What did you think of Edge of Tomorrow?It's getting a sequel which sucks

What did you think of Edge of Tomorrow?It's getting a sequel which sucks.

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Seems needless. They should find some other no name property to adapt.

Will it star Brendan Fraser killing himself until he UNJUSTS his shit and has a successful career?

Cruise is based but it was an exposition babbys first sci fi flick, the type of film Nolanites love to eat up. Emily Blunt acts the same in everything.

Sure you can ignore this but now that its getting a sequel when the story actually had an ending is just a cash grab

It would have worked better as an episodic tv show. But still surprisingly decent.

Well they based it off the manga so they had a script given to them, I hate how they removed the halo battle armor suits and replaced it with something shitty and the girl looks ugly compared to the girl from the movie but reguardless of that it still was pretty good. Though I don't think it will be good because it's now going to have to be a original script and it already has a absysomal name. Like wtf?

Well they based it off the manga so they had a script given to them, I hate how they removed the halo battle armor suits and replaced it with something shitty and the girl looks ugly compared to the girl from the movie but reguardless of that it still was pretty good. Though I don't think it will be good because it's now going to have to be a original script and it already has a absysomal name. Like wtf?
Why didn't they just call it All You Need Is Kill!! Fucking cucks!

Also the sequel is a prequel so it's gonna be staring that ugly British girl.

This never ends well. Why do they do it?


It was one of the best science fiction films in decades. Bill Paxton was in it. It looked great. Cruise was pretty good in it. It wasn't pozzed by a cultural marxist agenda.

It didn't warrant a sequel at all though, which was one of the many things I liked about it.

It was shit. The concept seems somewhat novel, but the flashbacks are nausea inducing, the atmosphere is generic as hell, the body armor makes no sense, and the acting is subpar as usual.

You sound like a circumcised person which is disgusting.
This film is total sci-fi kino.


Jewish subversion movie trying to convince straight white men a contra code cheater is a hero and a manwoman is sexy hoping that will put them on the downward slide to having their negholes pozzed so they won't have white babies to shoah them in the future.

There will be a blacked scene in the sequel.

Without the respawn gimmick, it would be just one of those generic sci fi war flicks like Battle: LA and Battleship.

You're fucking retarded.

The live repeat thing is what made this movie special and entertaining, it was far from being a gimmick.

MGTOW with ape cuckold fetish spotted and reported.

The point is that the setting, the aliens, and the all the visuals from the suits to the sets look bland, boring, and stupid. The movie is overblown reddit shite.

No point in a sequel, the film had a start and end.

This was based off a light novel written by Japanese people with a female lead, you couldn't be anymore wrong.

The suit is simply awesome, opinion discarded.

I agree but I will still give them the benefit of the doubt. The only problem here is that Tom Cruise is getting pretty old…


Is the second one supposed to be bad?


Why can't they just make a Halo movie already!? Why do we keep getting movies that are more or less just ripping off things from Halo?

Well the thing is that video games have little plot to be honest. So you have to expand the story but you will risk alienating the fans and if you don't do this the general audience won't have any interest, this is why video game should just stay where they are.

Nah, it's shit. there's simply no reason for an exoskeleton that large to have no armor.

Halo has been on a downwards projectory since Bungie stopped being its developer, its no longer the A-list super popular franchise it was from Combat Evolved through to Reach. The best time to make it would have been in the mid to late 2000s when its popularity was at its peak, but instead we got District 9.
If they made it now nobody will care, like the Assassins Creed film, which came right after the series became a stale repetitive retread with a new game released every year and nobody cares much for the franchise any more. It would be similar for a Halo film.

Because it is a prototype that was not completed when the war broke. Still it gives people the ability to have huge firepower and to move easily.


Fuck this movie. They rejected the awesome suit design for the bland and boring turd they had in the movie. Even the manga had cooler looking power armor that actually looked like it could protect anything.

That still doesn't make sense. Currently developed combat exoskeletons in real life have more armor than that.


They tried but there were problems in production so we got District 9 instead. That said I don't want one. It's past its prime and we should move on. Like said.

but it can not hold the kind of firepower the suit in the film has (high calibre rifle and rocket launchers, 7.62x51mm SCAR-H), are you retarded or what?
Also the Tank version gives more protection than your retarded suit.

Just use a fucking tank.

The armor was slow and retarded. They'd better off just using an armored vehicle.

Then why didn't they just give every single one of them the tank armour?

They had also tanks in the film but the whole point was again that they thought that they won the Bataille of Verdun thanks to exosuits when in fact it was thanks to the loop thing. Don't discuss a film that you have not understood.


The only good manga/Japanimation to Hollywood movie ever made?

Well then why do movies like District 9 and Edge of Tomorrow continue to rip off things from it?

That was AssCreed since the second game.

That's what I meant, should have been clearer though. It came after years of that so the audience was completely apathetic to the series.

Edge of Tomorrow is based on a Japanese novel from 2004

Pretty sure the exosuit is based on Aliens.

I am glad.
I genuinely like Edge of Tomorrow, Tom Cruise, and Emily Blunt.

Blunt sucks

Genuinely entertaining movie. I was sleeping on it for a long time. Now whenever I tell my friends to watch it, they kind of give me the "Heh, heh, yeah sounds pretty good, dude" but never end up watching it, fucking faggots.


No, you suck.

Halo wasn't the first fps featuring an exo-suit.
The major plot points of Halo weren't even groundbreaking.
The only thing remotely original to Halo is the art, but even then, the Spartan suit is a derivative of Doom Guy's armor and the weapons are derivations of either real weapons or weapons from other games.

The writers for Looped Cruise also didn't rip off Halo.

As far as I can tell, it's a sci-fi version of Groundhog Day, only with a dumber plot and an even dumber ending.

Tom Cruise is occasionally funny in it, but that's the most I can say for it.

So the rumours saying that Bill Murray's daughter was posting on imageboards were true.
Jaime it is time to leave now.

Huh? Where? How come I haven't heard of it?

And no, I genuinely think Edge of Tomorrow is shit.

lol'd at you ignorance. Movies are the thing with the least plot imaginable. Games, books, comicbooks, dramas, even operas, every one of them is more complicated then a 1,5 hour movie.