Okja Drops at Midnight!

Best movie of the year. 10/10

Meatcucks BTFO

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Pig Kino


lmao, that's what she gets for being a meatcuck. what goes around comes around

The writer of Okja is redpilled on Ruby Ridge and Waco

Jon Ronson also was the guy who got Alex Jones into Bohemian Grove. Okja probably has a lot of redpills in it.

And (((globalists))) hate pigs. It all comes full circle.

I hope Jon can get Alex Jones to take the vegpill.

Shes fucking shit DROPPPED

She's one of the villains along with Gus from Breaking Bad, what's the problem?

She acts the same in everything and come to think of it so does Dano. Fuck Netflix tho

Try watching There will Be Blood and then Ruby Sparks, you're full of shit.

Nah fam you trying rewatching them, his mannerisms and delivery are all the same


We've already had this thread before, the consensus was that Holla Forums was a paleo-diet board.

t. fitness expert and nutritionist consultant for an infamous cable TV channel

You're kidding right?

Enjoy the colon cancer, retard.


STFU pickaninny!

I will slash you where you stand!

t. fitness expert and nutritionist consultant for an infamous cable TV channel and Naughty Forty Hooligan.

As a meateater, I have to admit that vegans are just cooler than us. They've got better hair, bodies, bigger dicks. I wish I could be a vegan, but I just don't have the willpower. Just look at these people, they're the cream of the crop when it comes to the human species.

Are you trolling right now?

All of the winners of the world's strongest man competitions eat meat

Best trail runner in the world eat meat > Kilian Jornet, he just ran the Everest without oxygen
Nice bait fucking vegan.

It is based on an agence press paper you fucking moron the DM doesn't write its scientific papers. The study came from researchers from Emory University, in Atlanta,
Also read Paleolithic and Mediterranean Diet Pattern Scores and Risk of Incident, Sporadic Colorectal Adenomas.
Because Mediterranean and Japanese diest are also beneficial. Whatever you do never go full vegan or Amerifag diet.

t. fitness expert and nutritionist consultant for an infamous cable TV channel and Naughty Forty Hooligan.


Having this kind of pictures on a computer…
Makes you wonder.

Hello, Jim.

Now that I have been outed I have no other choice but to permaban you globally.
Good luck in life virgin looser.



Why isn't there a torrent up, yet?

Nobody wants to seed this fucking crap.
I wouldn't see it even if I was paid to.

Netflix isn't conveying well they aren't a movie ghetto

It feels good to be an omnivore.

t. Vegan


I heard that Paul Dano would spend hours screaming at and chasing Ahn Seo-hyun to "get into character". It reportedly got so intense that Jake Gyllenhaal and Lily Collins threatened to leave the production entirely in an effort to protect Seo-hyun from further abuse.

Will they ever learn?
Really pathetic if you ask me.

fucking robots man

Jake and Lily Collins are pure reddit. Also one is a jew the other is pure nepotism she cant act.


Watch the trailer and this looks like horseshit!

Anyone got a screenshot from when the pig eats the little girl?

Has anyone got a full synopsis?

I watched the whole thing, what do you want to know?


kek, Obama and Hillary btfo. The show shine shit was hilarious too. I guess the director hates black people.


I just wanted to read the full plot summary. I can't find one anywhere especially after IMDB went to shit.

The second I see one, I'll post it here. You should watch it, though. This sequence was kino.

who doesn't?

Choose your waifu.

Third one even though I can't see most of her face. I love girls with thick eyebrows.

When you realize that even the cucks who pretend that they worship niggers actually hate them even more than actual Nazis and rednecks do, nothing will surprise you anymore.

and full access to steroids.

Here's a better shot of your waifu, fam.

Was anyone expecting the rape scene? That caught me offguard.

top tier taste

you should always expect a rape scene.

I didn't see it coming.

The fuck kind of movie shows a cute animal getting raped? What the fuck.

Artificial insemination and forced breeding is standard farm stuff.

Can someone webm the the truck scene in the tunnel?

Apparently Paul Dano spent nights sneaking into Seoul Grand Park Zoo to fuck with the animals. He is responsible for the deaths of around 23 different breeds of animals held at the zoo, all within 14 days.

What did they mean by this?




Vegans are food.

neither did she


ruined it for me. I hate this stupid trend of women getting a bunch of piercings, it's nearly as bad as tattoos. I'm okay with dyed hair, in purely aesthetic terms, though

I watched the film just now. It's okay, nothing great but wasn't abysmal. Had some thoughts.

- Opening scene should've been Mija and Okja, showing Mirando and the big pig competition right at the start removes all the build up from when Okja is taken away and was basically just exposition for braindead normalfags

- SLF are pointless, the viewer already sees that Mirando is doing bad shit, just there for pointless action sequences and to get Mija around. Dr Johnny could've turned coat at some point and filled that role in the story. Also Tilda Swinton plays two near identical twin characters for zero reason.

- Gyllenhaal plays Dr Johnny like a complete retard, a children's show host turned propagandist, is an interesting idea but ruined by the shrill hammy acting (honestly watch it its fucking indefensible)

- Okja and the pigs are too humanised at points, like when they all bray at the end or when Okja does some dumb as fuck rope trick to save Mija

Bit dissatisfied as the set design was very believable but the story felt a bit too by the numbers and hard to believe. The best bits are on the farm in Korea and at Mirando, where the story feels grounded and low key

It's the A.L.F., you fucking mongoloid.

Wow another fucking dumbass who hates slanimals, this is why we need the slanimal liberation front

Pic related, you the alf lover who is sucking off alf because you are gay for alf

I cant believe i wasted my bandwidth on this utter trash


I liked the part where Okja gets raped by Alfonso, that got me hard.

Yeah, okay with zero rewatchability. The little girl was completely unlikable, the characters were never given time to flesh out to any completed arch, the movie opens itself to a sequel I have no interest in seeing, nearly everything about this flick reminds me of Snowpiercer: great premises dole half-assedly. I haven't watched anything else this hack has done, so maybe it's his style to do half a good job in an effort to come off as whymsical?

What would have made this much more tolerable starts with the stupid little bitch who steals from her grandfather to get her pig back which she abandoned to the foreigners in the first place. This scene and the scene where she gets bit are the ONLY scenes in which she has any character. Other than that, she's filler for other characters. And do you know what we get from the only two scenes of her having personality? She's an ungrateful little shit who steals from her family and spits in everyone else's face for her pig. Instead, the little whore and her grandpa both should've gone out together. Because, let me tell ya, there is literally nothing endearing about Miya, absolutely nothing than a feels-inducing tool to make you feel anything for the pig. And when that doesn't work, as mentioned by you, they give the pigs human-level intelligence. God fucking dammit, the writing is so fucking lazy.

I actually liked the ALF, tho. Jay was easily the best character in the entire movie, next to the CEO, because they weren't one-note. I'll agree also that Johnny was completely wasted, he should've been a turncoat instead of being lolbrained and forgotten.

The twins thing was so poorly done. Either he could've made the one twin into a sociopathic monster like her father who was actually trying to be a good person but failing miserably at it, or else Nancy should've been brought in a lot sooner. The way all of this archs are left open, it really does feel like there's a sequel coming, but why? WHY? THERE'S NO POINT. All of this could've been tied up really nice, so WHY?

Overall, just like Snowpiercer, it feels like he's trying to convince a bunch of morons about how bad some perceived social injustice is. Except, wherein Snowpiercer he was practically punching you in the face with his bullshit, Okja tries to not be so obvious, it tries to secure some emotional connection with the audience, but in the end it's still patronizing, it's still insulting, and it's still a load of shit. Fuck Snowpiercer, fuck Okja, and fuck Bong Joon-ho.

It is already on gomovies.to and I still won't watch it, I will never watch it.

I think this movie had some really nice shots. Really kino style.



Wow how incompetent are these security people?

Straight out of real life

is it vegan to suck dick

just don't swallow

Literally everything on Netflix is pure garbage.

sage for gookshit.