've heard leftists trash him but I haven't come across any articles or whatever.
I kek'd. Since you're ESL: use "unintelligible" rather than "ununderstandible" in future.
I'm a bit disappointed that most people in this thread clearly have no respect for madmen.
i wish i could be friends with him irl. he seems like a really good bloke
as a public persona i think he needs to work on his speeches and presentations. doesn't come across great
Yes, all the time? Culture being a part of ideology, ideology being one of his main points of interest.
Nietzsche critiqued European culture. Most people who've travelled frequently about the continent do…
I like him. Combining his ideas of how unconscious ideology influences our views w/ Foucault's discourse analysis is a great despooking tool tbh.
That flag should be replaced with "Read Zizek" or "Read Stirner".
continental philosophy is trash
In this progressive age, you can be a transsexual unicorn and everybody clapped
Papa Wolff is not opposed to revolution at all he often hints that when reform fails the only way is violent revolt
Sure showed him.
Foucault didn't even liked psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis is bullshit
Sure showed me.
Well Chomsky's a fucktard, so