what would you guys do with omnipotence?
I would set myself up as a scientist to make some tech humans need to have, and make some 2D porn and video games I think need to be a thing, after all that I would make my own universe, and live out some fantasies, and just do that forever.
What would you guys do with omnipotence?
I think the most benevolent thing to do would be to erase humanity from existence. Not just from presently existing, but from ever having come into being. That would be good for everybody, especially human beings.
you could fix humans at that point
I would create the world's greatest burrito.
That's theoretically true, but in so long as human beings exist the possibility of the fall is present. If we were to discuss this from a theistic perspective, which I think is fair given OP's question positing the idea of omnipotence, we could say God made this very mistake. He made humanity "perfect" before the fall, but then by the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil we were given consciousness. In so long as there is consciousness, whatever that might be, there is the potentiality for infinite destructive antics on the part of mankind.
yeah, you could, you could turn that shit into gold
I would make warhammer a real thing to fix things
Well let's just analyze this for a sec.
You, OP, are essentially asking me what I would do with a Ferrari.
It would sit next to the garage just like my Ford, tbh.
I have no friends, no job, no obligations.
What use do I have for omnipotence?
Shitpost on Holla Forums
You'd get bored eventually, after hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of years of doing that. At some point you'd have to wipe your own memory and begin a new life. Hmmmmm.
you could make things more interesting, both yourself and others
that would be the plan
all the elf-pussy, and CYOAs will be new to me forever
That sounded really stupid for about ten seconds.
Now I want to be like you.
I am very confused.
But no, you couldn't. If you were omnipotent NOTHING would be interesting to you because everything would already be known. Not even other people. And while you may be interesting to them, at least at first, eventually that relationship would be completely fucked up because of the inequality. They would say something to you and you would say "I know."
Every fucking time.
user already lives that life and is seemingly doing so happily, contentedly, and without omnipotence. I find that perspective fascinating.
that is omniscience, not omnipotence
you know everything with omniscience, you can do anything with omnipotence.
I find ridding a dragon as a necromancer wizard black knight is more interesting then being able to cope with existential meaningless, or even being able to be content with reality
I already have omnipotence. You are currently living through one of many iterations of my experimentation with fundamental laws.
can I have my waifu pls
I'd get me a real computer like they used to make long ago. And I'd get rid of Intel and make Terry Davis the president of all silicon valley.
until the stars themselves grow cold and weary and our thoughts turn again to the beginning
I'd master every art, create new forms of art which I believe would be unimaginable without omnipotence. I'd become a god of love and beauty, take a beautiful form as Aphrodite did, not for the hearts of men but to become a light of beauty, to cull people towards light. Become a god of true good, true love, true passion.
Fuck you
hear me out on this one… Make everyone god with their own personal world to control/do whatever and set it up like a big collection of servers you can jump to and from at will, because wouldn't omnipotence be a million times better if you could experience, not only your own absolute power, but what other's would do with it and be able to leave when you decided "yeah this server sucks."? (((datamining)))
that's a description of something you can't imagine the form of. that's not a real dream.
Mind elaborating? (((datamining))) Omnipotence would mean being able to imagine the unimaginable, wouldn't it? (((datamining)))
I love your idea
yeah, and that's not an answer to the question. okay, You can imagine the unimaginable then become it. great. but that's not YOU. that's what YOU WOULD DO after being omnipotent. What YOU do? (((datamining)))
I'd start altering the world in subtle but profound ways. Solving problems in final but untracable and seemingly unrelated means.
Think Light Yagami but less retarded.
I'd be torn between 2 radically different options.
1. Live forever, healthy and strong. Do nothing to better humanity and constantly let the world know just how superior I am and how miserable their pathetic lives are. The only people I'd care for are the multiple young wives, who never age, that I'd give myself and any family I still have.
2. Selflessly cure all disease and illness. See to it that no one is lacking in basic needs. Erase religion entirely. Convince humankind to love and care for each other. Everyone in the world will be happy but I still couldn't find it for myself. Fuck off to some other portion of the universe to be isolated and lonely like always and erase myself from existence.
That's exactly what my goal in life is rn tbh. It's probably hopeless and retarded to try and achieve divination but I do believe in the power of will. My life is devoted to making art, enjoying art, understanding as many walks of life as possible, to understand the human condition and to help
I would do what any omnipotent being would do. I would continue to do nothing and observe existence forever. Partake of the fancies and hobbies of them, but without using my powers to excel at it through any means other than natural progression. I would merely live without fear, and allow the intelligent species to thrive or go extinct based on their own merit.
I might inspire a few individuals, but I'd never outright give them things or force things upon them.
The fact that this thread exists shows humans love religion. Dumb idea to me. Deify to individual, show them their own power, not take it away from them. Who wants to live in a world where were just animals addicted to brain chemicals? (((datamining))) That's life without religion, or atleast some belief in greater things
I would do that, then take it away
just to see them cry
that's ridiculous. listen, If you ant to achieve divination, go study sciences. I make art all the time. I don't give 2 shits about *understanding* as many walks of life as possible. Fuck the human condition. take what you pick and choose as lessons from it, and move to the next lesson. fuck all this, "oh laaadiiidaaa, I'm gonna be a god damn well rounded learner of life itself and make pretty pictures/music/whatever the fuck you are making about it" nah, fuck that. Do you for what YOU want to do, and it'll end up helping the human condition. that description right there, is some shit you'd imagine while smoking weed. like "oh yeah, bruh, peace to the world, let it rotate" when the reality is "sex, money, murder, DNA"
You wanna know how to "achieve divination? (((datamining)))" Be yourself SO MUCH, that you can't be considered a member of the copycat race of humans around you.
that's also fucking boring. I imagine god is just chilling here on earth doin his thing and appearing at rando to humans like "yosup bruh"
You imagine that, but you're wrong. And I don't think gods exist.
I am in the process of creating myself, and I have many times. I'm always in pain, and others are. I'm compassionate and love is my passion. You tell me to walk my own path, this is my current path that I have CHOSEN, probably will change or at least alter, but I love beautiful things, and I want everyone to feel beauty. Don't get me wrong tho, I do t just like pretty things. I appreciate evil and the grotesque, I'm not 1 dimensional. I'm very conflicted and constantly alter, but beauty is always in my sights
you're allowed to think that. Just like I'm allowed to think what I want (actually if you want to know what I think 4real, I think god is reality itself. the very matter and space you move around in. the actual chemical interactions and machinery of molecules around you… kinda like a very large complicated brain with electrical impulses moving between axon and dendrite continuously)
Love is a dream without a conclusion. It is a failure of imagination. but aye, you passion about whatever the fuck you want to. Just Like I'm going to passion about whatever the fuck I want to. beauty is alright, I think it's better to be right than to be beautiful.
How? (((datamining))) Many dream about what it would be like to be a god-like being. It's a big part of the appeal of superheros in general. You don't need religion to like the appeal of that.
>Who wants to live in a world where were just animals addicted to brain chemicals? (((datamining))) That's life without religion, or atleast some belief in greater things
Humans will have belief in something greater: Me. What they won't have is old fairy tales and faith.
Gnostic at all? (((datamining))) Pretty much just described the demiurge matrix
nah, bee. that's just what I imagined in my spare time. I'll look into that.
Omnipotence makes anything possible, and I'm speaking about achieving it, I do respect what you say and you're thoughtfulness though
It's also believed in Budhissm. I as well imagined it, which lead to my belief in those when I found them. I love when others come to the same conclusions just by thought, I really love it.
There's dictionaries if you don't know what omnipotence means, because that's how it seems
omnipotence can't exist logically
Only because there will always be another will that can reach equality to the highest. That's why I wish to unite all with beauty. Harmony that creates a hive mindl
No clue how I butchered that last post.
was for (you)
the state omnipotence power can't exist
as you there wouldn't be a situation where you can't do something, making you unable to do something
Yes I kno. I belief religion takes faith because the power of a god is high that it just looks like nature, naturally occurring events, which it is but more concious than we understand. You'd have to take a form, like Jesus. But you take that form and you'd be vulnerable, and then who knows howd you feel if a bunch of fucking Jews murdered you
Give a few select individuals immortality but they have to kill every other one of them they meet. When there's only one left he goes to the chamber of eternal rape, where he gets raped nonstop by Freddie Mercury as he sings Princes of the Universe.
I'm having trouble comprehending that, so I very much respect you. I think maybe you're saying you would take the form of a matrix, like a semi concious ecosystem that creates but ascended past your very own thought? (((datamining))) Also, understand omnipotence is my goal, but I'm not wasting my time trying to achieve it. I aim high, and I'll likely miss, but I'll still achieve something great
Oh haaaaeel nah, the hive-mind sucks as an ideal. you see, without the differences in life, there are no outliers. there is no deviation. the norm is the perfection. that's the opposite of what I would consider beautiful.
“When everyone is somebody, then no one’s anybody.” -Gilbert
"when everyone's super, No one is"
-syndrome from the fucking incredibles
I believe the hive mind already exists how it is. I have a very broad sense of everything and maybe that's dumb of me to somehow believe everything at once. I want to perfect it by culling out the outside evils. Call me Alex Jones but I'm in fear that the Jews or something by a different mind is is rounding up our souls in this universe to trap us, while using the energy that creates this hive mind. Pretty much eliminate the Jews before they become too powerful a d achieve their goals
I do feel like I'm being greatly misunderstood here and I'm sorry I cant explain better
so you want the virus from prototype
Yes but in a more esoteric, spiritual energy type of way
damn, and I thought I was fuckin crazy. well hey, more power to you. nah, it isn't the Jews. It's the fucking media they pour into your mouth. It's the constant connection with someone else's idea that has been chosen to be shoved down your throat by "elites" it is the natural state where we are all just "okay" with living the rest of our lives 9-5 in a small apartment when the surface of the world is so vastly huge and the amount of energy we can harness from the sun is so infinite that no one would even need to hustle to make end's meet. It's the fact that we have unlimited information at our fingertips but because everyone is in a mind controlled stupor they will spend untold hours on facebook or watching TV when you can easily get the shows for free online. it's that we can feed the world's populations, but don't because they don't pay for it.
As an omnipotent being, I would not have to be vulnerable in any form I presented myself in. I could look like any human but be indestructible. One could drop a nuke on me and I could just breathe in all the energy it released. I would be all-powerful, I would be observable, and I would the new God to everyone. No need to have faith and no need to question my actions or words when they'd be on display for everyone.
Thanks for using an argument that I'd make in an attempt to disagree with me lol so woke just told me what I've known for years. I've only progressed. And I agree maybe it's not entirely the Jews but Rockefellers and Rothschilds are the elites, or have chosen the current elites and guess what? (((datamining))) They're Jews.
I'd spark off big bangs that unfold according to established causality just as planned from ignition to heat death. I'd have competitions with my fellow omnipotent beings for who can ignite the most fancy universes and would be respected among my peers as a true artist.
Would you use omnipotence to allow them to understand you? (((datamining))) Keep in mind understanding your omnipotence would probably allow them to be omnipotent, unless you chose to not let it happen
If you're simply referring to them understanding me from a language perspective, I'd refrain from granting each human any additional abilities. I could do something magical and communicate in all languages simultaneously and just alter each individual person's perception of any interaction to show myself communicating in their language. I'd probably prefer to go the route of creating and giving to everyone some ear piece that translated anything said to the wearer's native language, something that would be useful for interaction with other humans as well.
i'd reveal myself to humans as god, and tell them to abolish age of consent, legalize human-horse marriage, kill homosexuals. i'd probably appear as the flying spaghetti monster and kill anyone who didn't convert (except atheists, i'd give them a pass unless they're shitty about it). i'd also make the earth flat, fuck with physics and shit to make it appear normal to people on the surface. basically just fuck with them. i'd probably end up making the earth a sphere again just out of residual curiosity as to what their future would be like.
when i got bored with that, i'd probably live out my fantasies. if i got bored with that too, i'd probably go back to like today-ish and just start raping every 10-12yo girl (not as god, just as random dudes) and watch what happened to society. actually there's a pretty good chance i'd start with that one.
eventually i'd probably kill myself if i could. if i couldn't, i'd make universes and go from there.
The ear piece idea seems pointless. You'd just be able to implement thoughts, words, images and feelings onto their mind through will, and you'd have to power to let them know that it is from you or not let them know, is literally already done if any gods contact us
the elite jews might be buddy-buddy with eachother, but the jews, ethnically, have nothing to do with it. I hate the state of israel, I hate elitists, which happen to be jews, but I will not hate jewish people just because of their ethnicity. I have friends that are ethnically jews, and ya know what, they are perfectly fine people.
Surprised you responded to that because I looked back and was certain I'd answered a question you didn't even ask. But as I said, the ear piece idea would allow them to communicate with other humans too, not just with me. It would also be something they could easily understand. I know I could just mess around in their minds, which I stated I could do when I said I could choose to actually alter each individual's perception of me. I would do plenty of magical shit to sell my all-powerfulness as well though, such as teleporting around the world and healing people by touch.
Why would you not just reduce humanity to mere ignoramus automatons without any knowledge or understanding of good and evil, as to liberate them from the original sin and revert them back to a state of nature prior to the fall? (((datamining)))
>what would you guys do with omnipotence? (((datamining)))
Get bored and give it up only to regain it later. again like we always do, over and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
God cannot die.
I would establish an universal karma that works
I would give myself omnipresence and from that moment I have no idea what I would do.
ni🅱🅱a i will be exploring the galactic center
Play snooker with planets and suns
Why are they shooting them? (((datamining)))
because they're degenerate fags
I would search for other omnipotent beings
I was speaking in broad and general terms when speaking of the Jews, just as I was the whole thread