What's your stance

pro or anti gun

me personally, I prefer to have guns to be safe. it's not like you can predict when some wacko decides he wants to get a 360 no scope quad feed irl so you gotta be prepared for any situation.

then again if we didn't have guns, we'd be like south korea and have more stabbings taking place or like japan and have practically 0 firearm fatalities. you cannot predict how some people will act with the aid of human nature

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The constitution only applies to able bodied citizens with basic rights. This isn't a slippery slope. The mentally handicapped have never head the same rights as mentally stable citizens and guns should not be an exception.

I support stricter background checks on gun purchases. BUT, in the name of checks and balances, we should make shit like bump stocks and actual assault rifles legal again

I thought ARs were legal if you built them yourself with certain parts (could be mistaken for a law in some other state). also, sociopaths can practically ace background checks and psych evals, which most of the school shooters tended to be. I can see how it's a tough decision for legislatures because on one hand you can have peace but be at the absolute mercy of your enemies and on the other have a huge risk with people who have mental issues

It's not about peace or enemies though, it's about principles. Without principles the constitution us a useless piece of paper. We cannot let ourselves set this precedent

I'd rather see them all gone from this world, but we know that's not happening. There's always going to be someone with a gun who is a danger to everyone else. So, it's only reasonable to allow the regular, responsible people to have them to protect themselves. I always shake my head at the outcry as someone who is closer to a liberal on a lot of things. The problem is humanity and no one ever points the finger at that. Humanity is broken and it's in our nature to destroy ourselves. If they want to try to make things better, maybe our leaders and the system should work for the individual, and maybe they should worry about mental health and education.

indeed. which begs the question: why is it ok for people of the left and right wing to want to silence the opposing side? no one is actually adhering to the first amendment at all and places like twitter and YouTube are becoming totalitarian spaces where no one is allowed to have differing opinions, especially if the opinions belong to someone even remotely right leaning and are having their accounts deleted or suspended

the root to all these mental issues is bullying. there may be other factors but bullying seems to be the main culprit. If people weren't so hung up on what others thought of them and didn't try to make others who are less fortunate feel like shit every day, we wouldn't have so many instances of mass shootings. people need to realize that not everybody is made of steel and get hurt easily.

Pro gun all the way. NAP is all we need, you pull out a weapon, expect to get ventilated. School shootings happen because there is a power differential - name the last mass shooting at a fucking rodeo.


Pro >>>/soyboys/

how do you figure?


The US Government is a failure. Anyone who trusts either side fully is right where they want you, sitting there swallowing the shit they spoonfeed. Many entities assist them is this, as they suppress independent thought. The great battle between the 2 sides is indeed perpetuated to disguise the fact that neither side cares about the people.

Trips of truth. Yeah, so many people have nothing better to do than tear down others.

Pro-gun. μολὼν λαβέ

You don't need a gun to massacre schoolchildren: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_School_disaster

It's an old saw, but it's true: guns don't kill people, people kill people. If someone wants to be a murderer, they'll find a way. Explosives, poisoning, fire, edged weapons, blunt weapons, driving a truck into a crowd. Europe has much stricter gun control, in general, than the US. ISIS solution? Steal trucks and drive them into people. Kills dozens. Back in 2003, an old guy accidentally drove into a crowd at a public market and killed 10 people, and injured 63.


The world cannot be made 100% safe, and robbing Americans of their constitutional rights won't change this.

Fun fact: I'm not a Republican, a libertarian, or a Trump supporter.

it's like people would rather sit in echo chambers than to have a sensible disagreement over anything and come to the conclusion that both of them can be right in a way as well as both being wrong. The best way to find a solution to a problem is to ask what's wrong and compromise

you are a self thinker like me

didn't need to tell us twice you were a liberal

Mah nigger. In seriousness though, I'm not fully ancap, that'd be handicap, but NAP is solid. Personal sovereignty. If I want to take drugs, own guns, and run around my own property with a pinecone in my arse, that'd should be nobody's fucking business.

The Trump 21+ program is fine by me. I don't own a gun and don't need one. If somebody wants a gun under age 21, they should have to serve in our military. That way we will be more sage against both terrorists and autists in equal measure.

LOL. Keep telling yourself that while reading ((irwin schiff))s (who is related to the banking cartel) works or even perhaps some of what (((milton friedman))) or (((hazlet))) or perhaps even some of (((rothbard))) or even (((Hans-Hermann Hoppe)))s most "brilliant" works. never mind that the theory of ancapitalism has no practical application of reality as we know it.

Radical centrist both sides r dum

the us constitution as a whole needs to be revised to bring it into the 21st century. it was framed in the 1760's by people who carried a sword on the battlefield and were against the idea of a standing army
the intent in the 2nd amendment was to allow state militias to be formed instead of a federal army, which they viewed as a potential tool for tyrants. nowadays, a fight against tyranny in the us would involve shooting cops, spooks and soldiers. are you sure that is why you need to own guns? if on the other hand, it's because you are afraid of random passers-by, then you need either paranoia medication or a competent police force. but it's neither of these reasons for most gunnies; it's because they like guns.
a question for you gunnies: do you accept that frequent mass shootings in schools, clubs and churches are a reasonable price to pay for your hobby?

My stance is anti-gun, because weapons are for warriors.
Just because you have you have a weapon, it doesn't mean you are a warrior. This is what burgers like to forget.

Are you in the army? No? No gun for you!
Police/Counter-terror? No? No gun for you!
Mercenary? No? No gun for you!

All you need is a taser and a pepper spray. If that ain't enough you're already fucked. Unless you're John Wick and can shoot all 13 gang members who rush you in the head, with a single bullet each.

Actually why not cut the crap, you don't want to defend yourself you want to be able to kill because it makes you feel strong and secure. You wouldn't bitch about having your precious assault rifles taken away from you otherwise. For self defense buy a bulletproof vest, stab vest, taser, zipcuffs and a shotgun that you load with beanbags, taser shells or salt. If all that ain't enough, you're fucked because the other guy was already hellbent on killing your ass.

you make all these suggestions but the scenarios you used are typically pro gun ones. now I'm more of a handgun fella myself (a 57 in my glove box and a shitty Hi-point under my pillow) and I don't have them to kill people, like anyone with some proper training and common sense would explain to you, we don't shoot to kill

What the fuck are you smoking? Britfag gtfo you are the reason we needed the right to bear arms in the first place.

for my pro gun guys who have their ccl, there's this great website I use to buy guns for sorta cheap. they send it to your nearest gun shop and you just pick it up (really for when your local shop doesn't have one you want or need). haven't used it in a while so it's gonna take me some time to get the link; type 1 if you want the link

Oh then I suppose you use less-than-lethal ammo such as rubber bullets? I bet you don't even use ball, but the expanding stuff that kills easier. Yes you do shoot to kill, there's no wrong in just admitting it. You want to be like "I just wanted to defend myself then oops he died from multiple shots to the chest" and play innocent. But I'll give you handgun people a pass, you can even have a shotgun for all I care, no hate. My beef is mostly with the assault rifle cowboys.

t. massive faggot

Are mass shootings really that bad?

Sure, the neurodeficient underclass is going on one of their empathy sprees because a couple of kids were killed, but if you look at it objectively, you'll quickly see that there's really no reason to care about it. Thousands of people (hundreds of kids) die each day from mundane shit like car crashes, and I never see anybody whining about that for a week. What makes these 26 kids so special that their deaths warrant a national week of mourning while thousands of others don't? Typical subhuman logic.

Death is an inevitability. Fighting against it is a waste of time. In fact, I would like to see even more people die so that we can finally wipe out the festering low-IQ masses and make some progress for once.

Is right on the money, btw. Fat LARPers don't deserve to feel power because they're naturally weak, and thus don't deserve anything that could artificially bring them power. (In fact, they've been without this """right""" for quite a while now, but societal inertia has been on their side.) If you can't back up what you say with violence, it means nothing.

I've been shooting since I was 15 (unprofessionally at first bc I was/am in a gang) and never killed anyone. whenever someone threatens me with violence, I use my fists and feet, if they threaten me with weapons I shoot in the air by their heads first (not too close but not too far), if they continue onwards I shoot their arms or legs but mostly the legs. I know that I wouldn't mind killing someone in self defense but I consciously choose not to

If you don't get a burst of nearly sexual gratification from killing, having power over, and inflicting pain on others you're weak.

Not sure if retarded or just trolling

No one who is shooting someone is trained to shoot to wound. If this is happening near you, there may be a case of the autisticpox going around.

Literally the biggest fucking meme ever. A pistol can be concealed, used to assassinate someone easily. A high-powered bolt action can pop someones head from a mile away, and you won't even know where he's shooting from. A shotgun can tear limbs off, strike multiple targets in a crowd simultaneously.
And yet oy vey the assault rifles. Why? Because the assault rifle was designed with a single purpose in mind, and that purpose makes you fucking kikes shit yourselves.
not even American but I see this shit a mile away

Oh I gotcha just trolling then. Have a good day sir

Look, I'm all into using guns for legitimate sporting purposes, but these military-grade assault rifles only have one purpose: to effectively kill other highly-armed combatants that are trying their hardest to kill you. Can't you see why these things are dangerous in the hands of mentally-unhinged civilians? A guy gets his hands on one of these, and he can mow down a dozen cops or kill 100 children before he runs out of ammo. Like I said, these things are just too dangerous.

look I'm not a burger, but this argument is stupid because you obviously don't understand what the 2nd amendment was about when it was originally created. it's only purpose is to arm the people to be able to fight against the groups you've listed.

No the root of the problem is not letting nature take its course. We are protecting our weak, stupid and mentally ill. Nature allows the week, stupid and mentally ill to die off before they grow up to become a liability and danger to the others. Think of it, who are the one being bullied? (The weak, the stupid, and the mentally il). There allowed to live so that they can be treated like shit anyway. bring back wood burning kits, small part toys, and chemestry sets. Get rid of cabinet locks, plug covers and child proof caps. The stupid, weak and mentally il will start to die off again. Population will go down to where natural resources can support all. Bulling will be a thing of the past and mass shootings will become extinct. Make the world great again.


logically, if you accept that folks aren't allowed to own a bazooka or have a private missile silo, you have to accept that there are limits to the deadliness of the arms you have the right to bear. from there, it is an easy step to accept that high powered, semi-automatic war weapons fall into this category. the first step in rational gun control is to make background checks annual, thorough, longwinded and very expensive. then, repeal the law forbidding a federal register and record all new gun sales. guns and ammo could next be taxed to hell and back. after 50 yrs, america might have become a safer place to live

I haven't felt that pisses off in a long time. ever since I started holding guns close to me, people seemed to back off a bit. and it's not like I was ever weak (lot of marital arts in my history), but people always liked to test me since I was a super nice guy and that's also why I joined a gang.

why should I kill some random dumbass because he wants to act hard? I'm just a merciful person

not trolling just find it unnecessary to kill random people. if I want to feel like an almighty being, I just beat on a bully I feel needs to understand the world's hierarchy a little better, the gun is for when shit hits the fan

true but I still think his argument is stupid

I am bullied all the time but I'm neither one of those things. the way I am (surprisingly I was narcissistic at birth) allows me to be an alpha male but hide it under beta male wraps. I'm a smart, nice guy who goes out of his way to be friendly to everyone and most fake alpha males see that as weakness. because of them believing it was a weakness, they decided to start bullying me (happened every year I was in school and is happening now in my apartment complex). I allow it to go on for a little bit, giving them 3 chances to be my friend and after the 3rd denial, I beat them into complete submission

The way I see it, the 2nd amd. is outdated in current times and I have two mutually-exclusive ideas for fixing the problem:
- allow civs to arm themselves with M1 tanks, Bradleys, Apaches and assault rifles with grenade launchers attached, just to be able to effectively rebel against the Powers That Be in case it's needed
- recognize that the 2nd isn't applicable anymore in principle and take assault rifles away for less mass murder

I'd go with the second, and maybe you will too once let go of your romantic fantasies of revolution.

you do realize that the 1st and 2nd amendments (along with a few others ofc) are what keeps the government fearful yet respectful to the people of America right?

I don't believe a tyrannic government would go that far to completely destroy it's whole infrastructure to turn down the population, so no I don't think you need a whole population to own tanks and missiles to be able to pose a threat to an evil government. It would still be a few hundred million people against only a few million military people. Maybe world war II wouldn't have happened if the german population was armed.

Tell that to france, aspie. Look, jackass, anyone can obtain a weapon by smuggling lethal weapons and they don't need to purchase a weapon legally to do so. And say- if you cannot smuggle in a weapon through your country, you can just produce the guns with a lathe and a mill.

get fucked commies.

it's too late for that. even buy backs fail in the us and there'd be a bloodbath if govt tried to take them by force. register, regulate and tax them is the best you can do.

This thread

What if I want to build a homemade nuclear reactor in my backyard?


why is mass murder more significant when overall there are far more deaths caused by handguns? If you put the media hysteria aside and look at the numbers, the florida shooting is very insignificant.

Every capable person, boy and girl, should learn how to handle a basic handgun and rifle as soon as they're large enough to hold them and handle the recoil. All these mass shootings wouldn't happen if everyone was armed. Open carry should also be a mandated freedom. Nobody's going to open fire when they can see that everyone from grandpa to little Timmy will fuck them full of lead.

People are too retarded to have guns

there are far more handguns in circulation. mass shootings by handgun are rare. the florida deaths may only be a small part of all firearm deaths, but it's yet another, pointless and avoidable massacre of innocent kids trying to get an education. And it was done with a legally purchased military weapon.


Between the money changing hands between congressmen and corporate political donors, police brutality, the death of Net Neutrality, the removal of data on arctic research, the censorship of the CDC, the invasive surveillance of American citizens by the NSA, the billion dollar cuts to National parks, admitting that some companies are "too big to fail", whilst simultaneously refusing to regulate those companies, the lack of aid to American territories after a natural disaster, gerrymandering, and a whole bunch of other problems, how do you still believe that the government respects or fears the people of America?

As a Euro, I feel embarrassed reading shit like this coming from other Euros. I hope ISIS kills us all and turns Europe into one big parking lot for Sheikhs.

Oh so you side with the muslims then?
You need an assault rifle for what exactly?

gosh, you're a really good goy


No, I don't want to surrender more freedom for less safety.

If the government tries to take my guns away, a lot of people will die, including me.

The United States of America was founded by people seeking freedom, it continued to be a haven of people seeking freedom for hundreds of years, and now the powers that be are trying to limit that freedom (not just with firearms). There is no place left to escape to. There is no undiscovered country to populate. There is no nation to run to that is as free as the U.S..

I will fight and die to maintain my freedom. I will not cave to the tyranny of the majority.

Not a military weapon. M4's are a selective fire weapon. AR's are semi-automatic. The last time the military used semi-auto was WW2 with the M1 Garrand. Just because it LOOKS like an M4 doesn't make it an M4. The Ruger Mini 14 does everything an AR will, it just doesn't look "scary".

One of the deadliest killing in europe have been made with a truck. 90 deads, 500 wounded.


UK, the worste country in the world in term of liberty (well, that's where the City is), multiple (MI6) attack that killed at least 30 peoples. SHOULD BE BAN FUCKING TRUCKS, AND KNIFES AND ONLY USE FUCKING FORK FOR CUTTING YOUR FOOD????

Is their anything else to say? Gun control is an attempt by the state to stop any strengh leverage between peoples, and the government.

Give up all your strengh, you fucking faggot.


THIS LEVEL OF CUCKERY!!! It can't be real. It must be a fucking JIDF agent.
That's the most retarded shit I've ever seen.

In case of a civil war, half of the army will defect, follow by 25% later.
Literaly, it's chosing your fucking side.
So yeah, if Cops, or whatever you call them, is protecting tyrans, then yeah, EAT MY FUCKING BULLETS.

You don't carry ball ammo in a self defense pistol. Ball can exit the body and kill a bystander. JHP ammo enters the body and doesn't exit, due to expansion. Take a concealed carry class so you at least know what the fuck your talking about.
Every nigger got an opinion on guns, but only 10% know a fucking thing ABOUT guns.

First and foremost, are you afraid of gun owners so you are trying to ridicule them by implying that the government will protect you from them? Or are you trying to scare EVERYONE by implying that it is futile to resist tyranny because it could end in death? This evening, I have read several of your posts and the various comments that accompany them. It has already been made clear to you that the government is in for a rude awakening if it expects the military to attack their own citizens. It is true that the government does have jet fighters, ICBMS and nukes. However, you forget that these weapon systems are maintained, guarded and operated by members of the US military and are useless if the military refuses to follow orders. In case you are not aware, drones are not robots. They are operated by a flesh and blood member of the US military.

When someone has stated this to you, you counter by claiming that they prove your point that guns are not needed to resist tyranny. Have you ever wondered how oppressive countries such as the former Soviet Union and China have been able oppress their population? The members of their military grew up in poverty with no freedom and felt powerless. When they became old enough, the government forced them into military service. Suddenly, they had sharp looking uniforms, shiny boots, decent food, money and weapons. They liked having this power and would blindly obey their goverment to keep this status. Even if it meant killing their own countrymen. This does not happen in the US. The second amendment keeps the government in check by empowering the people. Because of this, you grew up free and were able to get a college education.

You are alarmed by wealthy individuals and corporations being granted the ability to legally bribe politicians. It has always been a fact that money talks. You are alarmed by the government using torture on terrorists and suspected terrorists to gain critical intelligence. You are alarmed by the government using surveillance and spying on suspected terrorists and monitoring the Internet to intercept information leading to the arrests of terrorists and other criminals and the use of drones. However, when a horrific crime such as the Sandy Hook shooting occurs and instead of focusing on the real problems (mental health treatment, school security and self defense), certain politicians exploit this tragedy and shamelessly use it as an excuse to disarm law abiding patriots under the guise of public safety, you are not alarmed? Whether they decide to do it immediately or to wait, eventually all tyrants must disarm their servants at some point.

During your time at a University, didn’t anyone teach you that it wasn’t until after the colonists rose up and resisted King George III that there were ballot boxes in America? What good is a ballot box if the candidates can just be bribed later?

You appear fearful of both gun owners and the government. Who exactly do you consider allies? The unarmed and ever dwindling minority of gun control advocates? You have allowed your overconfidence to cloud your judgement. Common sense provides clarity. However, this is a skill that comes with age.

Irrelevant. The second amendment exists with or without your approval.

Seems some bare handed ass wiping, goat fucking, boy raping shitskins are able to do it. I don't see why they couldn't.

I'd like to add to user's point, though the Gov has many expensive, impressive weapons to use, why would they risk causing trillions of dollars in damage to their own infrastructure in order to kill a few dozen insurgents? In Afghanistan and Iraq, we didn't worry about rebuilding, but on your home turf where you need to constantly maintain your primary source of income, they're not going to do anything to intentionally jeopardize it.

If all you have access to is ball it will get the job done. And unfortunately there may be times where that is all that is available.

If you're anti gun you should just kill yourself

Guns are not bad; Americans are just dumb.

I am Pro-Antigun. I really don't care either way about guns. Never owned one, never needed one, don't care. But the anti-gun movement triggers people on such a hilariously visceral level that I can't help but be delighted at the trolling opportunities it affords.

So, I'm 100% in support of the anti-gun movement because it lets me watch conservative right-wingers go insane gnashing their teeth and screaming memes and being so buttmad that they're 3 seconds away from having a stroke.

Guns? Don't care. Do what you want.

the constitution is the american koran. you treat it as if god himself wrote the fucking thing and not a bunch of syphlitic drunkards with bad teeth. it can be amended, revised, rewritten or thrown into the trashcan of history where it belongs. durr

Anyone who makes a tangible effort to enact any form of restriction on the right to bear arms is providing aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States and can constitutionally be hanged for treason.

A gun in every classroom would euthanize more dumb Americans than any future Columbine would, so I'm completely for it.

i'll shoot you kids right now then, thank-you very much
while they bleed out, i'll get undressed and stick a pinecone in my butt to reaffirm my american freedoms. then it'll be your turn on the merry go round

No, in America I think you're more likely to have truck attacks like that one in France (was it Nice?)

Banning knives is pointless to be honest, didn't Israel do this? And we all know how safe Israel is.

Must everything be banned? I think some people are more concerned with just FEELING safe than they are with actually being safe so I can't take their shit seriously.


This is got to be the most autistic post I've seen all night. The 2nd amendment was to ensure that EVERYONE has the capability of defending themselves from repressive regimes or violent criminals, and the somewhat minor note of feeding themselves. It was never intended for just alleviating power from a federal army. This is an oversimplification as it says at the other half of the amendment: "the right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed". NOW why wouldn't it say the right of the state militia to keep and bare arms? Why does it say the "right of the people". You leftists are the lunatics of our time. When a case is proven, such as gun free zones have more crime or multicultralism causes massive amounts of violence. You will say THIS IS WHY WE NEED MORE OF THAT. Honestly, go see a shrink stupid faggot and gtfo.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
the salient word is 'state'. you may wish to read the subject in greater depth than that proposed on the nra website. there are mountains of quality scholarship on both sides of the debate and also from disinterested historians. when, or rather if, you grasp the historical context in which this amendment was agreed, you'd better understand how it has been misinterpreted over the years in the interests of the gun lobby. as a primer, you might read: constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/amendments/amendment-ii

Unequivocally pro-gun.

You've got to be retarded 'user'. So your saying that the founding fathers after the war didn't know to enforce the 2nd amendment? Are you braindead retarded to actually believe that, during the early and mid 1800s that the founding fathers wouldn't have tried to take the guns and warships away from civilians.

Might as well post some oldies, which are still as relevant as ever before.

And for any retard who thinks banning bump stocks will do a god damn thing.


im pro regulation
why r we having this thread again?

post moar

pics not politic stuff

what do you mean by this?
2nd amendment was ratified in 1791, revolutionary war 10 years beforehand; civil war 75 yrs later

you could get v& for these images, mr. freedom burger. enjoy the brig

I think user meant that if the second amendment actually was just for "state ownership" of the means for firearms then the founding fathers would have attempted to disarm the civilians. And btw, privately owned warships (not in any way regulated or governed) is not only just a contradiction to your "arguments", it's an entire refutation of the central point.
What is the war of 1812????

meant for

I swear the only thing they're there for is this since they're practically useless on the battlefield. makes me fucking sick to think about how easy life as a woman is

you have to get it when you can, user.

fuck that. when it comes to protecting something I don't want women doing the job. one above average strength woman is still worse than a below average strength man

also sex is one of the main distractions in times of war; have you seen slasher flicks?

no i haven't seen slasher flicks. i don't even know what it is. on the other hand i've seen more than enough slashed bodies in vehicles, and in ditches tyvm, to know that you are blowing chaff from your butt

when I say slasher flicks I mean Friday the 13th, nightmare on elm street and other shit like that

is this an attempt at irony? i misjudged you if it is

Just explained exactly my point. Assault rifles are for killing other combatants - now why would the gubbermend be so hell bent on taking those away, I wonder.. i really don't wonder I think we all know exactly why Because personally, I would use a small bore shotgun with a drum magazine if I was going to go for the high score in a crowd of unarmed civilians.

Want to make America a safer place to live? Sort out your nigger problems. All I hear from you faggots sounds more like 'making America a safer place for kikes to do business'.

That's not a state we could ever return to. The cat's already out of the bag. Pedantic grown up lefties actually believe it's possible we could eradicate guns. They actually believe that.

I'd feel better if there were more law abiding citizenry carrying and even better if there were more limitations in place to prevent unbalanced, impulsive assholes from owning firearms.

Is this an assault rifle? Or is it a friendly rifle?

How 'bout this? Is this an "assault rifle?"

Is THIS an "assault rifle?"

What did they mean by this?

How 'bout this? It's merely a shotgun, but it holds like 8 rounds and can take your head off. Would THIS be ok?

I'm going to kill your fam because that barrel looks a bit short. Would THAT be ok?

But you can't because I just took your head off thanks to the 2nd amendment.

'Assault rifle' is a fucking meme, but I imagine what they're up in arms about are the 'military style' semi-auto rifles with a high capacity magazine - ergo AR15 = bad, but m14 = acceptable, AK47 = bad, SKS = acceptable to these fucking mouthbreathing reactionists.

I don't know, there's enough anti-gun shills here that totally aren't paid to run their scripts, perhaps you should ask one of them.

Guns are necessary to protect your lolis from those who would besmirch them with their filthy hands

Of course it's a meme, but we keep asking them the same pointed questions and they just keep screeching. I'm still waiting for an answer but of course I know it will never come.

The fact that people keep feeling compelled to commit mass murder should be more of a concern to the masses than what tool they prefer to use in doing it. I guess that would require actually having to do some real work.

My question is. Are you bullied after showing the bully that you are not weak, stupid, or mentally ill. Are you bullied after beating them into submission. If not that proves my point. If you allow others to believe you are weak how are they to know you are not. Therfore you get bullied. You also, because you are not stupid, not going to die at age three from eating too many marbles or drinking too much bleach. Also proving my point that only the truly stupid, weak, and mentally ill will not make it to adulthood.

don't buy this, it tastes weird.

I would be against.
But the idea of being defenseless against criminals that would fill me with bullets anyway thanks to illegally purchased weapons, make me pro.


Is this an assault riffle? It only holds one bullet at a time, but it was used in a war.

Banning guns is fucking retarded
It's piss easy to build your own, hell, you can 3D print guns now
And it's also piss easy for criminals to illegally obtain them

Just don't fucking do it, solve the mental health crisis first. There's just no use banning guns for fucks sake. People are going to own weapons and use them to kill people one way or another anyhow

Guns are for the weak. I live by the sword and have never been the victim of gun crime.

By (((their))) metric it would be considered one fairly quickly.. It's like the CT laws from the Bush era - sounds great, but what exactly constitutes a terririsd?

Pic related

It's not just a meme. When's the last time you heard of someone getting shot to death who had a sword?

Or like the UK where arabs throw acid on people's faces. Given the number of japs and niggers in the US guess which is more likely.


One of the deadliest killing in europe have been made with a truck. 90 deads, 500 wounded.


UK, the worste country in the world in term of liberty (well, that's where the City is), multiple (MI6) attack that killed at least 30 peoples. SHOULD BE BAN FUCKING TRUCKS, AND KNIFES AND ONLY USE FUCKING FORK FOR CUTTING YOUR FOOD????

Is their anything else to say? Gun control is an attempt by the state to stop any strengh leverage between peoples, and the government.


Give up all your strengh, you fucking faggot.

Learn to speak English you fucking faggot.

Ban guns and officially declare the NRA a terrorist organization.

The mewling anti-gun faggotry in this thread is disgusting. Let's clarify a few things.

The semi-automatic weapons that you cowering sheep are referring to are not "military-grade" weapons or "war weapons." "Assault weapon" is a meaningless term. You can assault someone, even fatally, with a spoon. Is a spoon an "assault weapon"?

Full auto weapons are military-grade weapons, and they are difficult and expensive for civilians to acquire, and are not used in school shootings.

For those of you who keep crying about how the 2nd Amendment applies only to militias and does not create an individual right to keep and bear arms, your information is 10 years out of date. Some would say about 200 years out of date. The Supreme Court of the United States affirmed the individual right to keep and bear arms. Look up District of Columbia v. Heller.

Big Macs kill more people than guns every year, and they're not protected by a constitutional amendment. Why don't you anti-gun faggots go protest McDonalds instead?


More dead kids the better

Heres your (you)

so, your pov boils down to the definition of assault weapon, a politicaly motivated 2008 interpretation of a 200 yr old document and the assertion that hamburgers kill more bystanders than guns.
you're a complete and utter moron. why not just admit you like guns and you don't care how many kids get killed?

Grow up.

You don't need a gun to massacre schoolchildren: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_School_disaster

It's an old saw, but it's true: guns don't kill people, people kill people. If someone wants to be a murderer, they'll find a way. Explosives, poisoning, fire, edged weapons, blunt weapons, driving a truck into a crowd. Europe has much stricter gun control, in general, than the US. ISIS solution? Steal trucks and drive them into people. Kills dozens. Back in 2003, an old guy accidentally drove into a crowd at a public market and killed 10 people, and injured 63.


The world cannot be made 100% safe, and robbing Americans of their constitutional rights won't change this.

The gungrabber logic is that we don't need guns to protect us because we have law enforcement, you know that same law enforcement that failed completely to stop the florida shooting even though all the warning signs were there.

Give me a fuckin break. You want to take guns so that the government has no need to fear and respect it's citizens, so that lawful citizens are at the mercy of criminals who'll still be armed, and so we'll be more susceptible to foreign invasion. Go ahead and try to strip our rights, you'll only start civil war. But remember, no mercy for traitors.

t. wannabe-delta-force internet tough guy who eats 60 bags of cheetos a day

Why don't you move out of America if you hate the 2nd amendment so much? I mean France has very tough gun laws and is pretty safe tbh.

Hey, don't need to convince me user. I have a forge & make blades for a hobby sometimes. Can confirm I've yet to be shot.
pic 1100 layer trenchknife & 300 layers of sawblades shortsword

Why limit yourself to a drum (like a bitch)?

Go all the way or go home, faggot.

Pro gun with some caveats.

I am deeply displeased with the way we regulate weapons sales. It's such a profound failure that we don't even actually know if the laws on the books are even any good or not, and it's why I'm opposed to the knee-jerk "gun control" reaction we're all having after these horrific shootings. You can write all the laws you like, if they're not enforced properly then it won't matter. We need deeper background checks, and we need psychological screenings.

But there in lies the rub. What we need more than anyt ype of ban or tighter gun control, is a publicly funded mental healthcare system that everyone has access to. It's time for America to grow up and learn a few things from our European cousins. A robust, centralized healthcare system can easily incorporate these screenings along with regular school physicals, driver's license exams, that sort of thing.

It's simply not enough to "ban guns". I know it's a thing to say that FEELS good, especially after we've lost so many to senseless violence in recent years. But the facts do not support the argument. It is inherently an emotional reaction that may do more harm than good in the long run. Let us not forget that legal pressure often triggers evolution. If we go ham on privately owned guns, we'll turn the school shooting into the school bombing. And we simply cannot "ban" proctor and gamble.

The hard truth that no one wants to hear is that we don't have a gun problem in this country. We have a social problem, a mental health care problem, and a mass media problem. The 24 hour sensationalist news cycle on both sides of the partisan divide is sick beyond redemption. They give the PERFECT platform for any sick person who wants to use the blood of innocents or bullies t send some kind of a message. THAT is why this happens, not because guns exist.

you nigger, if you care so much about lives, why don't you ban rope so people can't hang themselves? or knives so people can't stab eachother/slit their wrists? oh yeah it's because there isn't a huge media circus whipping liberals into a frenzy every time someone kills themselves. the people who perpetrate school shootings are obviously fucked in the head, and if they don't have a gun, they won't suddenly not want to kill people. they will find a way. explosives. poison the water supply. the fact of the matter is that people like this exist, and they need to be dealt with. dealing with the specific tool they used is, at best, only going to change the method of the next mass murderer.

Suck my dick fucking faggot. Is that enough english for you?

Attack on the promenade des anglais: 90 deaths, 500 wounded.
Go in any ghettos around Paris and try to find any security.

Fucking retard.

I was being sarcastic.

Don't go too far, knifes are banned in most european countries. In UK, they're considering bike's wheels as a "potential weapon".

The level of cuckold is gigantic.

My bad then.

your post is misinformation. i guess you read thepisswater
in the uk you can own almost any weapon you wish, including semi automatic long guns. you must obtain a permit, have safe storage and dismantle them for transport. there's also an annual call from the cops to check you still have them.

oops. this is no longer true. my bad

Save a life, bin that knife! Only your kettle needs to be metal.

they did and became my followers even though I didn't tell them to. people mistake kindness for weakness too often and it gets them as well as others hurt.

u 'avin a giggle mate?


watchout vols may not like what you say.

330 million to what, 85 million? not exactly what you can put into scale dummy.

740 million

You need to add "nigger problem" to your list. They commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, including homicides. More people will be killed by niggers in Chicago alone this year than will be killed in school shootings in the entire country.

Oy vey, one race the human race goy.

Pro disarming the police and military and the general populace.

Pro no laws concerning buy ammunition.

Pro making my own machine guns and then buying tens of thousands of rounds.

Pro arming a small group of Holla Forumsacks and then conquering my entire nation which now can't defend itself from us.

I hope you are aware of the nigger problem. All the guns, cars, explosives, power tools, etc. in the world aren't dangerous in the hands of white people. Put them into the hands of niggers and you have a problem.

Neither. I'm for regulation. Ban all automatic weapons. Make the minimum age to buy a gun be 21, like alcohol. Universal backgroung check on every gun sale, with no exceptions.

If cities being blown up by mudslime terrorists is part and parcel of living in a city, then we can just accept the occasional mass shooting, just like we accept that every year quite a few people commit suicide and kill others using cars. My solution to preventing mass shootings is; don't even try. It will help though if you were armed and able to defend yourself to be able to put a stop to a mass shooting.

Of course. But I want to feel safe.

Actual safety is irrelevant.

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I think, once again, the government media complex falls back on blaming guns when they fail to protect people. That fag that shot up the school was on the list, FBI knew about him, was reported, the works, literally a ten ton block of granite slipping through a gold pan.
Using the government to protect from them. Genius.
I know this falls of deaf ears everywhere though. Gun ownership will slip away,.
The sensationalist problems keep us from sane problem solving.

I specifically kill all my enemies because the dead don't talk. Why the fuck would you let someone live so they can then try to use the law against you? (((da​tamin​ing))) What the fuck.

>Can't you see why these things are dangerous in the hands of mentally-unhinged civilians? (((da​tamin​ing)))

Can't you see why these things are dangerous in the hands of mentally-unhinged cucks, soldiers, and police? (((da​tamin​ing)))

I unironically think civilians should be allowed to own bazookas and private missile silos.

I unironically think civilians should be allowed to own bazookas and private missile silos.>>7782961

If you want a safer America then BAN NIGGERS for fucks sakes.

Literally all a non-issue in a white nationalist ethnostate. I trust 100% my fellow white man to own these things responsibly. The only people who could even afford that stuff anyways would have to be very rich and successful white men who know something about restraint and other virtues.

Also protip dipshit I and my contacts already mapped out where all the armories are, already know where military vehicles just sit, already have all the manuals for the different weapons and vehicles on thumbsticks, and are absolutely prepared when it's go time to simply walk in there and take control of the armory… which btw is barely defended at all it's pathetic just how easy it's going to be. All the weapons and vehicles the military has are just going to fall into our hands. Also you can go ahead and ban shit, it doesn't really make a difference, we're still going to be armed. In fact I'm not American and we don't have second amendment and guns are highly restricted here but we still have them, how about that huh faggot? (((da​tamin​ing))) Your bans mostly just prevent LARPers and enthusiasts and sportsmen from having fun.

You mean niggers.

This tbh.

They don't respect the American people that is for sure but they most certainly do fear the American people.

>state declares you querulous paranoid for repeatedly critizing civil rights violations, (((civil asset forfeiture))) AKA government theft, imperialism, and ((()))

.webm related; it's your theme melody

This is objectively funny.


Do you seriously think that sugar-addled 400-pound city dwellers would voluntarily give up their McDonalds? (((da​tamin​ing))) The US population is far too docile to ever carry out a revolution.

I don't want and don't care about a revolution.

We need an armed populace to prevent a revolution if anything.

Trump loves guns.

There can be no compromise when it comes to your rights. If you're willing to compromise your rights, then you have no rights.

Opinion discarded.

I bet you want to besmirch loli with your filthy hands.

Regulation may as well be anti. The slippery slope IS real, and a lot of people have gotten caught trying to push it into motion. It cannot be allowed.


The mental health angle is invalid. It's not "mental health" that causes people to go shoot things up and there is nothing you can do as concerns mental health to stop this stuff. Gun violence is mostly an eugenics issue actually, you just need to get rid of niggers and defectives. Still some gun violence will happen for political reasons, in that case you need to stomp out the commies and jihadists.

Pretty much none, other than mudshits. But mudshits use it as an excuse, they're all violent fucks.

Reminder there were fewer shootings in segregated schools despite schools having shooting ranges than in modern feminism-loving schools.

Fucking this on both points. Shotgun with drum magazine is what I'd use to massacre zombies or civilians. For fighting armed combatants though I'd prefer a machine gun, assault rifle, or smg because it works a lot better for fighting against someone who isn't just trying to run or cower but is actually trying to take cover and shoot at you.

I wish we could return to those frontier values where we didn't have bullshit laws and your children learn to shoot as soon as they were physically capable to do so.

So far in this thread, I haven't seen a single argument against that pic or the fact you can SIMPLY create weapons in your own home (if you know your way around the machines that is and have the blueprints to make them). Literally all it would take is to raid a junk yard for the necessary metals/materials to build a gun. Also, you anti-gun nuts believe that government's should be the only ones that should have a monopoly on all gun violence. Well, this is a load of absolute horseshit considering all the governments of last century (including democracies) who've abused and mass murdered their own civilians. What makes the government holier than thou? (((da​tamin​ing))) NOTHING and that's the point.

The life of an average human today is something akin to that of a caged animal. That whole rat paradise story basically explains it. We are a self-regulating species just like the leopards that kill other leopards that come into their hunting territory. Humans have this sense that life has become unbearable and they go and start killing at random.


You can't solve the mental health crisis because there's no such thing as mentally ill. There is an eugenic crisis, a love crisis, a housing crisis, an economic crisis; but not a mental illness crisis. I think it's just so fucking stupid to ignore all the things wrong in our society and in a person's life and just say "they are mentally ill" when they would be quite ok if they had these other issues sorted out.

That's a very interesting perspective, also thought my pic related. I think that the problem with modern society is that it makes many people feel trapped, and so they do things they wouldn't have done 2-3 decades ago, like shooting up a school, instead of someone who was actuallu "asking for it", and not an innocent kid.

Fuck that shit. This will just lead to everyone on who made a Holla Forums-tier comment not being able to get guns. Also if laws change they can just throw all right wingers in jail for awhile and bam they can't get guns. Fuck background checks and fuck psychological screenings.

Yeah because we really need the fucking shrinks to get more money to give people antidepressants and other bullshit that will cut their lives short. No. We need to abolish mental healthcare system and ban psychiatry.

No. We have a nigger problem and a dysgenics problem. All that other stuff you mention has nothing to do with gun violence. Get rid of niggers and the dysgenic and you've solved the entire problem.

What do you actually hope to accomplish by this like seriously what is going on in your mind? (((da​tamin​ing))) The only thing I can think that must be your mind is "it's a step in the right direction" with the right direction to you being "ultimately disarming those stupid fucking goyim so we can starve them to death in the millions like we did in Soviet Russia". How the fuck is raising owning a gun from 18 to 21 going to make a difference? (((da​tamin​ing))) So far as I'm concerned I trust a white child to use a gun when they are only 5 years old, to own or at least be around a gun they can go and grab and use any time, and this is how it was on the frontier. Background checks are kiked ZOG bullshit. If you ban automatic weapons, people will just buy a weapon and convert it to full-automatic easily. They may also simply buy a weapon, lots of ammunition, then use machining or buy various individual parts of a gun and assemble it to get whatever kind of fully automatic weapon they want. Other than making life harder for LARPers, sportsmen, and enthusiasts do you seriously think ANY of your suggestions there are going to make fuck all difference to anything? (((da​tamin​ing))) Why make useless and convoluted laws? (((da​tamin​ing))) We have enough stupid laws as is.

I know right. I just can't see the logic among the rabidly anti-gun fanatics. I fear, that America (and other countries abroad) are locked in this mindset of forcing people to think and behave in the same way. With only petty and grossly exaggerated claims against the other side. And I'm nearly 100% sure that there are anglos and other Europeans itt. Honestly, you have no right as foreigners to try to dictate or coerce what America, Canada, or Russia does with its own laws and obligations.