with the recent leaks about how pozzilla gathers userdata to prevent hate speech and wrongthink it becomes clear that we NEED a good and free browser.

Get to work Holla Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


Now accepting logo submissions

Do we really need 70 fucking thread about firefox? Just use one of the other ones, faggots.

Hey fam, I couldn't help but see your thread and I just wanted to stop by and say "great job". What a nice thread. It'd be great if we could have more threads like this.

Thanks, hope to see you again soon.

Just use Waterfox you dirty Chromecucks

See this:

If you're on Linux, disregard it.

because web standards are maliciously crafted to be impossible for all but the incumbents with a running start to keep up with. HTML is just OOXML that people use

there's literally 10 of them. What the fuck is this shit who keeps making them

Because browsers are a window to modern culture, and therefore something SJW scum wants to control to maintain power over said culture. Any browser that gains high enough marketshare will invariably attract marxist subversives trying to take it over.


Circlejerk threads like this one are killing the board. And newfags like you who participate instead of reporting

i wonder (((who)))

Yeah, keep posting in the shitty thread, great job, user, that was such a meaningful observation
fucking markov chains bots using thread sliding



use palemoon / TBB

simple, nigger

Brave will be good if people develop it.


There are at least two good free browsers currently going OP. Make one better if you can.

I agree, user. Ignore the crybaby leaniggers itt.

There is not a single browser that supports HTML/CSS, images, and downloads only. I am not a codefag, so I cannot do shit to help beyond usability, but I support your thread to
instead of supporting the cancer that is """modern browsers""".

KHTML is where we should start.

Why are all of you weirdos so damn insane?


We will never, NEVER be able to make a decent non-text browser. Stop trying. Implementing JS is relatively easy so I don't know why all of you think dropping automatically makes the browser viable. No, it doesn't, because you are still set on implementing CSS, which is batshit insane. No, you won't ever be able to implement CSS decently. It is THAT crazy.

Instead of attempting to do the impossible, why don't you design a new, simpler protocol, learning from the mistakes of the modern web, limiting the set of options so implementing it is more or less a breeze, and with a reduced scope, a la Gopher but not so reduced? A niche protocol we could use to revive the way the web used to be, with less people and less useless websites.

Well because adoption. Let's pretend you did that and 8ch started using it and only a single browser you implemented the protocol in used it. Now every other browser would have to implement it. Also every other site would have to start using it instead of google's shilled leet javascript/css monster of the week.

Sure performance based programmers and autists would eventually use it. But without the shilling power of someone like (((them))) you will get no where. W3C is implementing a standard for all browser to have webdrm because of jewgle. GL.


the assumption with "no data to US government maby to russian" is that the world and russians are not run by the same jewish cartel that controls the US intelligence services

what the hell is wrong with you? it's like somebody is forcing you not to use the only decent browser around. I am disappointed, Holla Forums.

It's not about making it popular, though. The browser will not implement JS anyway, so there is no way it could reach the normalfags, and it will probably be so broken only a few autists will use it to inflate their meme cred, so you end up with a similar userbase.

Well if this is just about doing it correctly then go for it. Write the browser in a safer language like rust while you are at it.

People need the option of a military grade browser that has uBlock and uMatrix built-in and un-uninstallable, running itself in a sandbox and private mode by default, and having 10+ years of support per version, and mostly unchanging UI.

"Support" means that same (security patched) version gets rebuilt over and over for new hardware and new OS.

I'd create it myself if I wasn't a retard in addition to being crazy.

Your definition of good browser is autistic as fuck. That's why you'll never find it.




Are you suggesting we recreate Netrunner?

Change the name to Netsomethingelse. No one wants this NTR shit.
I'll make the logo.

dillo and links2 both fit your description.

Netrunner is a term older than NTR and you, you primitive screwhead.

As long as it has our goddess and savior and Aqua I'm in.

You're one fat slut my dude.

B-but, user. That's the whole joke.

I would be willing to contribute monthy donations of 5 to 10 dollars to this so long as it has good shit like adblock and not giving away my personal information

Reports are not read on Holla Forums just like they are not read on any other imageboard.

Because the internet itself is now bloatware thanks to the ever expanding HTML specification.

Palemoon forked Firefof at version 24, it has almost nothing to do with Firefox today. They are almost completely different forks. It's been over a decade since they forked.



Links is pretty sort of good. works even on this shitty imageboard

Yeah, right.

What's the lightest of lightweight browsers?
Pretty much all I want are tabs, an adblock and a default theme that doesn't make my eyes bleed during nightly viewings.

People only started using NTR after japs got on the internet. WOTC's NetRunner card game was around before that, and around before Netrunner Linux.

Your attempt​ of defense is laughable.
You probably didn't know Netorare was a real word, from Netoru, and thought NTR was a meme word of today's kids.
It's literally Cuckoldry, Adultery, like, go fuck yourself.
It's even totally unoriginal, who was the retard who thought this was a good idea? Probably one of your types, all hype no skill.

Have you considered psychiatric assistance for your "BBC" obsession, Holla Forums?


Nobody had to shorten "netorare" to NTR until the internet, because nobody worried about character count when handwriting kanji, you fucking loon.

Let's just make a gopher browser for NNTPchan

This is literally fake news though, good job proving them right, Holla Forumslution.

Prototype, actually fucked about in MS paint for this.

can I abandon irony with you? together?

Holla Forums? This naming issue has been a hot topic on 4/g/ since ever.
Please, seal your mental demons that haunt you and stop projecting them.

What's with your obsession? Do you also have rape fantasies with Holla Forums dicking your ass?
Have some NTR logo, trigger more, it's beautiful.

now thats a great logo, doesn't even need the moonman reference to be great


There used to be tons of small, independent browsers.

Now you can choose between Chrome variants, Firefox variants, or Internet Explorer.

That's it.
All cancer.

I remember using a 2mb browser that needed no installation, and was built by a couple of guys. That was a long time ago.

The problem aren't the browser. The problem are making the websites.

Good points.

>(((le scary jew parentheses)))
I fucking hate all of you. These threads are all the same and in the end you can't even prove anything you're talking about.
You're just a bunch of reactionary morons who trip over themselves to be offended and act like persecuted because there is a group you don't like. Fuck you.
I just want to discuss technology without having to filter a thousand comments of "(((cuck cuck cuck sjw im a le troll & internet is serious bussiness XDDDD)))"
God dammit. I hate you.

Don't throw such a tantrum that you don't like reality. You're going to suffer.

The baby is crying now. Don't worry, having a mental breakdown in common among your people.
You guys are also vastly overrepresented in mental illnesses so you're fated to do that.
Now, the door is open, you may go.


love it!

Why would anybody "shorten" 寝取られ to NTR, when it's only one character shorter?

This would be a great logo for a Pale Moon fork.

Dank Moon when?

reactionary my anus

stay mad, oven dodger

What's wrong with Vivaldi again?

What's the deal with Brave?


Of course you think there aren't any good browsers if you've been using the big 3 or 4 all your life.


nigger, step it up

Former iCab/Omniweb/Opera user here, it's amazing nobody wants to write HTML/CSS or JS engines anymore. Soon, the cancer that started with WHATWG will evolve to the point of deprecating all standards documents in favor of Blink's source tree, all bugs will become features, and full monoculture will be achieved.

Nice try, but I'm not a blonde, my hair isn't straight, I don't have a katana and neither nintendo shit on my desk.
Pic related is how I look like.
Now kill yourself, nobody wants you, nobody needs you, nobody likes you.

The reason is because users like yourself refuse to invest yourself into developing the one you want. You're just leeching over the work that other people provide.

That would be a valid excuse for practically any other type of software. But in the case of web browsers, everyone (including the authors) thinks every single browser today is garbage-tier by the standards most software is judged on.

I think a superior analysis would be that browsers suck because webpages themselves suck. Of course, this could then be turned around to reason that webpages only suck as badly as they do because browsers have historically been subjected to a perverse incentive of tolerating suckier and suckier webpages in an endless downward spiral. Combined with the fact that the web was designed around handcoding and totally idiosyncratic automated tools in lieu of proper read/write systems as envisioned by Arena/Amaya, encouraging a separation between the capabilities and implementations of browsing and authoring software.

As should be expected, given that the group in question also boasts an average IQ a full standard deviation above the next highest group.

It's below whites and northeast asians, both of which are underrepresented.
Nice try, Shlomo. >>>/oven/

Jews give preference to other Jews you lying kike. Also, the average IQ in your jewland is 95. Inb4 arabs: average burger IQ is higher and they have niggers.

Actually, it's only a sample of them. For instance, the American median is 98, but White people in Michigan have a median of 148.
Understood? Studies that show a high Ashkenazi IQ use selective bias. If you correct for Israeli Ashkenazi Jews their IQ drops to 102.

Samething as palemoon but based off of Firefox 45/55 when?

Not open source.


Im using pic related in my phone, how fucked ami?

Looks like a chance of thunderstorms user. I'd stay indoors if I were you

Where'd you get this from?
I'd just configure firefox yourself to remove problematic elements. Or you could use a fork.

I'd love to see where you got this from too
Confused what you mean? I know Israel has a lower IQ than the american jewish population, but it seems like you're saying the stats are measured wrong.

Sage because most is off topic.

This maybe?

If they have no right and no way to take down the content of a webpage, at least they have control over what their browser will display.
Because before the election, there was no misinformation on wikipedia the internet.
"art installation", "virtual reality experience", "people's emotions". Pure cancer.

how about no


opera is absolutely great and snappy as fuck, even if its owned by the chinese botnet these days

This is the best browser right now, the only thing that is coming close to matching it would be Firefox Nightly build 57.

I thought waterfox was going to continue updating alongside the normal Firefox releases

i-i just want my Firefox back


All these browsers are awful and you know nothing. Best browser is the meme browser IF built from source.

it seems you never want your shit fixed

alot of browsers are either based on firefox's or chrome's code... and many developers are making forks with the promise that there is nothing suspicious in them. however if you do not want to take that chance I would like to remind you to help develop otter browser


Still using WebKit.. help develop netsurf instead.


Bump because this is the designated "what is the best browser" thread for now. Sorry for letting it get out of hand.


All I want is a browser that lets me mute tabs, has a good ad blocker, lets me easily install the Cytube script, doesn't glitch out when running videos when sandboxed with Sandboxie, works with Yahoo Mail without forcing me into classic mode, and doesn't have opt-out telemetry. So far I can't find a single browser that meets my needs, so I just have a bunch I rotate between. This sucks.

Oh and lets me delete LSO's as well.

Dynamic content is what majority want but web browsing was originally designed for static content. To adapt a bunch of external layers have been designed to try and make it work dynamically. It's X all over again where a new protocol is clearly required but no one does it so you keep getting hacked up solutions (AJAX) to try to make something to work in a way it was never intended to work. This leads down a rabbit hole of never ending technical debt. A completely new protocol is required.

sage negated

For all you faggots like to post huge lists of browsers, I've never seen LawlietFox mentioned. I believe it's the best fork of Firefox available. sourceforge.net/projects/lawlietfox/

Brave is good tbh
fast as hell too

proof on either of those?

What makes it better than Pale Meme or others?

upvoted and gilded

Elinks because it has very nice features, like being able to run scripts that format pages with elements, think about how a thread is formatted with css or js or whatever, run it through (say ruby) script and create nice tables that make posts more readable.
w3m for inline image loading.
You can customize colors in both, set what application you want to open other documents like video/pdf/image etc.
If elinks could have the inline image loading, it would be the perfect browser.


unfortunately Brave has "acceptable ads." i'm trying to decide if that's better or worse than Pale Moon blocking Ad Nauseum.

Just write a Brave extension that clicks all the "acceptable" ads like Ad Nauseum would.

2nd for Qutebrowser. It now uses QTWebEngine which works a lot better than QTWebKit. Only problem is, I didn't want my browser to play videos, and now video playing isn't optional with WebEngine. At least that can be overrided with user scripts (Python).

lynx xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxd

Whoa son, I don't even know what NTR is.
Are you projecting?

Just use Brave. The president is literally the antichrist of SJWs.

If you're ITT and care about your browser spying on you, but you still run Windows, you're an idiot.

1) it constantly crashes on Holla Forums, i have to kill the process from task manager and restore the session because of some fucking scripts
2) streams dont work because the retard devs decided to disable certain vital video plugins that make streams don't work

1) massive memory consumption, opening a single stream on it consumes nearly 1 GB of memory, and opening a couple dozen pictures can consume up to 4gb, 200 pictures (picture TABS, nothing else) was consuming 7 gb of memory, that is fucking unacceptable, palemoon doesn't even consume 1GB on 200 picture tabs.
2) Holla Forums scripts crash with it all the fucking time too

god i just want a browser that can do all of these and is easy on the memory, why is that so fucking hard?

what is Ad Nauseum? i use palemoon and block all ads with uBlock.

Yeah instead of using browser coming from companies that want to turn the western world into Orwellian shitholes, lets use browsers owned by companies that are located in countries that are already Orwellian shitholes.
Good fucking idea user, that will help with our problem.

now thats a great logo, doesn't even need the moonman reference to be great>>788513
adnauseum is the new hotness
it's built on top of ublock origin and not only blocks ads but also clicks them without showing you the ads

This! You can't create a good browser if the web standards it implements are insanely bloated shite.

A new standard must be created, and from it, a new browser shall emerge.

Maximum wew. The irrelevant Holla Forums memes definitely increased the past year or so. Probably 4chans fault id imagine

good job derailing the thread I guess

Can you seriously fuck off.

Explain this

clever google counter-shill

That's exactly what Moonchild oversaw, but the braindead larpers can't think of themselves. They think a tiny addon is enough to beat a billion dollar industry.

Ruined. Software should never be uninstallable, it should obey the user.

If I could compile icecat from source I'd use it.


sell us on vivaldi user


are they SJWs?
because if not then maybe they can at least code software worth a damn

Runs faster than most browsers I've used, good amount of features and options to customize, which they seem to add more and more. Supposedly you can customize the layout with html5 but not sure if you are still able to. Most if not all chrome addons work on it. Not much more to want personally.

I couldn't tell you, from my experience on their fourms they don't say much about it, which is fine. They are the old opera devs if that means anything to you.


the fact it uses java is a big negative I will admit, but I haven't had any problems surprisingly, my other points still stand

Tree Style Tabs


Why is there not a single android browser with uMatrix or their own variant of it?

All I want to do is enable scripts per-domain. Is that just too much to ask? What the fuck.

Because writing a browser that could render HTML 4.0 of 1999 was a reasonable task for a small team. Now you have to deal with the monstrosity that is Javascript and all of these ridiculous Web APIs like WebGL, WebVR, and god knows what else. Plus, no one is going to use your browser because it won't have any extensions and Chrome will just be faster. So, fuck you and fuck everyone on this board. You could have stopped this but instead you chose to shitpost. I, for one, am returning to usenet.