I was talking to a friend of mine a while back about the state of American society. He's really concerned and pissed off and in desperate need of knowledge. He's basically a tinfoiler and I want to give him the real "redpill", especially before the rightist scum get to him. Does anyone have some slightly dumbed down, tinfoil friendly videos explaining things from a leftist perspective? Bonus points if it relates to the situation in the contemporary US/west.
Redpilling tinfoilers/other regular jackoffs
Anything by Wolff should do. Some people deride Zizek but he has some good stuff you can use too
Zizek is more esoteric, but Wolff can be a hard sell especially if you recommend his economic updates because >hurr it's too long I don't have an hour and a half to watch a youtube video, so you kind of have to pick and choose specific parts to spoonfeed them
I honestly think this might be a little too high brow for him. Thanks, though.
I think I have a crush on him.
I'd go homo for Wolff
Can someone redpill this nigga an /adv/?
Right-wingers don't think that capitalists are leeches. Because they see investing seed capital as a contribution to the economy. Without capital, there are no jobs they say.
The real question to ask is: Where did capitalists get that capital in the first place? Hard work? For some people yes. But not all.
People think that Steve Jobs is the typical case of American entrepreneur. The self-made entrepreneur. But most rich Americans come from money.
Besides Steve Jobs is a fucking weasel who got rich by fucking over the people who helped get him where he is today. Steve Wozniak is the co-founder of Apple and yet he's only worth $100 million. How is that fair when Steve Jobs at his death was worth multi-billions?
When Steve Jobs knocked up a woman in the late 70s, he was worth $100 or 200 million at the time. But he only paid $500/month in child support for his daughter…
That tells you the kind of man that Steve Jobs is
I'm sick of the cult worship of entrepreneurs in our society.
Steve Jobs was a visionary. But he leaned on the expertise of many, many people at Apple over the decades. He didn't do everything himself. So why should he be paid as if he did mostly everything himself?
Yeah, sticking existing technology in white cases and selling them for several times the price, what a vision.
I gave it a shot.
I think we can all agree that Steve Jobs and Apple are pure trash, and so on.
I would post this but I keep getting a connection error:
Your job should enable you to live, not spend your life working a job.
Work for yourself.
I don't mean (necessarily) "start your own job" but do what you want to do because it's what you want to do.
I'm in a similarly shitty situation. No degree and a shit job. But I only work three days a week making ten dollars an hour. I'm not getting rich, but I'm not spending my whole life making money for someone else.
With my free time I do the things that I want to do. I study, and actually I'm writing a paper on ancient Rome. When I'm not doing that I'm spending time with friends, either hanging out or helping them work on other projects. I'm able to be creative here, too, by learning about film production as I help them out. I'm also involved in a local co-op where I'm a member, and I work on their finance committee which offers me other challenges I enjoy.
These are the things that are valuable to me. For your work to have value, you have to decide what you value, and surround yourself with people that will value what you do and find value in you.
Holy living fuck;
People are this brainwashed. This sort of thing is why I don't think it's possible to deprogram people.
shit image
Janey fuckin' Mack
Holy shit, you guys actually did it
It's finally happening.
Praise Marx.
I think the Empire Files videos are good, but maybe they're too long. youtube.com
I don't know if he's ready to sing La Internationale but at least he isn't operating under the delusion that work is inherently valuable now
It was good on the OP to be mature and question his preconceptions.
It baffles me to no end how people would rather think of themselves as morons than consider the merit of what someone else is saying.
We need to find some good redpilling articles or videos for that OP.
just say class conscious or something idk
lol, now he's been convinced to start a landscaping business
you can lead a cuck to theory but you can't make him think
Maybe Michael Hudson stuff:
It was clear what he really wanted was to keep believing what he used to and once he found a narrative that conformed, he accepted it readily.
There's some psychoanalytic concept that explains this, I forget.
The worst part it that his business will fail and he'll blame himself for not being hardworking enough
Confirmation bias?
This is why I have no hope.
He recucked himself.
Appropriating the enemy's rhetoric is a valid tactic, I think.
No, just the general idea that people don't really want the truth when they come to a psychoanalyst or someone else for help. What they want is to regain the lost belief which had been threatened. In this case by the article op read.
That'd why he was extremely reculant to believe what we told him, and why he easily accepted some fag's probably fake rags to riches story
It seems more like a rags to rags story though.
But user, he sold his business for a whole $125,000!! That's probably WAY more than what he losst by underbidding his competitors!
Exactly. Fucking insane how many hoops people jump through to keep believing what they do
Oh no. Someone ratted us out.
Gosh I'm so angry. Grrr.
He's (plausibly) right, and you're right that mowing lawns is a shitty boring job.
The facts don't determine the logic.
I'd say Chomsky. Zizek is pretty deep in continental philosophy. Chomsky pushed my far into the left because in many ways he made capitalism seems like a conspiracy theory that actually made sense.
Some Holla Forumsyp cuck probably ratted us out.
Or it was a ruse all along.
No no no. I'd still hate it, but if 10 years from I could work like 5hours a week and spend the rest of my time doing what I want I'd be quite happy. I don't really disagree with you commiefriend, but you aren't offering any practical solutions
The guy has a point
Not really
"Start your own business" isn't any more of a "practical solution" than "just wait for the revolution!"
Yes it is
oh okay thanks
I tried ;____;
Zizek, the Pervert's guide to ideology and Holla Forums's Green Pill reading list.
Too high brow.
This guy is pretty dumb.
I appreciate your input, however.
If Zizek's movie is too high brow he's hopeless, leave him to the wastes.
I wasn't too surprised when he asked for hope but was willing to settle for just the hope of more money.
I honestly don't think it's possible to decuck people. The propaganda system is just too strong.
I've considered this.
I might give him some Chomsky or Wolff, even.
You have to have some foreknowledge to get Zizek, and so on.
Yeah, good luck changing society when you don't agitprop to the plebs. The less educated are exactly the people we're trying to help.
It's totally possible to get people to join your side despite the propaganda, but running in yelling "eat the rich, class war now" won't work.
You have to show them examples that the current system isn't working and sow dem seeds of doubt. If they ask what would be better, point out Mondragon Corporation and how the workers run it, but let them ask. If it seems like you're pushing a particular agenda, they will become suspicious. If you do say the word "socialism", make sure you clarify that its not the same authoritarian style as the USSR.
It sucks to pussyfoot around it like that, but if we can at least get people talking about it, we are doing real tangible damage to the propaganda. Patience is key though.
Also memes. People let their guard down when exposed to decent comedy.
One time I even got a former marine to consider socialism.
'Start your own business', and more importantly; 'be successful', is good advice to put yourself on the path to having enough money to not have to be a 9-6 wage slave. I don't think we should contradict that as such, but instead just lay out the ideas and realities of capitalism and the natural alienation and resentment people feel.
People still have to survive within capitalism daily, and its not a choice of that or socialism that someone can just make in their heads to fix everything.
yeah, instead of being a wage slave they can be a debt slave
Why should he (be forced to) pay more?
It's not like raising her was more expensive because Steve was rich, was it?