Go Vegan

Kys if you won't

But Hitler was a veggie

vegans are gay. being a vegetarian is the real bog pill.

take the dog pill


So the future is trans-human, where we no longer need to eat but sustain ourselves wholly by inorganic means of energy generation.


do i get a qt vegan gf if i do that? (((da​tamin​ing)))

Human coprolite fossils show that ancient humans would literally capture small prey items, clean and cook them, then swallow them bone and all.

You get more calcium and phosphorus from bones than any other product you can eat, including dairy, so gnaw away. Humans also have small levels of chitinase, which allows us to treat stuff like crab shells like insoluble fibre. It's also highly recommended to consume chicken cartilage (as well as other ligament based offal) as it contains healthy levels of collagen, which promotes good joint and tendon health.

Everytime you crave bread you're actually craving nitrogen, or meat. Human physiology degraded as we adapted an agrarian diet.

I like eating meat, and I don't like animals. Prioritizing animal welfare and their comfort conflicts with those facts.

wow anciet humans were fucking based
current year people BTFO