So me thread got nuked caus? (((datamining)))
So me thread got nuked caus? (((datamining)))
can you die already you stupid attention whoring bitch
In liters, how much semen you think you can swallow at once? (((datamining)))
There is only SO MUCH hotness our collective benis can take, M'Lady! Be fair!
Rozelli your pic failed.
mods trying anti spam strategy
also plz don't write like a geordie, it's very confusing
You're nasty and 3DPD.
This is how you know you don't belong here.
It always gets that one cuck to come out of the woodwork for IT to use. user, don't be as disgusting as it is…
Wish I could snuggle rn
Tho I just woke up with a cold, still tenk ya I'm still pretty sad
When are you not diseased…
Good, go back to farming cucks in your own country.
Rozelli did you eat breakfast yet? (((datamining)))
nobody get's infected by snuggeling, not even kissing. Only because people touch their faces and eyes with dirty hands, or talking to close.
Whatever it is, I hope it's terminal.
Because you are fucking cancer.
Take your clothes off, slut
fuck off ugly cunt
do you still hang out with the horny teenagers on halfchan or have you moved here completely? (((datamining)))
low tier shitposting there, mate
looks like you're really low on energy
please be nice to my gf. ok? (((datamining)))
u better watch ur pretty mouth, gayboy
rozelli will never be ur gf
rozelli is cute girl
ur moms more cute
rozelli is trash boat