What's next for his career?

What's next for his career?


Nothing hes a bad actor and annoying

Probably nothing. He pissed it away a long time ago for no particular reason, then proceeded to go completely insane.

Nike commercials

lt's dead

I will never hire this kind of (((individuals))).
Is it a wig?

Hopefully another round of capture the flag to push him over the edge and make him kill himself.

Be a street musician.

Getting BLACKED purely as an art performance, of course



Division :^)

why does nobody talk about his plagiarism scandal?

He literally copied a comic book script in a short film he made and tried to act like it was his story without mentioning the author he ripped it off. Some parts were almost word for word.

Don't worry user, he was just totally being a Meta-modernist :^)

He never even denied it or tried to make an excuse. He literally stole a script, made a short film from it, and tried to act like it was his, and then he got busted.

I find it strange how rarely people mention this online. His whole meltdown act is a direct consequence of him getting busted for this.

it seems the public meltdown worked

I think we all know what's next.


Don't use porked.com, that's offensive to hogs. Use Oinked.com or PINKED.COM

Are those the new enterprises of Jim "TheGoldWater" Yogapig to make enough money to keep Holla Forums running?

That fat meatcuck wouldn't know a good idea if it was porking his wife.

Maybe, but don't forget that he has a background in porn, pig farming, and terrible taste.

Porking is actually a euphemism for fucking, though

True, I'll have to consult my local Porcine friends before going forward with it though.

>>>Holla Forums


Either porn or testing new drugs.

How do people like this not realize how unfunny they are?


internetz say his net worth is 25mil its probably incorrect but still if he have even 5mil (for sure he do) he can go neet till die

The fuck is the context for this picture?


phantom menace remake

