Art Thread

This thread will be dedicated to paintings, sculptures, architecture and many other artistic imagery.


These threads are always gay, stop trying to make them a thing.


no u





I like them




You're the fag, fag


I ask once again: How does dysnomia's dick taste?

I once gave dysnomia a bath and I can say for sure that he has a VERY thick coat of fur covering his skin from his bellybutton to his thighs. It was covered in what I think was a layer of ammonium salts and calcified deposits. (presumably from urine, but who knows is his anatomy is even familiar) I gave him a thorough wash though and I think I got it all off (The pamphlet stapled to the box he came in said to keep him clean or nondescript bad things would happen) Drying it was the hard part.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen him shedding fur. Maybe I should keep a closer eye on that. The pamphlet didn't mention it and he doesn't seem to be distressed, so I think I'm doing fine for now.

(I'm not caring for him permanently, just until the guy who left him with me gets back from some place in Southeast Asia. Weird stuf








