Can I download porn with torrents ?
Can my ISP see what I am downloading ?
I CAN'T pay for a VPN
Want to download gigabits of sweet asian puss
What kind of shithole country lets you pirate whatever you want but porn gets you in trouble?
Yes you can download porn with torrents. Yes your ISP can see what you're doing. If you pay for a VPN the VPN can see (but usually don't care) and the VPN's ISP can also see (and sometimes cares).
That's Muslims logics piracy is ok but porn is baaaad
I knew that my ISP could see through http protocols , it's the same with torrents ? They can see exactly what I am doing or just that I am downloading files from different people ?
Is there a free VPN that allows peer to peer ?
I can't pay for a VPN not 2$ not 0.99$ not at all.
Porn just fucks with your head anyway, don't bother. Instead get a job, save up money, and move to another country. Then go fuck that sweet asian puss (consensually, don't be a fucking barbarian).
OpenVPN for Android.
DotVPN for browser.
Both free.
enjoy being the product.
OP asked for free, you stupid faggot
op is obviously a muslim, he should probably just stay right where the fuck he is, tbqhwy
I plan to move soon , but thanks
Thank you can i use them with torrents though?
Sure it's not free as in freedom but being watched by the gouvernement is worst in some case..
Not a muslim in fact i hate this religion.
isps can only see that youre torrenting not what youre torrenting
wrong. idiot. educate yourself.
afaik the way it works is
Hows about you admit to fucking a lesser race and admit that your dick has more power on you than you'd like to admit. Even admiting youd fuck another race will negate any racial shit you'd normally get.
VPN apps are free.
You are stupid.
I know that it's true with ssl
Not sure If it's possible to do that with torrents.
Not my government at least
I don't care about CIA niggers
Where does that happens ? (((datamining))) UK? (((datamining)))
user wtf are you talking about ? (((datamining)))
Don't you like Asian puss? (((datamining)))
But you can't use torrent with them that's the issue .
I guess that's why more and more normie porn is ending up on Tor and making it harder for me to find my CP.
I guess everyone should horde porn who cares about that stuff and start putting it on Tor to resist this kind of thing.
I personally don't give a shit about laws lol.
If he's going to fuck chinks then he should be raping and killing them. That's the only pro-white way to do it. Don't transfer resources to chinks or father more zerglings. Just infect them with STDs, kill them, etc. this kind of stuff will help destroy the chinks.
You and every other shitskin the world over.
That's stupid TOR is slow and illegal in some countries, forget your bridge and you're done.
I2P is better for all kind of porn but you only find cp that's ironic
I don't have stds , I don't think Chinese will try to steal my semen any time soon.
But yeah they are dangerous .
So the master strat would be to bugchase HIV, then become a Chad to infect as many chinks as possible, is that right? (((datamining))) It probably wouldn’t kill them, it would just make them race towards a cure using their super brains. Although your plan is doomed to backfire, it would be doing the world a service my eradicating HIV faster than letting whites try to figure it out. Good strat, user.
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Human teeth
You can be a little bit of a barbarian. Do it consentually, but verbally berate her or bang her when she’s on her period to fuel your bloodlust.