Social Justice Invading Mozilla

Please listen to this podcast. How can people still support Mozilla?

Other urls found in this thread:

Going to upload audio files here in a bit.

Too big size to upload. Here is alternative:


kill yourself

Isn't MP3 an open standard now that the patent has expired? Doesn't that make it free software?

At some point, you have to realize that white people are the Jews in Hitlers Germany. The ghettoization has already started and our only choices now are to leave and hope they don't spread or bunker down and hope we aren't caught in a pogrom.

An explicit pogrom would be the best thing to ever happen to whites. 50%+ of us are armed and we come from the most effective warrior tradition the world has ever known. A clear war with an obvious enemy that must be annihilated is where we excel.

A far more effective strategy is being employed against whites and there's no reason for the opposition to stop.

I had no idea they wanted to give us our own country!


Thanks, moz://a, for this beautiful takedown of the cishet white males trying to drive strong, independent wymyn off of Twitter.

Hey, didn't these guys used to make a browser once upon a time?

It has been a while since the last time I heard the nigger voice of that cunt.

If you flaunt the goods then expect to be treated as a piece of meat.

Where's the gas chamber and when are you getting sent to it?

t. muslim



The problem is that they continue advocate for the empowerment of ever more radical leftists. People who are unabashed in their hatred of whites, and feel morally justified in any wrong they could commit to one. Eventually, these dogs will be more influential then their masters, and break free.

There were no gas chambers in 1930, when the party began to pick up steam.
There were no gas chambers in 1933, when the party officially took over.
There were no gas chambers until 1938, and it would take another 4 years until the Final Solution.

The SJWs are moving slower, it's the early 30's. I don't know when the dam will burst, but there is water leaking from the cracks.

As for how all of this relates to OP: I support Mozilla because it is the least evil, as far as I can see. The Social Justice Cancer will continue to spread, and I can do nothing about it but keep my head down and try not to get lynched.

Does anyone 'member when the internet wasn't full of fucking feminists and leftist 'tards? When it was a place of fun & wonder and no god damm politics in everything? I 'member.

You are on the wrong board.

No, u

Also how is this shit supposd to work?


no u


In jewish imagination, just like the last time.

Stupid bitch. I hope she is driven into a mental breakdown. Good kek, that article


Why is she doing this? Was she forced by the evil patriarchy?

woman + boobs + wiggle = x
what is x?

user please stop posting shortened links.

Here's the just in case

I completely agree though, we need to get rid of these racist misogynists in society.

When was Holla Forums taken over by drumpf voting stormweenies?

An Hero yourself, newfag.

As if anyone would be dumb enough to eat whatever arrives in their mailbox. Seems like a waste of money, time and cake.

Nigger, you're the only one to mention Trump.

Nobody here cares about your retarded burgerland politics.
>>>Holla Forums

since day one?

m8 grow up

the redditors who act like that for real dont come here and thats not how Holla Forums insults Holla Forums
Hes just trying to start shit.

I want free cake but I also don't want unhealthy food
Will she send me fruit if I ask nicely?

it's not an original joke but i feel like it's mandatory at this point

killing your enemies with kindness


why do you have to ruin my fun?
already got 4 bites before you showed up...

Man, they seriously have their heads up their asses.

he is right though

Welcome to 2014!



Holla Forums pls. this is old, old news.


I'm infected with AIDS
I fuck every day
I kill everything I fuck

(GG Allin, "I kill everything I fuck")

Firefox is still free software. This means I am allowed to study and modify it whenever I choose.

Lieutenant Gruber and his little tank?

I have no problem with this. Thank goodness that a woman wants to shake her tits, and I get to enjoy the excitement that it generates. Also, isn't that "chutulu" character the mascot of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? If she's atheist, that's even hotter, because she doesn't believe in batshit crazy religious nonsense, and she has a sense of humor about it. Unless she's suddenly changed and has become a humorless asshole, I would have no trouble fapping to that.

My sides are now orbiting Jupiter.
Nevermind, it's Saturn.

is this one of those gay cakes everyone's talking about?

That had been the case for several years tbh.
Just install palemoon or some webkit clone

No. Moron.

Women believe whatever the most charismatic guy drilling them at the moment believes.

Nag dabbit. That's disappointing. I got excited that maybe she was mocking the worship of gods.

Experience tells me otherwise. Most people will continue believing whatever they were indoctrinated with when they were young. During a period when I was with a hyper-religious nut, I worried that I would cause her to lose her religious faith and lead her spiraling into a depression. Never happened. Even after I opened up about my atheism and we had long meaningful discussions about it. She remained hyper-religious and claimed to have direct communications with Jesus through a spirit that sometimes inhabits her body. It's as if she doubled down on her religious beliefs. One time she even claimed Jesus was sitting on her couch and asked me if I saw him. I'd like to think she was joking, but I'm fairly certain she wasn't. I couldn't stay with a woman like that, so I left. And she's still infatuated with the idea that we should be a pair.

Your gf was schizophrenic. She's obviously an outlier.

Short of "diverse" people, pretty much anyone under 30 is not religious.

Firefox, chromium and other pieces of crap are the size of an OS thanks to JS it's difficult nowadays to removes some bad functions or even audit.

Even after all of this I'm still trying to stick with Firefox, I hate Mozilla but it still seems the best option. With the new multithreading (which seems to work fine when forced even if you have addons that are incompatible) it even fixes the temporary lockups that happen when sitting say in a 700 post habbening thread here when an autoupdate happens. It actually made the browser fast.

I have a separate profile for Holla Forums due to this.

It's funny but firefox is actually fast as shit now. I remember a few years ago I went through a bunch of shit to get it working with graphics acceleration (AzureCanvasAccelerated) etc and it still sucked. Now it works fast as fuck faster than any other browser. I know that sound shilly but it is true. You just need to have a version new enough to force multithreading

Then you probable want to increase dom.ipc.processCount and dom.ipc.processCount.extension to something around the number of cores that you have (maybe more but that's good enough)

Fastest web browser I've ever had and my addons all still work (for now)

You sound thirsty.

Please fuck off and die.

Mocking a behavior is not the same as mocking people.

This thread got derailed hard. Does anyone actually want to discuss SJWs in Mozilla or are we just going to troll and bitch at one another?

Also see
Mozilla Joins George Soros’s Efforts In Launching A Strike Against “Fake News”

Just an FYI, if you do use Firefox there are a few new botnet features that need to be disabled. With every new version they add something that needs to be disabled, in the past it was Pocket, Heartbeat, etc.

Now you need to disable "Follow On Search Telemetry" and "Shield Recipe Client"

Doesn't work with invasive addons like TreeStyleTabs or Pentadactyl though. Also fuck Mozilla.

Why the fuck should I have to care about this shit. Just use Pale Moon ffs.