Holla ForumsFAGS OUT!!

There are more butthurt poles in here than Warsaw in 1939!
I thought this was Holla Forums, not some Holla Forums bunker board.
Do your jobs, mods! Get these faggots out!

Holla Forums has always been /pol2/, how new are you shitskin?


what it has been and what it is supposed to be are 2 different things, shitball
op is based

Holla Forums is finished. Please stop.

Is that why they're flooding this board?

Pretty much, they're bitter and angry all the time

just so you know how weak your post is. even the pedos have a better claim to Holla Forums than Holla Forums. go back to your motherboard and show your tits, wimmin

Your math is a little off, son.

Delusional faggot is delusional.

Here we go again fellas!!! Leftypol potatoing to be a moderate/centrist.