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This is what comes out this week
Lots of miniseries out this week.
Superman #16
Batman #16
Green Lanterns #16
Green Arrow #16
Hmmm, a bit rushed to me but I think it was a decent story. Just hope it gets back on track to the real good stuff now.
Same I dont want multiverse bullshit all I want is Jon,Lois and Clark being a superfamily
Yeah save the multiverse crap for the end when Manhattan reveals himself. For now just give more superfamily shenanigans.
Aquaman #16
The real evil here is he left the faucet running.
Also the art is all over the place
Nighwing #14
Justice League #14
Harley Quinn #13
Cyborg #9
I am excited for got milk sounds like some Jon hijinks which we need more of
Death of Hawkman #5
Midnighter and Apollo #5
Super Powers! #4
Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #2
Oh shit I realise that this is thread 17 not 16 sheeeit
I don't want to read any further. Moving on.
I'm more peeved at everyone else raising such a huge fuss about it.
Least it makes sense for Batman to be peeved about guns.
Batman would have a thicker skin then that. Sure he doesn't use guns, but this whole thing has been hamfisted in considering a lantern would not have a gun anyways. Fuck nothing posted so far has been worth reading. It's no wonder comic sales have been so bad.
Man I don't really like much of this stuff anymore
yeah been a disappointing week so far, Hopefully
Superman goes back to family shit.
Don't forget Arrow's multicultural "family".
Pirate time
Decent enough story, but as other anons said, a bit rushed.
Well this looks very promising actually.
Looks like they are bringing back the Richard "Give her the Dick" Grayson.
Thanks man.
We'll see
bumping to save
Yeah I doubt that heavily. So far the Batman stuff has been pretty bad. Red Hood got better than it's New 52 stuff but it had to retcon a lot. Damien's stuff in Teen Titans is actually not that bad. But everything else relating to the batfamily specifically has been bad.
Thanks for the Story Time
Batwoman took a nose dive
She doesn't even have a Rebirth book does she? She's shitting up that 'totally not Arkham Knight' ripoff story in Detective Comics.
Guys, I have a problem. I think they've finally done it. They've finally made me stop caring about comic books, or THEIR comic books, anyway. They have managed what my parents and girlfriend never could. The past four or five years have caused me to actually hate the medium.
She has one, or at least one coming up. It might not be out yet, but I know there's a Batwoman Rebirth lined up, at least.
Oh joy.
I feel like I'm about to hit that point as well with what's happening over at IDW's TMNT. They got one particular writer that's trying to fuck everything up and hamfist some lesbian bestiality into the story.
Honestly that would at least be somewhat in character given Ollie.
Wew, tell me more.
New Rebirth thread when?
we dont need a new one besides I woke up not too long ago and I am reading some new stuff right now.
Bullets don't care if something is yellow.
Action Comics #973
Detective Comics #950
What is that outfit even on? There doesn't seem to be a manikin there.
I dont know man but its always been like that for as long as I can remember
The Flash #16
That's some dumb shit right there.
I dont know what you are talking about man, it looks cool.
Wonder Woman #16
I will brb to post more soon
Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps #14
Deathstroke #12
Titans #8
New Super-Man #8
oops fucked up
Red Hood and the Outlaws #7
All Star Batman #7
New series and Jason's mask/helmet still makes no sense. Sometimes it's a helmet. Sometimes it's a mask. Sometimes it expresses like it's his face. I just….. this is why charts about designs are important to have and force artists to follow.
Superwoman #7
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #7
Justice League of America Rebirth #1
Justice League/Power Rangers #2
Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love Book 3
I suppose I'm just happy it was DC instead of Marvel that got to do this, and bonus points that DC did it during a time period where they are more focused on story and characters than agendas.
ok I thinks thats everything aside from suicide squad #11 which is not up yet
Thanks OP
Suicide Squad #11
Is it just me or is it a bit much having Batman in this as well as all the other stuff he's in. I mean I love Batty as much as the next user but he's already in the Justice League, why should he be in the Justice League B-Team?
I mean even if you work from the angle of him being the one setting it all up and thus on the team by default, surely it'd make more sense if he was setting them up as a plan B for the Justice League turning evil if he wasn't on the team what with being a core member of the Justice League?
Also Ray is just a nexus of bad writing, especially that second panel on the second image. "That streak across the sky saved the mayor? Whatever, he's just a kid!" "Oh no! A superhero has super powers! He might be dangerous!"
Yeah I dont get why Batman has to be the star in everything he is in, I also hope this does not just become Justice Leauge , Ideally I would want something kind of like JLI/JLE. Make it like a real B-Team Justice League.
DC didn't fucking learn. Batman appeared in everything in New 52 and now he's appearing in everything in Rebirth. Meanwhile he's somehow an even worse character than in New 52.
Of course the Speedster has to die (even more so when you realized that Red Racer is a huge comic book fan so pretty sure he'd saw that coming)
This arc really felt rushed. I mean, we got a multiverse level threat…and it's done and dusted by Part 3. Still good though. Also, Got Milk? I expect the villain having a milk moustache.
Yeah it did feel really rushed, hopefully this is not the result of DC pushing shorter arcs for trades, also in a way I am glad it was rushed because I really want to get back to Super Family
Subtle, Psimon.
Once again Boomerang reminds us that he is the only good thing about the suicide squad along with Killer Croc. Also what the hell happened to Diablo? He dead?
Looks like Dick's worst fashion choices is back to haunt him. All it's missing is the disco collar.
Overall a better week than last weeks.
Even B&BP was decent.
Ones that stick out to me this week are:
Action Comics
Detective Comics
Hal Jordan and Green Lantern Corps
I wonder if the guy manipulating these is just taking characters worst portrayals and combining them to fuck with people.
I agree Flash this week was also pretty good
Fuck I forgot about that.
I read the comics in between classes, so I couldn't comment at the time.
It looks like the next Superman arc is very Jon centric and we get super sons very nice lol
Great news everyone!
This upcoming weeks /dcrg/ is going to be pretty fucking good.
not bad, kinda surprised Lobo just went with them. Never expected that from him.
Hopefully he has something up his sleeve
surprised that the power rangers crossover was decent. I don't know what the power ranger comics are like so I don't know what to expect.
Ok boys here are some Super Sons previews
Ok and here is something that might throw you guys for a spin. Any theories?
I dont know why it posted the covers in the beginning
Well the Superman Reborn title really hints at something but I'm not sure what.
I dont know but it seems that the person who drew that into stone might have powers and is either a child or insane, so that limits who it can by by a bit, and they probably can fly considering how high up they drew it, Maybe Superboy Prime???
He hasn't really come up at all though. Not even in New 52, I think. Don't feel like it's him.
fug, I have not read new 52, if anyone actually has here, do you have any idea, Also forgot to say Jurgans might be teasing the return of some character whose initials are BG, hmmm who could it be? ;)
Ted is alive all we need is him to put on the suit and a BB/BG book and everything will be great.
Ehhhh I'll wait and see. Damian's Titans is enjoyable and Wally's is confusing but serviceable.
dude I think its the other way again, but I like this.
I'm not a fan of the idea. Just on principle it's been done enough already and made a big deal every time. Deathstroke is gonna be seriously OP if he's gonna be able to take down two of Batman's proteges and two Flashes along with everyone else. Hell just Wally should be able to kick his ass. We'll see what happens with it but the details in the article are incredibly vague at best.
I read all of the Superman/Action Comics new 52. Not even a hint at it.