
will firefox just disappear once its marketshare falls below a certain level?


are you serious?


So when will icecat replace furfox ?

For me it already happened.

There are 3(three) browser threads on the front page. Congratulations Holla Forums.

It's probably because of the "deGoogle rant".
Many Holla Forumsacks mongrels have been attracted here.

I don't want the Holla Forums nazis on our freedom loving board.
How do we get rid of the nazis? :(

Imo it's better for them to be educated by libretards than to go back to their echochamber.


My sides.


everyone points and laugh



As soon as I don't have to check the website and download a tar.gz file manually just to update it
Same reason I don't use chromium

Pajeets are trying to get you to use internet explorer.

will IE just disappear once its marketshare falls below a certain level?

Yes, the marketshare just hasn't fallen low enough yet :^)

In SJW America, the nazis get rid of YOU!

It's like you don't even try anymore OP.


When you can step up and do better, then you can qualify to have an important opinion on the matter, till then I'll happily ignore you. :^)
BTW, doesn't having purplehair and working at Cuckzilla, y'know, make you the degenerate cocksucker actually?



thanks for the good kek Holla Forums



There are packaged chromium builds in both the debian and rpm repositories, although I believe they come without flash installed.


No, that might have happened if it were a proprietary software, but since its open source, we either might see it fall into obscurity, or maybe even pop out to the surface in near future, in the form of a mega fork