name one thing he did wrong
protip: you can't
name one thing he did wrong
protip: you can't
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whoops forgot to take off my shitposting flag
I can't
He died.
b-but muh dictator
Where did ya get those numbers? The CIA?
But I already exceeded this number!
My math says 102 millions died under Stalin's regime (not including Germans/Italians/Japanese)!
Stalin was a murderous tyrant. However, we should appreciate the role that propaganda plays in inflating his reputation.
He didn't kill enough ukrainians
This reminds me of storm weenies "The Holocaust didn't happen but it should have happened gas the kikes!"
During the Khrushchev regime, piano manufacturing practices became lax. and previous artisan methods of piano construction were done away with in favor of a streamlined process that primarily used poly-ethylene to make pianos. This subsequently made the pianos much lighter, severely hampering their killing power.
Fucking Khrushchev.
The problem is that 90% of "other things" didn't happen, while 9% out of remaining 10% have nothing to do with Stalin.
People like to simplify things. They think Soviets were some monolithic entity, not a clusterfuck of different social, economic, cultural and national factions fighting among themselves for dominance from 1917 to 1991.
gee well, stopping all socialist movement dead in their tracks is kinda fucked up dont you think?
People create problems an keep hindering socialism, no people no problem. I don't see anything wrong with that.
ok anarkiddie :^)
You have to admit, that video is hilarious.
ebin meme nuffinz
This. But you can't convince some of the people here no matter what you say. They're totally ignorant of Soviet history and are 100% content keeping things that way. They don't, for example, consider many of the people Stalin supposedly had executed through the NKVD were in fact killed by Yezhov and other corrupt officers who of course were later shot for treason. They would rather just disgrace history by loading all the people who died in the USSR into this one gigantic mass of people supposedly murdered by Stalin.
As you can see here anti-communism is so dogmatic and quasi-religous that people only feel they need wikipedia and Holla Forums memes to validate their beliefs. It's pure insanity.
I'm not a stalinist you gibbering idiot, I simply object to people posting bullshit inflated statistics. The "grave digger of the revolution" was bad enough as he was, you don't need to exaggerate by posting impossibly high figures.
One thing?
He placed Hoes before Broz.
Socialism is not a dinner party.
Have fun choking on western dick
Like Russia for the past 25 years? :^)
are you retarded.
1) gulags
2) his deaths sqauds were one of the reasons the repubilicans lost the spanish civil war.
3) nkvd repression
4) molotov ribbentrop pack
5) finnish war of agression
6) holomodor
7) killed trotsky
8) jailed returning red army veterns
the pinnacle of real socialism
if they killed innocents i blame it on yezhov which guess what was executed for killing innocents
it was necessary for the time being
finland was fascist leaning and the border too close to leningrad
never happened and famines happen all the time
he was the head behind many terroristic plots in the USSR and enemy of the people n.1
I'll stick to shit I've read about:
1) To the gulag labour camps were sent those who had committed serious offences (homicide, robbery, rape, economic crimes, etc.) as well as a large proportion of those convicted of counter-revolutionary activities. Few - if any - were "innocent victims."
2) I would say a greater concern than this would be the pressing matter of war and duly the need to centralize. Because of infighting between allies (Marxists against marxists, anarchists against left-communists , etc), Stalin stopped arming/funding spanish republicans until they had a centralised army. He gave this ultimatum to Republican forces: Either centralise or we will withhold aid. After they agreed and began centralizing, arming continued. But it was too late.
5) The Soviet Union invaded Finland to safeguard the security of Leningrad in any future conflict with Nazi Germany. Before the war with Finland Stalin had tried to negotiate with the Finnish government. The actual Finnish negotiators thought the Soviet proposals were reasonable, but the anti-communist government rejected them.
6) The Nazis were the leaders of a campaign later to be coordinated by the U.S in which the famine of Ukraine would be greatly exaggerated, beginning the myth that Stalin calculated the deaths of millions. Although there was indeed a famine that may have magnified by the process of centralization, we should recognize that since then the Ukraine has never experienced famine again.
7) Trotsky was actively sowing dissent within the party and threatening the stability of the Soviet Union. Before an invasion that would test the young republic, no less. Whatever contributions he might've made to the revolution were things of the past.
1) gulags- the pinnacle of real socialism well thats a stupid defense
that is like me saying isis is doing nothing wrong becuase jihad is the pinicle of islam,
2) oh sure stalin had no say over who the nkvd arrested, I hate to be living example on godwins law but, this is a bad as the the hitler apologist argument that, hitler was not responsible for holocuast because henrich himmler ran the camps.
3) the molov ribbentorp pact was 2 convienant
4) stalin refused to allow the famine sufferers to leave the famine zone, he export 1.8 million tons of grain while the famine was happening
(more than enough to fix it) he confiscated all
personal remaining foodstuffs.
5) source please
6) my source is the gulag archipielago
I would also add that Soviets had a very broad definition of "counter-revolution". In modern terms that would be organized crime rather than political propaganda.
I.e. members of mafia were considered "counter-revolutionary elements" in USSR.
Kill yourself, please.
Fucking Trotskyists, Stalin may have been a megalomaniac but at least he was practical rather than the idealistic grandeur that Trotsky wallowed in. If Trotsky took over the Soviet Union then it would have fallen a lot sooner
Uh yeah, Trotsky was backing and organizing assassination attempts and sabotages on industrial plants and goods.
I don't have stuff on hand to spoon-feed you everything, but looking around for 2 seconds I found this: https://
scratch that, forgot I had this saved: https://
Not going all this but the parts about the people he had executed really stood out.
Apparently if you call yourself a communist today you can only be delusional to the point of believing the USSR was a democracy or a Trotskyite/leftcom crypto-liberal. I find it hard to put my disgust for the modern pseudo-left into words.
Not a very good source, to be honest.
why is it unrelieable
next you'll say he was part of a fascist plot right?
wew lad
He has the highscoure as the guy who killed the most lefties.
No wonder an-cap guy is all for him
Dobar Skroz!
yeah aleksandr solzhenitsyn is not the cia