ITT: we summon Way to post gooks
ITT: we summon Way to post gooks
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ITT blogging
ANOTHER blog thread?!
i declare this now the blogpost general 2.0 thread
let's get to blogging
i sometimes wish i had jet black hair
picking my nose right now got a decent sized boog in my left nostril i am trying to dig out
this blog thread is better
sometimes i want to pound my boipucci but i think there's booboo in there
esoteric quints confirm
how would you pound your own bjoiepucci
epic, simply epic
cant let my 3rd blog thread reach page 2
ty i almost forgot to write about cummies i just made to esoteric females
also this is my blog
t. you (me)
prepping for the horsepill
wish that were me
stop being defeatist and follow your dreams
on my 3rd monster today
nvm yer dreems are ded then
You know what's fucked up? Crayon Pop. Just imagineā¦ Being a twin sister with a girl.. And one day your sister just decides, she no longer wants to look like you. And she gets plastic surgery and changes everything about herself..
They have such a fucked up society in Korea, where they get plastic surgery at the drop of a hat.
ddomo origato
has anyone ever figured out what hollaforums does exactly? what is their endgame?
Holla Forums is banned from google search results so if you googled an Holla Forums thread content scrapers like holla will come up first. then they can run malicious ads and basically make money off the sites. wheelchairmod should really report them