Young sluts

young sluts

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you're pathetic tbh fam


While OP is pathetic he's still doing better than that girls father.

kek. im surprised the comments section hasn't been shoa'd yet.

were can a poor southern boy acquire all the ally mangrum vids fam? (((da​tamin​ing))) ;_;
i need them for an article im doing on cyber-bullying.

fucking Sad!
why are these men so defeated? (((da​tamin​ing))) you're daughters are turning into whores! beat them with a fucking oak branch!

Cucks don't beat their own kinds. Men are defeated by the viginaslit.

Fuck you nigger.


So many slutts now. Purge should be coming soon.

there's something wrong with that cameraman

fuckin upload to mega pls.

atleast she has spunk.

I was going to say "Fuck you nigger" but realized I've already said that, so have a Fuck off kaffir.

Why aren't you training your daughter to fuck niggers, user? (((da​tamin​ing)))

because i'm only paying for sons ~

jesus christ why are pedos so pathetic



Ya i made my chose, 128k choice and he will be ready in 12 months. fuck i love this new world.




She really gets me going tbh

It's the milk and cookie that floats my boat, fam

I think it's because they have to find little kids who don't understand that the guy they're dealing with is literally a piece of shit who could never interest a real woman

that makes sense


Here a hot one


Here's another hot one

She's weird and that only makes me harder

Pretty fuckin' adorable, eh? (((da​tamin​ing))) There's something unique about her

Here's a super hottie

Totes gonna click that

It's pic related.

Mods pls no ban.

Doesn't look illegal tbh

no ban but too l3wd for me. file deleted.


Moar sluts!

not bad

I find her to be gorgeous.

They are way too young for that shit! She still has braces. Most mothers makes their daughters wear granny panties until they are old enough to get a a job and buy that themselves. I saw girl at the mall the other day wearing just a brallete. You could see everything. She couldn't been older than twelve. Where are these children's parents? (((da​tamin​ing)))

Took all my willpower not to take off my cover up and throw it over her.

==Another little slut=

I chuckled.

who is she
i like it
needs some work but i like it

the only young sluts I want

she looks absolutely air-tight. nice body
bet she'll output quality offspring

I have no idea who she is, just some nerd girl I've seen posted a few times on shitchan

More bitches! I'm tired of looking at pics I've had on my HD forever.

I'm surprised no CP has been posted yet

uh huh

reported for low-key requesting CP

Holla Forums is clean now




Thats my secret, Captain. I am always pretending


Quit bitching at each other and post foxy young ladies.

Two Cute :3

Who is this? (((da​tamin​ing))) Anything non-nude? (((da​tamin​ing)))

Datamining for her name. Good filter, BO.
? (((da​tamin​ing)))
? (((da​tamin​ing)))
(((? (((da​tamin​ing)))
)))? (((da​tamin​ing)))
fatamaining? (((da​tamin​ing)))

Yeah, I'd put a ring on that. The fact that she isn't the stereotypical hot slut leads me to believe that she may very well have a soul still

I fapped to that tbh

Here ya go

