Is she white or black?
Is she white or black?
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La Creatura…
Fixed that for you, yuropoor
Look American.
I see more and more of these. Many roasties go to senegal or the dominican republic to get knocked up.
For what purpose?
Wtf?! What country are you from?
Doomed is what she is.
DomRep is a popular holiday destination for single women. One thing leads to another and you get impregnated by some local reggaeton DJ/salsa teacher/pool boy.
I am just waiting for welfare state to collapse, these whores are going to have fun time
Making a genetically stronger population, you see, the only real privilege is the one Nature gave us, and women just want an strong descendance by the most privileged, powerful race on earth, the Mighty African negroid.
they want welfare money, and lower IQs aren't genetically stronger population
shes neither, just a disgusting mutt
Looking like Thrall and Jaina had a baby
..20yrs later
Thinly veiled… sage just to be sure
Is he real?
Everything is archived already, btw.
neither, it's a bat child
What kind of mystery meat is her mother?
Pegowska is polish so I guess she's a pollack
Better spend some time reading, kike, race mixing weakens.
He israel.
Who cares about IQ? tallness, might, speed, resistance, it is all that matters, blacks are the perfect balance on man and beast.
all that shit is futile when the machines take over
Kill yourself, kike.
Look at the strongest men in the world.. European. Niggers have evolved to be able to run away from us.
not useful, and white people tall as well
white people are the physically strongest, and even then it doesn't really matter because machine muscles the by far the strongest and most tireless form of might, and you know how you get those muscles, intelligence i.e. IQ
you got me there, they run fast, but again technology makes you able to go faster then animals that put all their evolution points into speed
like endurance, humans are great at endurance across races.
as far as I know, if you shoot a nigger in the head, they will dead as like all other races.
that was truly, then we are doomed to die with this planet, and be subject the unforgiving hand of nature in the meantime
its pic related but irl