Man Leaks New ‘Power’ Episodes Online, Records His Own Face

Man Leaks New ‘Power’ Episodes Online, Records His Own Face

Smash-hit TV series Power is well into season four but impatient fans won't have to wait for the next three episodes. All have leaked onto the Internet having been obtained via a STARZ press portal. In a world first, the episodes were 'cammed' using a phone, while being played back on a phone, with the 'cammer' recording his own face for good measure.

After premiering in June 2014, Power is now seven episodes into season four, which is set to reach its climax on August 27. But somewhat typically for the Internet these days, fans won’t necessarily have to wait another three weeks to find out what happens. During the past few hours, the final three episodes of ‘Power’ leaked online.

While that’s something in itself, this leak is possibly the most bizarre to take place in the history of piracy. Having been tipped off that screener episodes were available online, TF went looking for evidence. We found it, but it wasn’t what we expected.

The leaks consist of the three episodes (one complete, the other two missing a few minutes) being played back on an iPhone. A white one. With a broken screen.

The big question, of course, is how these episodes happened to find their way onto that battered iPhone in the first place. Incredibly, the videos themselves provide the answers, with the thoughtful ‘cammer’ explaining in several voice-overs how he gained access to one of STARZ hottest properties.

“This is like the special, this is only for the people that work at STARZ that watch this shit. My man sent me the whole log-in shit. I had to pay that n**r though,” he said.

“That’s the whole series bitch, but I can’t log out though, so I can’t send it to you. The man says don’t log out. So i’m gonna watch these last two episodes and then spoil it for y’all,” the ‘cammer’ said over one of the episodes.

If this whole scenario isn’t crazy enough, the ‘cammer’ polishes off his virtuoso performance by turning the ‘cam’ phone around and recording his own face for several seconds. To save his embarrassment we won’t publish an image here but needless to say, he is extremely easy to identify, as is his Facebook page, where the content seems to have first appeared.

While there’s clearly no criminal mastermind behind these leaks, dumping unreleased TV shows online can result in a hefty jail sentence, no matter how poorly it’s done. The gentleman involved should hope that STARZ and the FBI are prepared to see the funny side. Fingers crossed….

Say it with me: WE WUZ LEAKERZ

Interesting. I wonder what color he was.
Guess there's no way we'll ever know.


what did they mean by this?

Actually gave me a laugh


They mean that he is very obviously a direct descendant of Akhenaten and, therefore, recognisable as a kang.

The odd lighting from his phone makes him appear to have high melatonin levels.
Whacha doing Tyrone?


who has the image?

What TV series?

Top kek as they say, sire.

>My man sent me the whole log-in shit. I had to pay that n**r though,
From a legal point of view the leaker is the one who gave him the log-in details. The person who actually made it available to an outsider, unauthorized person first.

yall are just jealous cuz we can hack too smh tbh

Is it bad that I've never heard of it?

If I'm not wrong it's some kind of interacial porno.


Is that the law in burgerland? Breaking a non-disclosure agreement is a criminal offence? Wouldn't he just get fined by the company for loss of revenue and breaking his contract? Wtf.

downvote negated

They are in all first world countries.

No, there's more to law than contract law. There are laws made to catch big distributors of pirated content (and goods). Problem is, if you put something online and allow other people to get it you're distributing. So they can slap that same law on the guy who made millions from bootlegs and the guy who recorded a movie with his camera.

