What the fuck is going on with TRS?

Alright guys, sorry to bring this up again but I really don't know that the fuck is going on with TRS. I just started browsing imageboards again in the past few days after a long break. I came back, and the first threads I see on Holla Forums are about TRS being shills, with a bunch of screenshots of people I don't know saying fag-enabling and cucky shit. Now, this is unsettling to me because I used to love the TRS. I used to listen to the daily shoah every week, back when it had bulbasaur and little bit after bulbasaur left. I stopped listening because I stopped browsing Holla Forums and following politics for a while, just to take a break and refresh. Now I come back and this shit is happening. So, my questions are: What started this shitstorm? Who are all these newfags whose names I don't know on TRS? Is the entirety of TRS cucked? Are there any non cucked TRS podcasts left?(specifically, is daily shoah cucked?)

Other urls found in this thread:


I think you're mistaking TRS shills for CtR shills, those are the guys we're going after, CtR, not TRS

bunch of faggot kikes

k, thanks. Sorry if I sound retarded but what is CtR?

What's ctr?

nothing. just d&c cucks. if you like TRS, fine.


Correct the Record, the firm you work for

TRS bashes sodomite enablers.
I don't know why Holla Forums thinks they support sodomites?

Holla Forums is not one person go kill thyself

so CtR is a pro hillary superpac trying to shill on Holla Forums?

Don't apologize for sounding retarded, just don't sound retarded and LURK YOU GINORMOUS FAGGOT
Correct The Record are clintonista shills that got doxed here.
The hate for TRS is coming both from a mix of D&C assholes (CtR, Holla Forums, and the usual mix of chucklefucks) and regular Holla Forumsacks who hate the "alt right" bullshit.
Big tents are for circus clowns.
That said, I enjoy FtN and TWN.

what a fucking mongol


On the off-chance it's not a ragebaiting faggot, I threw a bone.
I figure anything's valid if you sage hard enough.

that video you posted makes me want to weep for the white race. What the fuck is that? Do kids listen to this shit now?

alright thanks. I feel kind of douche for making this thread instead of lurking more but at least now I understand whats going on. It is surprising to me that Holla Forums still hasn't given up. What wretched, obsessed kikes.


Riff raff is our lord and saviour smh


because tds fags are buddy buddy with richard spencer

No thanks

Some member of Iron March independently got into the TRS discord server and spent some time trolling there, since IM has a history of trying to suck away members from TRS to their forums, Seventh Son interpreted this as the beginning of an organized raid and went into "Shut it down" mode, after talking with the IM leadership and finding out the trolls acted independently, the TRS and IM leaderships decided to completely divorce the communities to end any further drama.

Some of the hundreds of people purged from the TRS forum as a result then came here to spread their same old talking points of TRS being gay that they have been using since the beginning of this ebin internet fight.

Don't waste a second of your time taking part in this ridiculous fight, its just the userbase of two right-wing internet forums using bad faith arguments against one another to decide how is the most hardcore edgy fascist.



All of them ?

His new Peach Panther was shit compared to Neon Icon.

I can agree with you on that

bullshit some shitters started drama against Holla Forums because its too straight and too pro white, by using some dumb purity spiral trs meme.

from what i recall it was about 4 people who started talking about shilling here, also the TRS mod did some damage control and punished the shitters.

Sven also wouldn't allow podcasts on the network to have certain guests on their shows which led to NRO going down. MEANWHILE "homosexuality is the last stand of white identity" spencer comes on and he's fellated, sven even made a fucking theme song for him.

At the end of the day, the main problem with TDSfags, and TRS to a lesser extent, is the majority of these guys talk the talk and claim they're fascist but don't seem to have the balls to actually show up when the nooses need to be tied.

actions speak louder than words, and when you regularly have fag enablers and literal faggots on your show, you're a fag enabler. If you say kill all faggots while getting plowed up the ass you're not fooling anyone.

You have some disgusting pics on your pc

well, niggers are disgusting, as is their behavior. Need to help as many people as possible come to the same conclusion.

Trs is a good radio show - fuck it, a great one. The faggots who complain about it are just divide and conquer shills -or likes.

oh also, for anyone that forgot, Sven came here and got btfo, even possibly banned, last week or something when the infighting started with the NRO shit.

Yes, its a complete divorce, no members that are part both communities and no hosts/guests either, you had to choose to be either a part of TRS or Iron March.

That's why Natt is out of TRS too.

no, we're holding their feet to the fucking fire just like jazzy and halbs claim they are doing with FTN. if you associate with faggots and let them have a prominent voice on your platform, you are shooting yourself in the foot and TRS needs to realize that they can't just be fairweather fascists

Natt is a cuck that supports common spic he can die for all i care

i saw the "not real facists" argument that they were having but seriously TDS have shown themselves to be so only in name, i'd much rather have people discussing ideology and calling out those letting well poisoners in than shitposting hypocrites who talk over each other and their own guests constantly.
I like TRS don't get me wrong, I've been a listener to various shows on the network for a year ,but they are growing more and more cucked as they associate themselves with this "alt right" faggotry

at one point he went full "LOL YUO'RE JUST BUTTMAD", didn't even try to hide his speaking patterns

look at halfchan Holla Forums. That's CTR.

they're a clinton-affiliated shill group. like jidf, but more focused on the election. their purpose is to cause infighting between Holla Forums and trs, amongst other things, so our efforts aren't focused on btfoing leftists and memeing trump into the oval office.

their forums decided to raid us for being "too radical"

i regret not saving what i saw this is gold thanks man

This. Him and the rest of IronLARP aren't interested in being remotely realistic. Everything is an edgier than thou contest with those faggots.

if "remotely realistic" involves faggots and faggot sympathizers having loud voices within the movement than it's not really something any of us want

"If you don't like what is going on in TRS, then just leave" its probably the main opinion over there right now.

I can understand why, they have been having this sort of conversation for months and more than one person seemed to have engaged the community with no other purpose other than recruit its members to their own much smaller forum.

yeah i understand that as well, the problem is they are growing more and more complacent with the allowance of faggotry and the people speaking out against it are just being told "well leave then".


Take a look there. They got caught red handed shilling at us. Pic related as well posted this morning. They are correcting our record on our opinion that TRS are cucked kikes.

i mean, look at this shit can anyone here in good faith tell me that they think trs goys are going to hoist the black flag, this is from their own lexicon.

I agree with just leaving if you don't like it, but its making the entire place go down the shitter. I've seen prominent names that used to post all the time over there just get booted one day for making Sven asshurt. Meanwhile giant faggots like CounterfeitFrenchmen who have been trying to push an IM-TRS divide for over a year before there was any actual reason are now sitting pretty as "upstanding members of the community" and saying anything at all about Woes, Dickie, Greg, Faulk, ect means you must be an IM shill

Basically members of TRS on the forums and people who were in the private facebook group grew ever more concerned and then eventually "fuck this" regarding the ever increasing involvement and influence of homosexuals within TRS. It came to verbal blows and a bit of a schism. The hard line natsocs left and and were purged by Seventh Son and what you're left with is "fashy" lolbergs. And yeah they're here trying to shill away any denouncement of faggotry and make everything a single issue movement where basically if your degeneracy is white, its alright.

What do you expect man, they were fucking ancaps 3 years ago.

t. Someone banned from the facebook group

No I'm not telling you who I am

Yes, they really are surrounded by homos

yeah it's no wonder the only faggotry they talk about is bugchasing shit and not the actual insidious faggots they routinely feature

fashthenation going it's own way seems like a step forward jazzy and halbs are much better voices for the cause

That's not what it means, and you fucking know that.

Continue fixating on buttholes with common filth, i'm sure that'll be a fruitful endeavor for you.

Ironmongols are not national socialists they support the white genocide common spic

then what does it mean you fucking moron, because I haven't heard them denounce the faggotry that is rife within their own community, let alone the people they associate themselves with

I dislike the TRS folks but I actually enjoy FtN.

Hello TRSIDF, up early again I see. Yes yes, fags are h'white, amirite?

Then I guess you're not paying attention, retard!

Go d&c elsewhere you kike.

Faggotry isn't a race but if i would pick a race for faggotry it would be the aids black bois

in addenum, i get that they have an active voice and are exposing listeners to things like the jq and right-esque views, but at this point in time they are just dedicated shitposters with microphones who get their topics from pol/ and think they're hot shit now. i swear every fucking time i listen to a new shoah i hear multiple things i've seen posted here throughout the week, whether it's jokes or analysis.

if you live by the sword you die by the sword, so if these faggots want to call themselves fascist then they need to star acting like it.

White people are not infallible. Our current predicament is proof of this. At some point we started listening to Jews and let them in when our fathers knew better but we wanted money and cummies.

What you're doing is worse than niggers bitching about the white man because niggers literally can't do anything about it and are barely human. Whites have zero fucking excuse for the shit we're in. Take some responsibility, put down the hentai and fucking do something to improve yourself and those around you.

Or just keep buttfucking yourself out of existence.

Nothing is going on with TRS that hasn't been going on before.

The few "shills" and "raiders" were nothing at all.
In fact, on a lot of the "proof" shots you don't see the up or downvotes.
Which is dishonest, since they either had little to no upvotes at all at worst, and several downvotes at best.

Fighting Holla Forums would be like punching themselves in the snout.
Sure, there is namefag drama, but that's everywhere you get namefags. Also, rent seeking namefags.

Fuck namefags.

thank god i didn't post that

But do go ahead and make assumption. anyone that doesn't join your mongoloid spic wants buttsex and if you disagree you want buttsex only people who dislike me want buttsex

you're cancer


If you compare nonwhites having a problem with whites with whites having a problem with jews then you are either dishonest or short sighted.

I'm going for the former since you know very well how difficult it is to rally whites against the jews and how easy it is to rally non whites against whites.

Whites have openly dominated and oppressed "minorities" and they don't look anywhere close to nonwhites.
They also all had homelands, countries, rulers.

Jews did not. They had no homeland, no obvious ruler, no obvious agenda, they also looked white in the end. Pod people.

Whites from a non white perspective:
Evil slave driver and warlord, cruel overlord oppressor.

Jews from a white perspective:
Aw, poor guy, has no home, is harmless, but good with finances, just let him live here, etc.

I agree that race is more important, and if you want to make it about big tent then that's fine but we don't agree here. Here we are as right as one could be. TRS is cucking on the fag issue and it does nothing for their case when they are against 'degeneracy' in some forms yet allow bum drilling nigger loving kikes in your upper echelon.

There are still a few decent lads on their forums, but the "inner circle" is cucked (or very possibly subversives).
Absolutely, they're the main source of the cancer. Just look at who they associate with and promote, Dickie Spencer would still be Literally Who tier if they didn't meme him into some great champion of White Nationalism.
Well they're have been pollacks warning people about TRS for months now, as well as increasing swarms of newfags from TRS and the alt-kike shitting up our board with their cancer, their lingo makes them stick out like sore thumbs. Specifically though what caused the current shitstorm was a few things, it was discovered that TRS users were actively shilling Holla Forums and trying to subvert our board, secondly Seventh Son got ass ravaged by some autistes from Iron March and started banning anyone on the forums who was NS/Fascist even if they had nothing to do with IM, now it's gotten to the point where anyone who criticizes them gets banned. Finally and most importantly one of their podcasts "Nationalist Review Online" recently did an episode critical of faggotry and the alt-right, and Sven immediately pulled the episode, banned them all, and deleted all of their shows. Anybody who questioned/objected to this in the disqus comments was also banned on the spot. Sven then came up with the excuse that he did it not because of the shows content, but because Natt was a guest on the show (even though he's been a guest on other TRS shows quite frequently since RFS ended).

Yes, take a phrase that stems from physical action and use it to describe this internet bickering bullshit. Well done.

They are filling shoes that are too big for them.
People have too many expectations of them.
Here's what happend imo:
Holla Forums-chan culture grew and grew and eventually needed an outlet.
They started their little podcast and got quickly picked up by the massive user base since all we had before them was people like ramzpaul who didn't really get the culture.
They expanded, encouraged more people to do their thing.
Now they are attributed some leader status thast they never wanted.
They just want to give a platform for people.
In wich they succeeded greatly.
Stop thinking of them as some kind of force, they're a platform.
They're have their little podcast and if you have your own they''ll help you host it,
They're not the end product they're a steppind stone.
The end product is IRL communities which they promote and that's good enough atm in my book.

They're a bunch of civi-national cucks that were caught on their little board scheming to shill Holla Forums cause, from what it seemed to me, they're insecure about themselves.

Fuck em.

Saying that i dislike a white genocide spic doesnt mean i endore GRIDS johnson

Except no one here besides the small amounts of /christian/ crossposters can stand CF so that's irrelevant. We aren't IM.

I wasn't talking about Holla Forums im talking about the cancers fighting each other Holla Forums is better than both

I also remember a time when there was no daily Shoah. I remember a thread being made around two years ago with anons asking Holla Forums to name their new show. That show became The Daily Shoah. And now . What a fucking joke the faggots were the whole time.

A man with a working brain is responible for the actions he commits. IF he is taken advantage of, if he gives help to an enemy, if he allows himself to be stepped on, it is his own fault.

only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our

As the only race with both the creativity and brainpower to create and destroy in equal measure, we should be held to a high standard that an ape in a suit. Yes, there are jews pushing homosexuality, and yes, niggers o it more often than whites, but that there is even any whites doing it is a disgrace.

Go and watch this spic

There was a recent child abuse case where the child thought its name was "idiot" because that's what it's been called all the time.

"What goes out of a man defiles him" is all nice and well, when you completely disregard heavy brainwashing and conditioning.

for example.

They brought it upon themselves by being so cucked and everything, right?

But then you have situations like the webm here.

Where you have education hijacked and so forth.

Only a fraction of people here still think in sensible ways, usually those who didn't go into the cities and those who still listened to their wartime grandparents.
I fall under both.

But if I were to crusade openly against all that then I would land in jail.
Hell, should I ever partake in an uprising then the Germany stationed US troops might shoot me on sight.

Germany is fighting back, though

Yes, very enlightening, there are jews pushing homosexuality. I never knew that before, did you? It's so shocking!

Do you buy a new car every time a salesman tell you to? Do you buy every item advertised on tv or the radio? No, because you're not retarded. So stop blaming everything on the salesman and realize someone needs to buy the goods for the salesman to keep his shop open.

The don't sell you a car they sell you a small bolt then they sell you a wheel then they sell you the frame then the windows

you are a dishonest kike

What is even your point anymore?

Gee user, your right! I don't know where we would ever get a crazy idea like that from.

What I haven't heard anyone mention about the supposed "TRS shills," other than the fact that it doesn't make sense that they'd be shilling us because - like it or not - we're not all that different, is that a few weeks ago when around the same time it came out that SA was deleting information and evidence relevant to the FBI's Clinton investigation someone, who we had all assumed was a SA goon, was making several threads about how terrible Ghoul was, giving rundowns of each member of the Daily Shoah, singling out Sven for his "epic drops," and asking for an invite to TRS.

Well, I think he got that invite, and I think he's using it to D&C TRS and 8/pol/.


And the TRSIDF has arrived. You can't D&C something that was never unified to begin with.

That's the weakest shilling in the history of mankind, then.

With posts that go against the idea usually having the most upvotes.

So Milo is banned from your meetups? On the last FtN they said it's basically impossible to have an 'alt right' meetup without Milo showing up. Face it TRS fags, you have problems that you need to sort out. Running out Milo and making it public that you won't shill here would be a good step towards fixing the problem, but I won't hold my breath.


I don't know what to say to you. I'm sure there are people here who remember the threads I'm talking about.

Yeah, it's almost like someone posted them and then took screenshots of them just so they could be posted here.

Hang him from a tree then.

Bulbasaur is back now, and he's writing articles too.

Fash The Nation is now the #1 show, and for good reason. Should be dropping later today actually radio.therightstuff.biz/

nigger, Woes is an explicitly self-announced homosexual, while Dickie and Greg are pro-sodomy and have been trying to make people accept it as part of the "movement"

For comparison.

A meme lol song about Trumps pussy soundclip


With shilling TDS and TRS as a whole on Holla Forums being TIP TOP PRIORITY, those brave pioneers only get, what? 5-6 upvotes in that one last picture?

But THIRTY?! on a meme song?!

Something ain't right on the right stuff, I'd say.

fuck off CTR.

Isn't Bulbasaur the guy who's okay with racemixing? Not much better than the fags, arguably worse. I don't have the screengrab on this computer.

They did say that, I always listen to the new episodes at least twice and I have a good memory. They were complaining how a 'specific jew always shows up to all the ethnonationalist meetups in D.C.'. We all know that's Milo.

Yeah, it's a possibility, just like CFs bootlickers antagonize the chans for clicks and good boy points with daddy.

But then not showing the result of their work.


That said, I do thin TRS still has problems, though.
But being supershills is definetely not one of them.

Begrudgingly, after an intense wave of backlash from their fans.
Complete and utter bullshit mate. Ryan Faulk (TRS chronicler of hatefacts, and guest on FTN a few weeks ago) is openly homosexual and a former male prostitute, Greg Johnson is openly homosexual and routinely calls "homophobia a Jewish plot", Millennial Woes is openly bisexual and has admitted to sucking cock in the past, James J O'meara is openly homosexual and a transvestite to boot, and Dickie Spencer not being gay is about as likely as the Earth being flat.


We have our disagreements but they're friends. Anybody calling them shills is probably a shill.

Just dont bank on them starting the race war. Support the Northwest Front or something with your money, not this circlejerk.

TRS coming out of the woodwork now that I pointed out uncomfortable things. Saying 'Nope' doesn't invalidate it. I'm just not going to sift through two hours for the clip since they don't have transcripts.

l o l

holy fuck reddit formatting

Richard Spencer got off the tolerance to sodomite train a long time ago. Also TRS has kind of decided to distance themselves a little bit from richard spencer.

But being supershills is definetely not one of them.
100% agreed.

This meme seriously needs to die. All it does is derail.

This. There are no real principles in the American WN movement. Either you're friends with someone or you're not.

The only thing they all agree on is getting tards to depart with their shekels.

He's taking his weak post and adding a full space after



so it takes up more space and artificially increases its visibility in relation to the post's actual content. It sticks out like a sore thumb and it's faggy as hell. When you come to an imageboard and post in ways that makes it clear you're more adapted to some namefag forum, it's made clear you don't belong, and it rightfully provokes a disgusted reaction.

Fake ass


non problem

I've been coming to imageboards for over 10 years. This isn't new, people do this all the time. Who the fuck cares? Sage for autism.

Because they do.

Both of those things are false.

Reddit or some other namefag website, it's the same shit. Reddit was a major cancerous faggot source for 4chan, and now there's fucks like you that have gotten sucked up in the TDS forum environment. It's got the same circlejerk mentality, all the same upvote cancer, and now you're blatantly shilling all over Holla Forums whenever the topic is brought up. You don't belong here, go back to your dying forum to complain about ironmarch or whatever and suck off the moderators dick.

Hmm.. It looks Holla Forums has some explaining to do.

Look up "fash" in the TRS lexicon. They aren't really fascists. Why do you think Pincohet is the only "fascist" they like?

And when altists "shit on libertarianism", they're talking about "left libertarianism".

Completely false. TRShills fuck off, we have proof and unfortunately you're not going to be able to diminish said proof by creating these shitty damage control threads every other day to try and reach consensus. Take your content and shove it up your ass.

Glad the TRShills could make it off their namefag board
Fuck off with your shitty content.

Or a majority of anons were finally fed up with TRS' shit when they openly called a shilling operation to push their shitty podcasts/forced memes here. Case in point

Completely incorrect, but continue in your delusion, did you forget that one of the shilling op screenshots had over 100+ views with 20 upvotes? Of course you didn't because you are a part of said namefags.

This. But I'm convinced many of the phalanx faggot leaders are sociopaths with narcissistic traits more than insecurity caused by manic-depressive disorder. You can just tell through their shitty podcasts and derivative essays that they have some disorder that may need serious medical treatment (transkike cancer is currently the worst).

Great post.

Are you so deluded that with mountains of evidence, and tens of screenshots of their shilling operations you'd deny this? Fuck off back to your namefag board we don't need this space pozzed anymore than it already has been by your ilk. Go ahead and fire back with "kill yourself nigger it obviously wasn't all of TRS, their content's great! Hell I'd buy a membership if they started selling 'em! You're just a butthurt IM faggot or some loser in his mom's house XDD".

Yeah, good luck spinning it some of us dedicated autists will not let others forget. Keep leading these raids from your shitty discords and eventually one of us will screenshot it again. Anons are everywhere.

This, it's like clockwork, that they create a bait thread for people to try and express their "oh gee I sure do like TRS' podcasts, here have a looksie and maybe join the forum", "oh didn't you know anons, there was no shilling operation, that was just a ruse teehe everyone here likes TRS", "look at the views of 160 and positive upvotes-that doesn't mean a thing anons- It was all a deliberate CTR shill op, not a genuine TRS shill op", "TRS is fascist! Didn't you see how they got rid of all natsocs on their boards and pubicly shamed them!"

Wasted dubs, back to your namefag forum faggot. Same spin that you faggots have been trying for the past 5 days.


After the NRO incident, with florian getting banned, a lot of the more influential goyim on the site (radio/forum) are wondering wtf is going on. The non-TDS/FTN radio hosts and vast majority of forum goys don't participate in the super secret fagbook group (who all seem to know each other from a certain lolberg group). That seems to be the source of the faggotry, and in the 8/pol/ thread where awyattmann sperged out, a former fagbook group member revealed that many of the more vocal members of this group were open faggots, bragging about shilling for trump on grindr among other faggotry.

My suspicion is that either:
1) These faggots (or an influential subset of these faggots) have leverage over mike and sven. This could be as simple as ruining their lives via doxxing
2) Mike and sven receive direct financial backing from these sodomites. As a result choose not to bite the GRIDS-infected hand that feeds them
3) Mike and sven are too engaged in realpolitik, think that this is clever maneuvering, when really it results in the alienation of everyone who isnt willing to compromise their values

Also: Sven's cult of personality extends to a few choice bootlickers who do his bidding without question. This is how some of the former nobodies (werent on gen-I forum) are now mods.

You remind me of that autistic kike who claims everybody is secretly working for Sinead. Is that you?

This post is a quintessential autism.

Your pic shows that they took back a word from faggots and made it their own. Is your reading comprehension that poor?

Mike Enoch, Ghoul, and many others have all said they liked Hitler. Another example is Jim from the fatherland, he said, "I don't want to criticize hitler, because I don't want to get kicked off the network, but why didn't he have kids?" That kind of illustrates the understanding between everyone. You being a dumb fuck with little reading comprehension doesn't change that.

I think yours is.

They adopted it as "their word" because that's what they ("rightist libertarians") were called. Like how niggers made "nigga" their word.

Are you by any chance autistic?

There's been multiple anarchist forums/boards that have tyrannical amounts of moderation, does that make the people that browse there fascist? Reddit has mass manipulations and bans under the rule of SRS, CTR, whatever. Does that make them fascist? These e-celeb faggots aren't strong authority figures, they're at best intellectuals, at worst pathetic egotists and opportunistic homosexuals riding a wave. Greg Johnson has fully laid out his idea for a meek little white ethnostate for him to suck dick in, with a game plan free of any actual effort, struggle, sacrifice, hard work, heroism. No higher ideals, no historical necessity, no real goals, no empire to build and no stars to conquer. In short, the ideals of him and his ilk lack any of things that make fascism meaningful.

Why should we be part of a movement that is lead by pansies like him, or Bernie Sanders supporters, or homosexual narcissists with an LA sex group, or people that think they can wear a hitler youth cut in their early forties. Fuck off.

wew lad, this is what TRS faggots actually believe.
That's exactly what an E-celeb is, any faggot with some popularity on the internet. A bunch of middling IQ guys regurgitating Holla Forums memes into a microphone and posting it anonymously to the internet does not make you an "authority figure".

yeah and they have their own website now and the conclusion can be made it's to distance themselves from the chucklefuck faggots at trs

like 3 weeks ago sven made a goddamned theme song for dickie coming on the show nice try m8

Did you see the /polmeta/ post blow up with that pro-TRS guy shilling hard? If you need more screencaps, go there.

Why I have started hating TRS :

1. They are fag supporters

2.Daily shoah is just endless and humorless fag/degenerate references rather than "jokes" the only reason anyone listens to that show is for the merchant minute.

3. They shit on the actual right while claiming their "alt-right" ( more alternative lifestyle references) is the answer to the degenerate cuck faggotry of the neo-cohens.

4.They Got rid of Natt/skyrim whom was probably one of their better pod casters.

5. They come on here and start TRS shill threads. After shitting on this site on their show.

Ask yourself if "nigga" means the same thing as "nigger."

It doesn't. Your point doesn't make sense.

They are an authority figure to some people regardless of whether they are an authority figure to you.

So that's a "yes" to the autism question then?

liking hitler=/=not being a cuck faggot, which they are
Fucking kike enoch says the jews had nothing to do with 9/11, ghoul is a miserable stuttering faggot archetype of a narcissistic philosophy major (holy fuck i'm in the same field and listening to him describe his "philosophical discussions" with classmates is painful). Jim on the other hand is a cool dude who is having white babies, can handle bants, openly discusses killing niggers (of course being a christian he always says he's joking but we all know better), and i wish he was on FTN routinely.

Fair enough.

Yeah, that would make you autistic.

nigger, if you want to talk vernacular nigga is the same fucking thing you candyass roodypoo

I'm not him but you can do better than just calling him autistic. There's plenty of reasons and ways to shut down TRSfags' arguments without using 'autistic' as a stand in for your argument.

Anita Sarkeesian was an e-celeb "authority figure" for some time. Does that
A: Make her a fascist?
B: Make her any good?

I think Enoch's main point with 9/11 is that the official narrative is already a good one. To try and explain how Mossad is tied up in it doesn't really help us when 9/11 is already useful for hating Arabs.

Ghoul is worthless imo.

Ask yourself this. If you say, "what's up nigga" to a nigger, how will he react?

Now ask him, "what's up nigger?"

You're lying if you say the response is the same. Go back to 2011 Holla Forums, lad.

Nigger you don't even know who they are, they're a random collection of voices pissing into the ether of the internet. Based on your criteria an "authority figure" could be any user posting something decent in a thread.

I found it. It's GRIDS Greg Johnson himself saying that Milo the jew gets invited to all the Nazi meetups in D.C.


Timestamp: 2:03:00-2:04:00

fascism is an ideology with certain prerequisite beliefs. Hitler can be fascist, but Stalin could not be despite having similar amounts of authority

No but TRShills have accused me of being psychotic Sinaid for questioning their faggot leaders in the alt kike.

Thanks user, going to grab some more.

Rather have weaponized autism than weaponized aids like most of the trannies over at TRS.

Well since I've already explained how these people lack the prerequisite beliefs, so they're not fascists. I'm glad you helped me close this case.

Shitting on "14/88ers" and Hitler ( how original). In other words people whom read NSDAP / fascistic literature and understand how dangerous the jews and degenerate communists(leftists) really are.

There are rumors of some of them actually being jews and I would not be surprised as I don't believe these guys take the jewish threat seriously it all "memes" to them. Didn't they support some jerk that said "jews can be white"?

no, enoch has gone on record saying people claiming jews were involved are just "1488"rs go fuck yourself

Okay. Does someone need a badge to have authority?

If you came up with a clever scheme to take over my city council, and you gave me the plan, I would consider you an authority. Regardless of the medium your authority is expressed

and you sound like an autist still, because i guarantee you if you go up to a random nigger on the street and ask him "what's good nigga" you're going to get knockout gamed

No problem. I'm still waiting for that compilation picture.

i'm convinced enoch is a kike all his stories of working with them and being surrounded by them, it's doesn't fly.
Also, the whole reason that pointing out mossad was involved in 9/11 is to get to the Truth, if this fucker thinks the "narrative" against hating muzzies is fine then he needs to take a dive off the one wtc

I don't really buy your argument though.

So I suppose we'll agree to disagree. To me those guys are fascists, and you can believe what you like

Do you have proof? I've listened for the past 2 years and I've heard no such banter.

Well, you're a pussy if you let niggers knock you out for saying nigga.

also you're a daft cunt who can't understand nuance

I think that's the other reason they got rid of Natt as he was a 14/88er also he called them out on their faggotry.

see third pic in this post

why don't you read the thread
the word fash is a term they use for "right leaning libertarians" i reiterate read the fucking thread there's a whole stack of evidence

and you're a fucking faggot for not understanding that you're wrong on the vernacular and resort to >hurr ur just a pussy then>>7786609

he wasn't he isn't and will never be he doesn't believe in the 14 words as he supports common spic you lieing piece of shit

I'll accept you admitting your inability to form a coherent counter-point to my argument, and happily claim victory. GG

i never listened to nro too much, was natt agreeing with the fact that white's have have embraced rampant degeneracy too much or was he agreeing with the fact that whites are just bad

Natt seems to have been removed for antagonizing the fragile egos of the TRS mods. I don't even know who Natt was before this whole TRS banning spree for the Iron Marchers. Regardless of his support for common spic, he is right to call out the mods for their blatant pro-fag positions. In the same way, TRS and everyone else can call out Natt for his position supporting common spic.

pretty sure he identified himself as a National Socialist and did a fair job at trying at explaining his positions a while back.

I don't know who Sean last is, but it's clear he has little to do with guiding TRS thought.

I could take a screen cap of some retard from Holla Forums and say

Okay. Convince yourself of whatever you like

Ah, you're just a kike, got it. When I show you a screengrab of Mike Enoch himself posting about how he doesn't think the Jews were involved with 911 you just hand waive it away like the dishonest cuck you are. Likening that to a post anyone can make under the guise of anonymity highlights either your dishonesty or stupidity, and I don't really care much to figure out which. Go back to TRS, faggot, you don't belong.

you disingenuous motherfucker, claiming that 9/11 was just the muzzies and everyone who says otherwise is a conspiracy theorist nazi is a smokescreen over the fact the greater picture which is the jew coordinated a fucking attack on the us that brings us to the exact situation we find ourselves in today, get fucked


Yeah so true man, I mean he's a member of their "inner circle" and all, but he's ONLY written 22 articles for their site.

Oh my

These guys have pointed out 100's of other Jew related attacks. Mike may not understand Israeli involvement in 9/11. Does that invalidate everything he says? Why should I consider TRS as a whole defunct because one guy doesn't understand Jewish involvement in one instance?

It's such an autistic thing to get hung up on. I understand your drive for truth, but I'm not going to use his faulty views on 9/11 to shape my opinions towards him or TRS as a whole.

I'm still not even sure if Mike is ignorant on the matter, or just prefers the shitty mudslime narrative. He certainly doesn't defend Jews in any other instance, so I'm not worried about him being corrupt.

I don't even read their site, tbh.

or go on their forums

Were the articles defending Jews?

so you listen to the podcasts alone and think that from there you have a solid view of the people running them
well clearly you fucking don't.

What makes it even worse is that they claim the 9/11 truth movement was all about the 2004 election, even though the first "Loose Change" came out in 2005, and always bring up that hologram strawman.

the only people I understand are the podcast hosts. I've never claimed anything different

No wonder you guys are going under.

no, you've claimed a whole lot more than that in this thread

What a fucking crusp.

Who can possibly think this unironically?

the 9/11 "truther" (lol someone wants the truth what a bunch of loser conspiracy wackos) shit was all over in 04

I thought that was when we gave up hope of ever getting a straight answer. Speaking of, I was thinking about putting in a FOIA request for the gas station CCTV videos near the Pentagon. Those would be great. There's been so many advances this year on the 9/11 front so maybe we can get those now.

You got me, dude.

Well, I can't help you making assumptions

How much more of an outsider could you be? You might as well come out as a #HillaryMissile at this point.

alright then

all claims made by you

You're a grown man posting images of another culture's drawings of little girls. Yet you probably defend white western culture as being superior to all others.. It's kind of cucky, tbh.

Okay. Put podcasts after every time I say "TRS" if that clears things up.

You're a grown man using niggerspeak defending an AIDS support group on an anonymous forum for free. There is nothing more sad than that. Insulting anime is heresy.



The TRS autists just couldn't handle that they were being slammed on /polmeta/ so they made their own post: >>>/polmeta/12272

Make sure to visit the original post that is triggering them hard: >>>/polmeta/12189

I hope you are one of the people that got shoaded from the TRS forum and is now out for blood. Otherwise your autism is being used pretty hard, kek.

That "Lets shill on Holla Forums" thread was created in the same day the purge happened, pure coincidence i am sure.

Also one of the bosses at IM, Zeiger, explained most of what happened at the Daily Stormer, so its not like you need to take my word for it.

go to polmeta right now and say again that it's false

The person i replied to said "completely false" to my original post, where i said this entire drama started as an IM x TRS forum war. Which it did.

my bad, multiple threads today dealing with these fairweather "fascists" i'm seeing red
that being said, they are and have been shilling for a while now, whether organized or not.

none of these people even know what fascism is. They are simply cashing in on a right wing movement.


Unfortunately for your sake most anons aren't directed by shitty ecelebs. I know it's extremely challenging for you TRShills or IM faggots to understand because consuming shit content is the only way you can formulate your ideas. Or inversely producing shit content is the only way you can have others be directed by these prior shit ideas. However, it's important you grasp this so you realize just how unwelcome you are. Even if, like any other day on Holla Forums a group of a few namefags came to subvert through a DnC strategy, throwing a few screenshots knowing it would case a fracture within the community, there will obviously be anons that can grab onto this shit and direct it where they see is necessary. This is the benefit and power of anonymity. So, for now as TRS poses an immediate existential threat to the board after finally having proof of shilling ops, whether spurred by IM or not, it is important to address the issue. If IM leaks appear, and they start shilling their shitty content here with more force, of course I'll continue on sage spamming if need be or letting anons know they are cancer. The difference of pure cancer, fag cancer, trans cancer, kike cancer is nonessential, it must be excised.

But do carry on thinking your influence is more important than it really is, it just proves the eceleb point that anons have always known and allows me to grab more screenshots of these sociopath ideologues trying to subvert user communities.



Fuck off back to your alt-kike den.


it's like pottery

I'm pretty sure that you two are the same person, so I'll respond accordingly:

This who post is almost completely incomprehensible. I don't have a TRS account, I don't want one, I'm just saying that someone is trying to get Holla Forums and TRS to turn on each other. I don't use reddit, either, for the record.

Evidence you've created yourself, I'm assuming, by making posts like these on TRS, screenshotting them, and posting them here so you can talk about how we're being subverted by TRS.

Dear Christ, you're so autistic.

I never even came close to implying any of that, you stupid, autistic, faggot.

Forgot about this part. But, again, you're an autistic faggot.

Hope you like my formatting, by the way!

Someone pls hack these TRS faggots, let's see who is paying them.

is it bad to listen to him?