dark master race
Milk chocolate is for faggots
90% Dark is too bitter for me unless you mix it with berries or nuts
that's fine. at least you're not eating diluted shit. btw something as low as 75% is fine. i'm not saying you're a loser unless you eat raw cacao nibs
I've had 100% cocoa. It's actually spicy at 100%
this is the whitest thing i've ever read. do you dip oreos in water too? (((datamining)))
You say that like I don't like spicy.
Or milk and sugar, like a normal person.
Dark/White >>>> Milk
milk chocolate can be as low as 10%. if you enjoy this, you an ounce of dignity in your body.
Dark chocolate is globalist CIA niggerism.
Do it like a white man, eat a milk chocolate iso file.
We gotta go darker.
That is good chocolate OP.
Cacao is a Central/South American native crop. White men shouldn't eat it at all, but should stick to our traditional foodstuffs.
Milk chocolate from the supermarket is gross shit, but some small chocolate makers actually make and sell premium milk chocolate bars which have a rich and full cocoa flavor, sometimes more than 50%. I love those and prefer them to any other type of chocolate tbh
Let's see:
In that case, shouldn't you restrict yourself to European plants, or at least ones that were introduced but cultivated here *before the age of discovery*? (((datamining)))
Cereals and like: Wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, *rice*
Roots: Carrots, turnips, radishes, parsnip, beets,
Legumes: Peas, broad beans, lentils, alfalfa
Fruit &al: Apples, pears, grapes, figs, cherries, *oranges*
Other: Olives, rape (that's canola)
Those I marked as introduced were brought to Europe "proper" by the Moors, does that disqualify them? (((datamining)))
i made this thread to see if i could get anons to argue about chocolate and now its devolved into this. i fuckin love this board
We're not in the middle ages anymore, so everything is our foodstuffs. Chocolate is very heavily consumed in Belgium for centuries already.
90%+ with a cup of black coffee is the best.
60% dark is the best
has to be salted tho. once I had some really ass dark chocolate, ruined my year
ruining a good cup of coffee like that…
But the good thing is that we can still have garlic!
70% is usually my go to
I've been eating unsweetened baking chocolate. What do I win? (((datamining)))
i ate 99% cocoa chocolate, u sissy soyboy.
eichetti eiskonfekt > all
I agree because vegan is better
Interesting post, sir
the fucking STATE of this generation
What does that even mean? (((datamining)))
At least we have rape.
The chocolate covered crispy toffee wafers from Aldi are god-tier.
+5 bonus to your armor class vs. diabetus
Enjoy your watered down soy lecithin sad excuse for chocolate
premium milk chocolate bars which have a rich and full cocoa flavor
t. amerimutt plebs
Are you surprised or something? (((datamining))) Have you only heard of chans/imageboards/the internet like within the last week or so? (((datamining))) People will argue about fucking anything. Literally. Anything.