I've just been cucked by my best friend and he doesn't even know he's cucking me...

I've just been cucked by my best friend and he doesn't even know he's cucking me. I was literally hanging out with him while the girl I liked for 4 years just called him up to "watch a movie" at her place. And this is happening literally 4 days after I revealed my feelings and got rejected by her. I don't know what she's doing. She keeps staring at me during classes and while I was walking with my friend, she walked up to him asking if he wants to hangout at night completely ignoring me. My best friend was so happy because he gets to fuck her and like the pussy I am, I just congratulate him while keeping my thoughts to myself. What the fuck is she doing to me. I'm trying so hard not to show it hurts but every time I see her, I see a picture of her, or even hear/see her name, I feel like I'm cold on the inside, like all the color was sucked from me. What do I do. this is the first time I've ever showed someone my feelings and this shit happens.

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ask Holla Forums tbh

She's not into you. She's probably staring because you're a fat neckbeard and smell bad.

No shit she's not into me. Why does she keep staring at me though? (((da​tamin​ing))) To intimidate me? (((da​tamin​ing))) To mess with me? (((da​tamin​ing)))

your a nigger


Nice dubs!

stare back and masturbate to show dominance. her womb will begin to boil with desire and might even fuck in front of the class.

Dont' be pussywhipped boy, whip dat pussy. BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!

Confront her than make her feel ashamed of herself. If nothing works, kys by school shooting on the next valentine day for high symbolism.

Beat her and rape her.


hot tbh

so much for bro's before hoes

thanks lori

honestly, she's probably wants to mess with your head, girls do that sometimes. I can only imagine how hurtful that must feel. better just try to come to terms that she's treating you like shit and you shouldn't have feelings for her. fuck her best friend back

Yes, welcome to the true nature of the human female. They show a cruelty that doesn't even follow logic. take the horsepill friendo

dude listen to what happened to me, so on valentines day I give(i left it on her desk before class) my crush this card with nice chocolate with an unsuggestive message and She s estatic face is flushed she thanks me, says I didn't have to. I would learn today that later she complained to a social worker that she felt pressured and anxious by my card and she wasn't looking for a relation ship my guidance consular was nice about it he said I took big balls to do what I did. Literally was told by the school to leave her alone for a few days

maybe if you weren't a fat neck beard shed have said yes? (((da​tamin​ing)))

A hopeful heart leaves a broken soul OP.
Ditch both of them.

is that you Francis? (((da​tamin​ing)))

Post a picture of your face, I kinda want to see what you look like. Blot out eyes if necessary.

Your best bet is to move on, and ask someone else. Keep asking until you get a yes.

good advice

Why posting this on /k / too? (((da​tamin​ing)))

You should let your friend know what's up. Not in a "I like this girl, so you'd better fucking back off!" way or a "I like this girl, so pleeeeeeeeease back off!" way, but in a, "Hey, I just told this girl I liked her, and now she's sniffing around you. I don't know what she's playing at, but I thought you should know."

She's obviously being a shit–I mean all women are shits, but she's being extra shitty–and your friend deserves to know.

Whatever you do, don't let either of them know how much it hurts. You've going to have to act like you don't care. That's the only way you can hurt or even perturb her at this point.

I'm curious too no homo. I'm intrigued by every user

Wise man



She's shit-testing you. She wants the chase, and she wants you to fight for her in order to gauge how much you really like her. Your friend, in this case, is merely her selected combatant whom which you must compete for her affection and thereby demonstrate your fitness as a mate.

Also, she sounds like a slut, and not a particularly pleasant one at that. Why did you ever like this woman to begin with? (((da​tamin​ing))) Just curious.

Let him know that you asked her out. If he's super into her, be careful not to sound jealous. The last thing you want is her ruining a friendship.
I would also move on if I were you. If she is interested in you, that was a shitty move on her part. Don't play her game and she'll have to come to you. Considering she fucked your friend I don't see it working.
If she's genuinely interested in your friend and not trying to fuck with you, I would let it be. Don't however let her further cuck you by distancing you and your friend.


Holo is a shit wolfgirl since she was raped by wolves. Get better taste in anime girls faggot.

This OP. You got to look out for your friend

This chick sounds like a thot. Probably not really worth it, OP. Stop thinking with your dick.

I found your problem OP

lemme help you out here friendo.

Stop being so mother fucking pathetic. Get over it. The girl was never yours in the first place, your feelings are only important to you and not to her. She has no obligation not to fuck your friend. She has the right to fuck or date whoever she wants!

Now as for you. Move, get over it, you got rejected, it happens. Stop whining and obsessing over her or you'll never find a good woman. Since i can only assume that you're in high school there must be plenty of pussy to fuck, so gets to talking to the rest of the women around your school and stop focusing on the one that didn't want you in the first place.

*catches VD from mentally unstable man*

In my experience with traps (AMA), they tend to embody and practice all of the feminine vices of character in absence of the virtues, the precise opposite of what those images would suggest. Self-absorption without compassion, vanity without dignity and grace, indulgence without charity, bitchiness without affection or warmth etc. People seem to labor under the misconception that traps offer the best of the feminine and the masculine worlds, in reality, they are merely a tortured pretense of the feminine; just as in the flesh - both in mind and spirit also.

Fuck off, goon.

Shut up and go back to normiechan you fuck.

Post a picture of her here. If she's actually hot, then you should just rape her. She'll enjoy it. If she's a gross fatass then just call her a whore.