did fag mods allow teen models again? cause there are like 4 threads that haven't been locked or anything… also, thanks for removing that literal CP thread, jesus christ whoever posted that, don't you fucking see they're too young for that?
Teen models ok?
Yes teens are allowed
good, now can I get actual mod confirmation?
and a link to the updated rules, if there is one, cause I can't really find the rules for this goddamn board anymore.
Holla Forums's global rules clearly state:
"Do not post, request, or link to any content that is illegal in the United States of America and do not create boards with the sole purpose of posting or spreading such content"
But a girl smiling is not illegal in the US to my knowledge.
What kinda cp was it?
like 17 posts of literal 10 year old vagina with dildos in butt and even a video of a gross dude with a girl riding him… literal CP…
t. cianigger
honestly, usually I'd say fuck the CIA, but I'd be more than pleased to help an officer as well as I could in this case… that thread really made me feel bad for these the poor girls…
Was it April again? Tell me the filenames.
I have no freaking idea dude… all I know is there were about 17 posts, one of them being a webm…
The CIA are not only niggers but also pedos, he's subtly requesting CP, I mean just look at this post he just made. He should be banned tbh
I'm just wondering if it was Ox again but considering the time it probably wasn't him. Not requesting CP in the slightest so stop projecting.
dude he's probably CIA ngl, him asking "tell me filenames" is literally like saying "did you download any ba' chance?" no mister officer… I wish that kind of shit didn't exist, but it does… not on my hard drive though lmao
You're not fooling anyone dude.
Listen here you little shit. Tell me the fucking filenames. What Ox posts is heavily available and I do mean heavily available. Once again stop projecting.
Not projection, but truth.
Was the little girl blonde? Tell me the fucking filenames.
CIA is international, FBI isn't, and the CIA is the one that investigates even though it doesn't enforce anything, hence why I said CIA and not FBI, because I'm not living in the US and therefore I don't give a shit about the FBI and because the CIA is the one that gathers information.
I have no idea what the filenames were, yes, the girl was blonde.
if you have any non-naked images of her post it and I'll tell you if it was her… jesus christ why are you so desperate for knowing?
Ah it was probably April. Doubt it was Ox because it happened an hour ago. Thanks.
It was probably April.
He forgot to change his IP LOOOOOOL
Fuck off
I'm asking the user that's desperate for knowing if it was April weather he has any images of her or not, ofc it's samefag retard, it was a continuation of the other post.
You just changed your IP, I can tell it's you (((CIANIGGER))) because you both asked for filenames.
Look at IDs you fucking retard.
Nice try, but why would you ask yourself a question? Unless you confess that you either are the cianigger pretending to be opposition, or just replied to the wrong post then it'd be okay. But you didn't, and now you ousted yourself cianigger.
Do people at the cia even graduate high school anymore? Can you not READ? Oh wait, that's why your people are called cianiggers.
Good tactic but it won't work.
You literal nigger, you did ask for it, you asked for the file name, you asked for a picture of the victim.
What, do you want me to cite the posts for you?
mb >>771964 meant to be
Here It's heavily available. That means even the stupidest niggers like yourself could get their hands on what he posts in a few minutes. You are the fucking illiterate nigger you claim me to be.
dude… I'm not asking myself a question, I was asking the other user a question…
If it's heavily available, then why not just search your harddrive for it, or the one that the CIA provided for you.
then why did you have the same ID? for these two posts
you are retarded, he was pretty clearly just following up his post and quoted himself for continuation. that is not samefagging at all, do you legitimately have autism? because your ability to decipher the social exchange of people in discussion seems lacking
Keep trying because you're not going to wear me down.
yes it was Aril, SM and some randam CP webm of a girl with blonde dreadlocks
Thank you.
Oh shit I think you might be right. It does seem that he is continuing his previous post but it wasn't apparent for me due to my autism. I concede that point, but I still don't concede my point that the guy who asked for filenames with two different IDs in these two posts are the same guy
Was it not obvious that I hopped IPs? Are you this fucking braindead?
Same guy that dumped CP a few days ago then. Every CP dump I've seen for the past few months has been the same guy.
Nope, there's an imposter. He downloads what Ox posts and dumps early morning for Australians while Ox is American. There's two people dumping CP now.
Probable. I wouldn't put it pass him but unlikely due to his posting patterns. Truthfully, I wouldn't be surprised.
Yeah it was obvious, that's why I pointed it out. But still, I don't understand why you did that in the first place? Was it because my previous post tore down your credibility? Anyways I still don't quite trust you, it's pretty obvious from your first post that you are a pedo, cianigger, or possibly both.
Anyways this conversation is making me tired, thanks for the human interaction though it was nice. I think I'm done with Holla Forums for the day.
Have a cute animu girls for your efforts chum :)
hey, this is the faggot you thought was samefagging, see? I changed IPs too, wanna know why? I am using a VPN with limited bandwith and I wanted to watch a YouTube video, if I don't turn off the VPN I'll waste all of my monthly badnwidth and I won't be able to use it anymore, so I turn it off before hitting play, and on again when I'm done watching the YT video, that changes my IP.
damn missed it again
Cool, watch your YouTube video or whatever, I'm done, you win, I don't care anymore.
I hopped IP because I could. Why would I then reply to the same reply chain if I was trying to make it seem like I was a different user? Your logic is flawed and I believe you're retarded.
I don't trust anyone online and:
You're not good at this. You really aren't.
No my man you're a cianigger for posting in this thread according to ID: 83ecff. Bear in my ind he's posting 2D lolis while claiming we're pedos and cianiggers. Fucking wew lad.
Bye pedo.
you look a bit down user, don't worry about it, you're still "Anonymous", no one knows who you are, so there is no reason to be sad or feel awkward for it, we can recognize you by ID but it's alright, your IP will probably change soon, and if it doesn't you can always get a VPN like me.
I am not a nigger.
I am not with the CIA, FBI or any related organizations.
I am not Jewish.
I am not Islamic.
I do not live in the USA or Europe.
I am not a virgin.
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