mods, can we have a teen model cyclical, like we used to, to avoid this? I think I'm starting to understand why you banned pedos, they shit all over the place, but you have to understand it's not all pedos who do that, only a few autistic faggots who don't fucking understand that spamming will not only get them banned, but will probably get all of them banned, even the ones that didn't do anything wrong…
Teen model cyclical
perhaps I should have posted this in >>>/meta/ sorry
they should all be banned. they did something wrong by existing.
they did something good by taking this board to where it stands, so stop being a retard and give constructive ideas instead of being a Hitler clone, "they're bad because they were born different than me and I don't like them, gas them"
All pedos must be gassed
inb4 "hitler did nothing wrong"
Okay you fucking nigger.
t. >>>Holla Forums pedonigger
he finally stopped shitting on the board a bit, will see how much it lasts, so props to him for that… I never thought I'd say that but thanks dysnomia
you poor innocent soul
you pedos will turn the board into shit again and the mods will be forced to remove all of you, for the 10th time
That actually makes sense. Why else would dysnomia dismiss the reports?
pedos -> ovens. unlike jews, i wouldn't feel clean washing with pedo soap or having a pedo lampshade in my house
dude, to begin with, I'm not a pedo, I just support them because when they get banned this goddamn board dies… and don't blame them all, I'm sure a lot of them are normal users who don't flood the board with threads…
Then you will burn with them
I think Dysnomia should make the board text-only for a day and see how things turn out, could be fun :)
I mean… it could be fun tbh, maybe as an april fools joke? lul
Is that a promise?
not a mod, sorry
A year or so ago somebody almost had him talked into making Holla Forums images only (no text), which I think would have been awesome.
owp yeah, I remember that, it was fun, I didn't post a lot though
chuckled out loud