Holla Forums is dead
Holla Forums is dead
See, I thought that too, and then I saw this thread, and then I was all like "huh, maybe there's still some life in the ol' girl".
no u
Then bump other peoples threads and continue conversations, tell your friends, family, pastor about infinity Holla Forums to increase traffic and uniqueness.
Problem solved.
90% of the posters have to go to high school in the morning
I'm the 10% i feel so special now, Thx user!
no problem user. the AM is our time. unless non-americans shit up a thread.
why would those low IQ shitstains come here and not go to their containment halfchan site? (((datamining))) Holla Forums has been "shit" for them so it's getting better at least. I hope normies go back, i don't want to have to go to the next level in order to shitpost as i like.
a lot of people, especially english and germans will go wherever they're not banned and bitch about america because they're obsessed. i know for a fact germans post here all the time and its easy to tell because it will be an absolutely abhorrent post.
I have relatives in Germany. Shame they don't want anything to do with the American side since I would make them rich over night. But whatever, they can keep sucking the shitskin cockhorde they love so much.
damn that is rough tbh fam
also they are both the majority of mutt posters lmao.
They so mad, I hope we don't help them in the end. They need to clean up their own mess.
british can be alright but usually only sport fans. decent germans are a dime a dozen. this is just online though.
How can they be? (((datamining))) They cannot even fix their mess. They shitpost here because its a cry for help deep down but they still cut themselves deeper. We can't help the retarded. Just best leave them be.
I come here to rub my superior Brazilian dick in your face.
Oh please… keep your weeping pussy pimple in your pants, faggot
not dead
why oust degenerates, then complain about pph
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This. It's up to us to not let it die. I'm here doing my part
Atta boy
of all the shitty reiterations of the original meme i've seen, yours most deserves the zyklon/b/
b is never more alive then when its dead