What do you think of this pic?
What do you think of this pic?
Turkish orgy?
Where are the enslaved naked female sacrifies?
rozelli's kike posse… probably stinks in there
is that rozelli?
Only girls and beta orbiters in that pic, just like the people who post in her threads hehe
I'd be afraid to talk to any boys in this pic tbh
Oh, those are Gree I mean Turks. The Greek bloodline dose not exist in Greece anymore. It has been blended out through generations.
But this is the average day of a Turk. Orbit around coffee shops and smoke. Then bitch how it's Germany fault why you are so lazy and wont work to rebuild your nation. Also they hate the people who replaced them "Turks" but have no clue that they are what they hate.
But this photo and any really of a group of gathered turkroaches in Greece is why you should never befriend one or even marry one. If you do, you allow that infestation into your home.
Me too
Is that the cam slut who keeps begging here in the corner? Why does she have so many threads? She sure as fuck doesn't deserve them. And anyone who gave shekels to her "virgin" ass is just sad.
I rather have the old Attention whore Ah!, Bible-chan (horror movies missed), or the nice one you all scared off!
No, that's her normie twin sister, freakelli
she's a grill you know
A fucking ugly gurl, and whore in top of that.
Why would anyone care about this trash?
She should go back to half-chan and stay there.
Though I think they have better cam whores there, so she decided to come here as her last hope of finding omega orbiter to sustain her for shit in return.
Good thing they don't browse 8
can this be the new name for Holla Forums?
just going to shitpost on the 8 for a bit
i think you're just mad because she circumvents the "tits or gtfo" measure. it's supposed to be a humiliating way for girls to get their vagina powers back, but she doesn't give a fuck about showing her naked body. that said, i wouldn't mind if she fucked off, her threads are boring.