Are women crazy?
Are women crazy?
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no, they're pretty much children
emotionally overcharged, manipulative, driven by herd mentality
A more appropriate wording would be "Are there some women who can be sane?" OP.
Are there some women who can be sane?
is that really her now?
Most definitely. Among your ancestors are many women who made good choices, supported and respected their men, and left more and healthier offspring than the whore women who were their peers.
Absent birth control and gibsmedat, the most successful women will be those who secure the long-term protection of a man by making him fall in love with her (this is the purpose of love in terms of evolution) before having children, and then retain the love and devotion of that man (by not being a crazy bitch) after the children are born.
If you set up the environmental conditions that way (no birth control, no gibs) you will select for sane women, absolutely.
Although the rate of fertilization of Y and X sperms is almost the same, pregnancy of boys is always more risky, for many reasons there are more failed pregnancies of boys than girls. Then during birth there's also more death of boys, because boys are a bit bigger, and finally during baby stage boys are more likely to die because naturally weaker immune system. But all of this have been largely fixed due to modern medicine.
And then there's the fact that constant wars and criminality also killed a lot more men and women. So what you had in the old days was a natural imbalance favoring women.
Now you understand why there are so many useless gfless bernds hanging around waiting nothing to happen in developed societies: they weren't meant to be there to begin with.
Their whole world is centered around and focused on a hole that you can pass a baby through; their psychology is to protect that hole and whatever comes out of it. And they are horny all the time.
3DPD are driven by instincts that makes them seek out the best men they can get, they also never lose the mentality of a 16 year old, combine the easy environment technology has given us with a pinch of beta males trying to be the biggest simp to try to get pussy, making the life of the 3DPD even easier, what you're left with is an organism with instincts, that were necessary for its survival in its original environment, that are not compatible with the environment it is in now.
unfortunately it is very little evolutionary pressure in the new environment, making it unlikely that they'll ever be fix naturally, even more unfortunately the small, but critical role they play in maintaining this environment is in disrepair because of those primitive instincts
meaning we either need to fix them, or replace them
anything sort of fixing them on the gene level will only be a temporary fix
You know how soyboy liberals all act like they're not racist, but it's mostly because they all live in 99% white neighborhoods and never have to interact with niggers so they either don't know or have forgotten the truth? That's how I feel about women. I don't hate women, I don't even dislike women, but I know this is probably because I never interact with women, I never see women, I never speak to women, I never work with women, so they're like some distant foreign aliens that don't really factor into my life.
Fair points user.
Kek. Poor dude was pranked.
It's more that they're just overgrown teenagers for their entire lives.
entirely false.
its so plainly obvious that women are inherently inferior to men in every competitive aspect of life that when a male is only able to perform up to female standards he is ridiculed even by the females. back when they were still doing a lot of gender selective breeding in china and india nobody was trying to get a girl.
we may be nearing the point in history when we won't need females anymore or at least i hope so.
when that happens should we holocaust them all immediately or just let them die out? (((datamining)))
on that day when they boys in the lab announce that they reproduction all figured out and they declare open season on 4 billion females, lmao i want to be there
no just stupid and that makes them believe that acting crazy makes them more attractive
Everyone's crazy. It's just a matter of what you are willing to put up with.
>Are women crazy? (((datamining)))
nah man, you are just a total faggit. Girls are rude to you because they don't want you anywhere near them.
triggered gurl detected
Va te faire foutre perco.
yes. some of them would even fuck animals.
Oh shit yes. But there are some more crazy than others, and some who fake sanity better.
Sanity is just a state of mind
Actually it's a state of hormonal balance for women.
No, it's a connection with reality and nature. There are many states of mind within sanity but sanity itself isn't a state of mind. Insanity on the other hand is a disconnect from reality.
Actually sanity is a legal term for whether or not one is able to comprehend their own actions in a rational manner.
Meaning women are legally insane.
Read "The Rational Male" and understand.
I bet you can't actually quote a single sentence in my post that your reply was in reference to.
The question was, "are women sane." And you're talking inferiority to men - which is totally irrelevant to the question of sanity.
nah you're just retarded.
There are some amazing fucking women out there. Just gotta find the ones who gobbled up the medias programming that encourages them to use and discard
Their biology encourages them to discard. Society either reinforces that tendency or acts to curb it.
t. woman
Im sure there some BASED Jews and BASED niggers out there as well but the amount is so minuscule as to be irrelevant.
yes, they're crazy for nigger dick
All posts insulting OP and saying "no" without further logical explanations are women. Or the more disgusting extension of women, which is male feminists.
Women are gay
You forgot indecisive and scatterbrained, but otherwise a spot on post.
For you bae
I hope Rozi comes back and makes a new thread soon, I wanna talk to her
I've seen a lot of narcissism and borderline personality disorder in women. At the very least, most women have a predilection for blame shifting and shirking of responsibility.
How to write women character accurately:
Think about men while taking away reason and accountability.