who could play the most influential person of the 21st century in a film?
Who could play the most influential person of the 21st century in a film?
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But has he done porn yet.
why are you posting a jew
Do all transgender girls have noses like that?
It would be extremely apropos.
for jew
your,mum,ya cunt
I feel really bad for this kid. His parents and doctors completely betrayed him.
Why are jews so funny, anons?
It's just a prank, brah.
if she say's she's a female then she's a female, you fucking bigot.
Idris Elba.
Shouldn't they just call themselves a "girl"? It's almost like they are trying garner attention by identifying as a certain subcategory.
Interesting point, perhaps it's because they know they were declared a male at birth
Being a transgirl gives you privilege points and status in the progressive community. Just pretending to be a girl and still having a dick only scores you points in the pervert community.
Was and still is.
This is not like in my animes.
Why Permanently?
Doing some research:
Full name: Jaron Bloshinsky
Wow those fucking journalists are fucking extremist militant!
People will never accept your perversions.
Now I am just waiting for its suicide, I just hope it will be televised. Being Jewish/American he was probably butchered by circumcision in the first place, now his dick will never grow he will never cum
Fucking good job parents, and thank you OP for the great laugh.
Unless he's been castrated he could still properly develop as a make if he got his head screwed on straight to allow it to happen. All they would have to do is stop the hormone blockers. Even if Jazz has lost his discoballs he could take testosterone to develop.
But if you act now, you too can be oppressed, with this one simple trick!
Ever stop and think about the staggering amount of doublethink involved to believe stuff like this? Is it being a rightwing nutjob to find it rather chilling that people can believe two obviously opposing things at the same time? Not even a decade ago were people this retarded.
The puberty is PREVENTED. Not delayed. Big difference.
Puberty is stopped at tanner stage 2. Not only are Penis and testicles very small - hormones and gnrh agonists ("blockers") cause further shrinkage.
This also means they WILL NEVER experience a normal libido as adults (no sex drive).
I think they were already retarded it is just that now the inmates are running the asylum.
Everywhere (((cultural Marxism))) has infiltrated the society.
reported for degeneracy
Only in a sick, degenerate, Jewified society is something this morally abhorrent possible
It's funny, I got into argument about this over the Pence gay conversion stuff. I told them forcing your kid to take gay conversion was no different from libkikes making their kids take hormones. The latter has even more lasting, detrimental effects. These kids can't even pick their bedtime but they can pick their gender.
Gay conversion would also lead to a positive result if it worked. They'd able to start a family and not get pozzloads up their butts.
Who cares?
They're willing to volunteer for medical experiments which can only benefit the general population.
Well it can be fixed, I have a body I can use at the moment. But can she pay?
can it get erect?
is it circumcised?
these are questions that must be answered
Not false, I like your practical mind ^^
she looks like Belle Knox
I bet she has a little cute feminine penis.
Probably. Penises can get erect at any age. Whether he has drive with all the crap that has been pumped into his system is another matter.
You already know the answer.
I'm just saying, the smaller it is, the worst it will look circumcised
Or perhaps he's wondering why a mentally ill jew would use a lip liner, which makes it look like it's been kissing dirty anuses for a week?
now this is kino
i would fuck that girl and lick her nose