What's Your Sauce Holla Forums

EL YUCATECO Green is my go to.

my meat so good that putting anykind of sauce on it rould just ruin the tru meat flavor

it's a paste, but whatever


fucking banlieue nigger

Nobody cares about your shit sauce, fatass


You do enough to reply. I care about you too user.

This is my favorite hot sauce tbh

Blows Tabasco out of the water imo

why do brown people love sauces so much? (((da​tamin​ing)))

Why do you look at cocks when watching porn? (((da​tamin​ing))) (((da​tamin​ing)))

Chulula is a fav of mine
I also like the yellow peppers in vinegar stuff ( i don't remember the name )

They're an essential part of penetration scenes tbh

Why would I want my mouth to be in pain when trying to enjoy food Ive never understood the appeal of spicy food. Sometimes it's so spicy people puke and cry in pain how is that enjoyable? (((da​tamin​ing)))

it covers the taste of feces that is usually associated with brown people food



I always put that shit on my mexican food when I go out. I call it the colon cleanser. God damn is it good.

all the hottest hot sauces are made by white people(Blaire's, Mad Dog)
The hottest pepper in the world currently(carolina reaper) was grown by white people.

it's more than just the burn though. When you eat really spicy(depending on your tolerance) you get endorphin rush to combat the pain. so the burn is really fun but on top of that it's the endorphin rush.
some people just can't tolerate heat at all tough. These are the fags that always ask why would someone eat spicy food.

Like, I really can't stand oysters or mussels, so i don't eat them. I also don't go around asking "Why in the world would anyone eat mussels and oysters? (((da​tamin​ing)))!" like a fucking jackass.

You're confusing nigger cooking with good cooking

A good sauce burns for only a little, and has an actual taste
Thats why mild sauces (cholula / sriracha for example) are used in cooking more than "O'LL PETES ASS BURNIN SAYUSE", not only because its too powerful for most, but because even hours after eating the food, it just fucking lingers like radiation, and makes you look like a retarded mouthbreather

I think the (RED) is better tbh