WEW. Hillary is going to get blown the fuck out. No wonder the media is pushing the grab her by the pussy video so hard.

first post for CTR! :^)


Gonna need more popcorn for this whole month.


We should meme that. Like the 'fuck her in the pussy' guy.

Does that include the leaked emails?

Didn't read the 2nd picture sorry.

Do you think Wikileaks is bluffing?


Nah, it's better to let it fall by the wayside. The less often it is mentioned, the easier people will forget about it. We should be meming all the shit that is found in the leaks or some other shit that hurts Hillary directly.

Leave it to a women to blow her whole load on the first spat.

She's fucked now.

It's as though Assange knew the mainstream media (the propaganda wing of the Democratic party) would release something about Trump to try to cover up the email leaks so he dumped the less important stuff to get them to expend their ammunition and when they're out of ammo he will dump the big stuff.

What's Julian's angle here?
Why doesn't he just dump all of it?
Is he being an attention whore, or does he have some kind of master plan?

stop this shit nigger

h is for:


I am quite willing to believe Assange is playing 4 or 5d chess here.

Are you retarded or just a shill?

Probably dumping it all at once will obfuscate some of the juicy atuff, because of the volume of info and this way he can use it to respond to Hillary's actions.

If you dump all of it, the hoi polloi forget in 2 weeks. If you dump it all slowly, you keep it in their minds right up to the election.

Think about it this way, the first batch was just released the other day, and while its making waves through social and news media, its getting pushed aside now because of these audio tape "scandal" of Trump talking about wanting to have sex with women. The media coordinates these on purpose depending on the moment (in this case they blew this early to damage control over these emails). Say if Assange had released all of the leaks the other day instead of a small portion, all that ammo dissipates and ends up making little difference. The normies wouldn't even know it happened and the leaks would be well on their way to the memory hole. By spreading it out, it commands the attention of the people and the media for a longer period of time and increases the chance of getting uninterrupted exposure to revealing information about Hillary Clinton.

So ctr already run out of trump leaks. cts is on suicide watch.

Feels good.

Assange said that each leak this month will get worse, causing more damage to Shillary's campaign.


Wait…so are they filtering them and is this the whole of the shit they're leaking? Doesn't seem to be Earth-shattering.


This. Drip feed is the first rule of persuasion. It took more than twenty years to make the plebs believe in global warming and that was not achieved by dumping it in their lap on day one.

How long until we get an email disparaging the Benghazi victims? Or one supporting IS?

of course they are user

He said they'd get worse and worse.

Bear in mind what we've already got

1: She wants to dissolve the country (open borders).
2: She can't be trusted on any position she takes - she said she has a public and a private position.
3: Proof of illegal coordination with PACs

This is considered to be among the least damaging stuff Assange has. In addition, if O'keefe's video is real, I'd be shocked if the two aren't coordinating to make sure that leak gets attention.

Why doesn't assange fucking step on it? It's late in the day, guy, please hop to it.

How come out of all the leaks this shit is the one that breaks the camels back and made MSM respond?

Could be because we're about a month away from the election and Hillary is trying to move for the kill. Alternately, she knows that there's something seriously damaging in regards to this and she's moving her media cronies to try and create some cover for herself.