Is there any decent place to discuss leftism on the internet? This board's quality has been terrible lately.
Is there any decent place to discuss leftism on the internet? This board's quality has been terrible lately
Other urls found in this thread:
Reddit or revleft
most of leftypol is barely literate, much less read enough theory to know what materialism is. they just watch youtube videos and roleplay as various leftist ideologies
Start actually reading theory instead of socializing with people sharing your political beliefs
Well memed my friend.
This image is okay except that I see more Holla Forums types pulling the free speech card more often, saying commies persecuted them and want to take their toothbrush or what have you.
Precisely this is why I talk to myself in public because I prefer intelligent discussion.
Are you that weird guy on the bus?
Actually, materialism is just a flavour of idealism.
No. I am the one in the library.
>>>/anarcho/ tbh
Self-aware idealism, at least.
I bet nyx is jealous
well keep it down, some of us are trying to read
You're either joking or 14.
the fuck are you talking about
it has always been shit
that's the nature of imageboards
if you're here for anything else but rage and laughter you're doing it wrong
even the best attempts on serious discussions are utter trash
if you want people to at least try not to be retarded you'll have to get outside and meet them in person
get in a party or something
see, just outrageous faggotry and dumb fucks like this
shitposting over shitposting
it's an ocean of diarreah
Did you try /marx/?
And what do you want to discuss specifically? It's not so bad here, if you want to get some idea about left and "left" ideas. Real left is better left for i2p or other secure channels.
That's like saying that polygamy is the same as monogamy, except it has multiple simultaneous monogamies.
b-b-but how can you be a communist without understanding the excellent neoconservative Holocausts that brave women of color experience every day hatred of women racism buzzword buzzword buzzword divide the proletariat along racial and gendered lines so that they won't rise up good little prole?
You're NOT *MY* comrade.
There used to be such a place. But that was long ago.
prickly pls
Make good arguments, educate others, and lead by example.
Your posts are part of this board too.
This board is better than the average leftist board precisely because they don't bother with /idpol/.
What exactly do you want from this board. I see this sorta shit on virtually every internet forum ("4chan sux now" "leddit sux now (but upvote me still)" "Holla Forums sux now" etc.) to the point where I don't think people really mean it when they say it, they just want to feel superior.
I wish we had more theory posters like A.W. and more people with knowledge in Marxist economics.
Basically we need more strategic/theory based projects like reading groups, some sort of archive and a couple of more heavily moderated stickies on specific topics.
Hello newfag, I want to advice you that in the future you don't let your newfaggotry show that much.
A.W. is a fucking retard and if you let yourself get impressed by his retarded preaching and pretentious posturing you probably don't know crap either and are new as shit.
We had reading groups and they basically died because the only people who actually read were angrycatflag, a greenflag poster, a few ancom posters and I think maybe a mutualist in the bunch, everyone else just essentially cared about forcing the board to read their favorite book so they could preach to them.
We had plenty of strategy threads that went nowhere because fucking neets never do jack shit. This board even hijacked >>>/anarcho/ Commune project and basically killed it for sheer incompetence.
Also everyone says they want more moderation, but whenever there is any sort of heavier moderation everyone whines when they are even mildly inconvenienced.
Also fuck archives, the last thing we need is to immortalize the cancer that is this board.
everything you believe, just discarded. Just like that. Discarded.
When this board kicked off this board was about fun and shitting on Holla Forums with cool anons, now everyone with a brain left because of how consistently shit this board is and the micropolitical shit we have to put up with from a bunch of retards who apparently do nothing but post in this shithole.
This board started to die about 6 months after it was born. It became a crock of irredeemable shit a year after that.
I was talking about reading groups on specific books and works, with a skype group in place. /lit/ had those one time and they were successful.
I'm not a newfag, and personally don't give a crap about what anarchiddies like yourself LARP to. What I'm talking about is theory specific stickies that are more heavily moderated to encourage discussion.
Also if you don't like it here you can just leave no one is forcing you to stay.
Pretty much this.
But also this tbh fam
Hm, whose OC was posted in the OP? Oh yeah, mine.
Is there anything more idealistic and naive than thinking a state solution to Capitalism isn't inherently liberal? That it would ever survive the market as we know corrupting it?
The possible best you have is some Bernie-Sanders-like fuck and that's not even the kind of socialism you want, you just want it for convenience sake.
The idea communism can be achieved with a state at this point is fucking nonsense and even less realistic than anarchy.
So, exactly what we had? Lurk moar newfag loser.
Well thank you for confirming it, newfag.
You are a fucking retard, and I'm just wasting my time explaining all the reasons why theory threads failed.
Fuck you, I'm free to leave and come back to post whenever I want.
Underageb& summerfag kill yourself immediately.
State today means whatever you want it to mean.
The mainstream socialism is just contenting the hegemony of Capitalism in the political arena. Sure Capitalism will never fall because a socialist is elected into office, but it is only through the political arena where ideologies do battle with one another that the masses put a stake in. Otherwise we might as well live with the political utopianism trying to cope in the complete de-politicization of the political economy.
If you think those proposals are bad, then tell us what you think should be done or fixed to improve this board. Otherwise you are just a troll/shill and you can fuck off with your cancer.
Nah thanks, I'm good here fam
Come on fam
No, it doesn't. That's what postmodernist faggots want you to believe.
This topic has been made and addressed thousands of times, newfag.
I can tell what isn't going to work: every one of your shitty opinions.
As of right now, since I'm not particularly attached to Holla Forums (people who are just have brain cancer), I'd say that something that might potentially work is to just split, let anarchists go to >>>/anarcho/ tankiddies to >>>/marx/ lelnin boys to bunkerchan and just let this be the graveyard of shit it is.
Well, I'm surely a shill and troll for being here longer than you?
You'll probably be more comfortable in Holla Forums tbh fam
Or maybe you want this to literally be the cancer that is Holla Forums but "left", in that case congratulations, this is the closest you are going to get.
I can't stand Holla Forums I get banned at the same rate as I do in Holla Forums I bet the mods in here are fucking Leninists or even worse Tankies.
Why do you want to split Holla Forums?
You sound like a fundamentalist that cannot stand different opinions. If you can't stand free speech then I suggest you quit imageboards, and join a safe space forum for anarchists like yourself.
Whenever I go to threads where it's Marxist and Anarchists I see people agreeing most of the time, excepting some technical theoretical issues. Yet the one thing they both agree on is that idpol is cancer and that the fractured left needs to unite on common issues.
But it looks like the anti-idpol sentiment triggers you, I wonder why that is, huh?
Hahahahaha. U mad cuz I know everything I post about?
Stop being a bad sensei.
We've been reading on the Bunkerchan mumble. We've read some Kant, and started reading the Science of Logic by Hegel. We only have 3-4 people, most too lazy to read, so we're just reading it in the chat instead of expecting the lazies to read it on their own. We'll see where it goes. You're welcome to join.
I don't want to, I just don't particularly care if it happens, and right now it seems like one of the only things that might work.
"Left unity" is a stupid meme anyways.
Fucking clockwork.
This is how retarded you are.
This is factually bullshit. Lurk moar newfag.
Coincidentally, these are the "technical theoretical issues" retards think we should have more discussion of to "fix" this board.
This is factually bullshit as well, but even beyond that, everyone here seems to have a slightly different opinion on idpol. Anti-idpol is not a sufficient platform to run a discussion project. This is obvious to anyone who isn't a retard like yourself.
Pfffft, yeah right, people here think that, sure.
You are the retard who gets triggered by the shithole that is this shithole.
Muh triggered, muh shill, etc etc just fucking go to Holla Forums
Really, I don't care either way what happens here. If you like to swim in shit you are free to stay. If you don't, I gave you what I think is the only workable solution, because all the things retards propose are, surprisingly, fucking retarded.
Yes, take all the retards and go back to cancerchan, you pretentious, posturing faggot.
Yeah, says the dumbass who never posts solid walls of text like mine. Come at me, I'll #rek you.
Man you sound mad as fuck, ok since you don't want to contribute go back to r/socialism or /anarcho/ or wherever you came from.
Holla Forums was created on left unity and anti-idpol, you can dispute that, you can be be angry at it, but that's how I and most of the posters here currently feel about it.
You know what, take all the retards with you to bunkerchan and you can tell them all you won.
Not mad, just stress-testing you for bantz.
You fail.
Fuck you, I'll do whatever I want.
Also, I am contributing, you just don't like my contribution. Story of this board, really.
That's newfag bullshit. Holla Forums was created as a leftist foil to Holla Forums, nothing else. Holla Forums never behaved in a manner of solidarity across sects, and Holla Forums "anti-idpol" was basically a refusal to take race and gender questions seriously, but that's obviously impractical now so that's gone too.
I don't need to dispute it, I'm telling you newfags that you are wrong.
Not angry. I don't care enough.
Hahahahaha oh boy
You have no right to call anyone a retard.
Much dialectics, wow.
>I've read so much fuck you for wanting me to read :^)
Man at this point either you are a Holla Forums a flaseflagger or so autistically mad that you cannot handle a neutral leftist discussion space.
You are literally craving for attention, please explain to me if you are not Holla Forums why anarchists and Marxist agreeing triggers you so much? And what do you really want out from an imageboard? The point is to do activism in real life, not to shitpost on Holla Forums all day. This site was meant to be use for theory discussion/information only.
I'm not wasting time reading something someone can't even make a simple argument for reading. Last time someone recommended something about "anarchist theory" they recommended a 700 page book, and when I asked them to provide just one simple argument to show this book would give me a real theory as opposed to typical stupid "muh hierarchy is bad m'k?" shit they didn't answer.
If an idea with which you propose to agree cannot be summarised well enough to make a point, then you do not understand it well enough to propose it in the first place.
There was no argument, dumbass. His/Your 'reasoning' was "A.W. is fucking retarded" and then the non sequitur "A.W. is a pretentious faggot." Either he is an idiot or condescending. Make up your dumbass minds.
You know what? Since you are obviously hellbent on making this a personal issue by refusing to talk about the matter at hand (i.e. the pitiful state of this board), preferring to instead speculate about me with retard accusations that are worthy of an average Holla Forums thread, I will just point out what a retard newfag you are, what a completely make-believe view of the board you have, and leave it at that.
You are the retards that are going to be stuck with a shit pit anyways.
I asked you a specific question an yet you refuse to answer but shitpost ad hominems, this just confirms to me that you are false-flagging piece of shit and I hope the mods dig up your posting history and ban you for the shitposting nuance that you are with the force of a thousand gulags.
Not that poster, but I can happily dredge up his bunkerchan piece where A.Worm derides the value of free speech in true plebbit style. No more proof of being an utter mongoloid should be required.
You are the coward who always leaves in the middle of the discussion.
If you can even name the book in question I'll give you a description of the book.
Yeah, and then people spend time examining and shitposting against the summary instead of actually discussing the fully explained idea, which is what the books are for. Brilliant.
If your faggot ass could read, you would see I didn't call him condescending but pretentious, as in, "having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or important than they really are", which he is in addition to retarded.
I'll link it for you.
You clearly didn't understand the article.
I've never done that unless my interlocutor is an idiot, i.e. they make no arguments and keep refusing to make any. Two walls arguing isn't productive.
How is any of this 'proof' that AW is an utter mongoloid?
Ad hominems are bad k
Hey remember when, according to you, everyone here hated the restrictions on freeze peach and was against echo chambers? Yeah, me neither.
Go back to r/socialism and don't come back entryist filth.
Which according to you is whoever doesn't agree with you, i.e. everytime you have ever discussed anything. QED.
Hey, if you don't want me to judge you as an idiot, then by all means stop being an idiot.
Not to interject in this piss fest,
but that's a pretty blatant red herring.
Yeah, okay, I'm from r/socialism even if those guys would gut me for saying what I am telling you.
Also my sarcastic use of a meme is more important that the actual notion of free speech that this board swings back and forth depending on whatever is personally more fitting for whoever at any given time.
This is why I call you people retards, you don't have the slightest awareness of what is happening right in front of you, so all you can know are memes. Really stupid memes at that.
I'm probably talking to a wall, but I figure someone should say something.
Right back at you, retard.
What is happening right in front of us? Throughout this whole thread you have just been shitposting and posturing. Honestly, you sound like a roleplayer.
Ever read Dabiq or Inspire?
First off, learn to take the bantz.
Secondly, I'm probably the only one here who isn't posturing, I've made my positions pretty clear from the start.
Thirdly, what I am saying is that the notions of freeze peach and the role of moderation of this board constantly vary depending on personal convenience of the anons involved, and everyone somehow deludes or pretends to delude themselves into thinking that the board, or at least a majority, are in silent agreement with whatever their judgment is.
That sort of outlook is one reason, among many, for the sorry state of this place. Which again, I don't particularly care about, I'm just saying it because nobody else does.
Ever read Hegel?
Are there instructions for a pressure cooker bomb?
You are the cancer, and anyway I'm done talking to you. I'm just waiting for the mos to unearth the mods to unearth your posting history and it's gulag time for you mr.shitposter.
Yep, this board is dead alright. Oh well, can't say I didn't try.
This is the dialectic for making bombs:
bomb + not-bomb = Bomb
So yes.
The only successful reading group on Holla Forums so far was the anarcho-nihilist one.
People used to read, post, and discuss theory here but now it's just full of shitposters like you
You should be banned
Feels good fam
Yui said it first, Rebel is just eating his shit.
And nothing of value was lost.
So you went from uninformed to uninformed and useless?
That's fucking sad.
Yui confirmed for right-wing anti-democrat
Just haven't had time to renew. Bunkerchan needs its cert updating too tbh.