I just came across this and realized how much we have socially degenerated over the last 100 years.
I just came across this and realized how much we have socially degenerated over the last 100 years
Other urls found in this thread:
kek, vintage klansmen marching in full color at 17:45
it comes with prosperity, and 3DPD getting too much power
that's not really how history works, tho. it likes to present itself that way, however.
Kill yourself.
totally redpilled, bro
totally marxpilled, bro
Part of me wants to stop the madness, see a return to traditional values, strong families & chastity.
The other part wants to push the degeneracy until we have people fucking animals in the street. I guess I'm happy either way.
Well it is kinda funny, isn't it? People have brought this upon themselves, they clearly want to thin their own numbers, so how can say we don't deserve it? If this corrects overpopulation and will revert us back to some sense in the long run, why not help make shit worse? Aren't the monsters in this world truly the ones doing the most good?
Mhm, I'm sure you're a pure aryan with a 9 inch peen in real life my fellow member of the master race™
Honestly, the world becomes a darker place every day, I say let it all burn to the ground, and let the Leftards and SJWs reap the ashes they have sown. Realistically, can we really stop the madness known as the left, y'know, the retards that push for immigration to turn European countries into bilingual hell holes, where Europeans are to be bred out by subhuman savages who have no interest in advancing technologically or scientifically. Let's be honest, there's nothing we can do, we're doomed to post on chans for the rest of our lives.
What's it like proving OP right?
No i'm actually totally a nigger fondly remembering a time when niggers didn't matter.
Why are you showing me a list of Holla Forums posters? :^)
To prove that anyone in the us can be considered white, and how conflation when it comes to crime statistics can be falsified? You're right, America, a once Anglo nation, is being invaded by 3rd-worlders who breed like roaches, I can agree with that sentiment.
the absolute state
America was never white retard.
Nice Asian immigrants
Not an argument. Just admit it, White people were and never will be natives to the Americas.
It was conquered by Europeans, and the Right of Conquest still applies, just like how every piece of land in the world was fought for, "retard". The only victors, of course, were those who had superior technology. :^)
Uh, sweetie……. You've been BTFO.
maybe in the upper echelon, but most people couldn't act their baser nature, as the environment wouldn't allow for it.
Kek, are you retarded?
Ah, so you concede that there's a push for white genocide. Only, the genocide will be, for the most part, enacted VIA breeding faster than the white race. That's pretty typical actually, subhuman savages have more children than they can actually take care of. And between you and me, do you understand what "BTFO" stands for?
America is not White simple because, its population is the result of race-mixing between Whites and native-americans, or Whites and nigger slaves, or because America has taken so many POC, that race-mixing was inevitable.
ok, rabbi.
yeah… but the natives didn't have cities, and were mostly still hunter/gather, while Europe has some tangible value that will be lost, and the mud slimes aren't bringing anything other a magic sky fairly that doesn't like science, low IQs, and unemployable welfare recipients
you do know that most people congeal around others of the same race, and the reason the percentage of whites are going down is because white 3DPD aren't having children because they are working on their career, not because they are flocking to niggers, meanwhile Mexicans are coming here to suckle that welfare state.
Look at this salty spictrap sperging out over seeing a video of a bunch of white people wearing suits and speaking proper english.
wtf I love hypocrisy now
read Jared Diamond nigger
>inb4 refuses to read because he is a (((male of Jewish ancestry)))
Not an argument.
get the fuck out of my thread you overcaffeinated homosexual
telling me to read a book isn't an argument
if you want you views to be considered, then you have to present them cohesively
If you can't defend your own country from invaders, then the right of conquest applies, as stated previously, just like the factual statement that every piece of land was fought for. Something you have clearly ignored. Do you know why the Indians were conquered? Because they lacked technological superiority, something Europeans are good at. In which part is my belief "fallacious". Have you not heard of the mass rapes and terrorist attacks throughout Europe, or do you remain ignorant to comfort yourself in a world of lies?
Have you not heard of the mass shootings and throughout Ameirca?
Fine. From what I remember he says that the reason some civilizations have been more succesful than others is because they had easy access to useful crops like wheat/barley/etc., easily tamable live stock, beneficial geography, and this might not actually be a part of the book but I'm pretty sure there was a reference to some civilizations being close enough to each other to exchange ideas/technology.
I've never been able to listen to this nigger because of just how incapable he is of blowing his fucking nose.
Only the most recent one, Nikolaz Cruz, also happens to be an Amerimutt with a disability.
This is a bad meme
Probably because it hits too close to home, mutt.
not what that fucking is
Are you that retard from the Bill Cooper bread that was denying there would be attempts at banning guns in the near future?
You have a similar way of randomly throwing around trivial bullshit and moving goal posts at random times like some 15 year old dipshit after taking his first debating class.
Are you from around here? I don't think you really are.
But i am. You on the other hand seem to have come from cuckchan or Reddit.
okay, the native still weren't on the level of the whites that came to north america, so they benefited in the end, and the over all progress was made, while mud slimes aren't progress
Fine, have your niggers then
But you really aren't, newfriend. Using le 9gag memes is just as bad watermarking them with memecrunch or memegenerator. I know you aren't, and you would be disingenuous in claiming so.
user is right. Libtards like to pretend that, embracing moose lames is progress, when in actuality its the opposite. Islam is by definition a regressive and oppressive religion and culture.
That meme has been used here several times. But because you dont have arguments to rebutte my claims, you try to smear me. Nice play >>>/leftyol/
What have I done to give you this impression?
Because not only were they isolated from the rest of the world but they were also in a constant state of warfare and hunting for food. Kind of hard to invent the printing press (whoops, Asians actually invented that) when you're busy focusing on not being killed or starving to death.
Really nigger? Last time I checked having 90% of your population dying from disease isn't a benefit. Not to mention the centuries of additional bullshit piled on by colonists and later the USA.
What the hell are you even trying to say here?
Thanks for making me have to translate this bullshit out of retard speak. I assume you're saying that arabs have not contributed to technology, which is complete and utter bullshit. Here, have some links:
I'd like to inquire on how you came to that conclusion.
Yeah, maybe if you were using kikebook or 9gag
It's only not degenerate if you ignore most of it. We are objectively living in the best possible time to be alive. If you don't believe that, ask yourself how good life must be for yo u to be right here, right now, posting shitty memes on a site you don't even have to pay to use.
Dunno, coming across like a point dexter redditnigger high fiving himself in front of the computer maybe
10 scientits in 1.000 years, cannot be considered a good contribuition
Nice job opting out of contributing to science 1000 years ago.
*400 years
Be precise.
How does that make me moving goal posts and spewing trivial bullshit though?
Read it.
my point sill stands. Muslims are regressive and should not be accepted outside their shitholes, until they learn how to be human beings
If you believe that muslims shouldn't be allowed in Europe you also need to be believe whites shouldn't be allowed to live in America, because they killed even more than Muslims have.
You're doing it again.
What's your point in the end? You don't seem to have a specific one.
Any source is better than no source, faggot. Speaking of which, you have yet to provide any.
factually incorrect. Not to mention Whites were much more evolved back then, than Muslims are right now. This is true, by the simple fact that we did it, and they did not.
Source for what? All you do is go "hahah not an argument I btfo'd all y'all xD" like some skeptic youtuber. What is your point?
You can't just say something is wrong and not do anything else to disprove it.
wew lad, I didn't know we had actual geneticists in this thread, wow! Fuck off retard, post actual scientific proof backed up by the scientific community or stop being a lying niggerfaggot.
How is asking for proof too much to ask for?
Yes, it may be true that Chinese monks discovered a usage with blocks and ink, that would however correlate directly with stamps, not to the "printing press", the printing press is an automatic version of stamping that requires machinery, increasing effectiveness. So, to say that Asians were the first to implement a more passive way of printing via machinery is just pure ignorance.
Precisely, they couldn't even band together to progress towards a better future, no, they were living nomadic lives and killing off other tribes.
Proof for what nigger, are you dense?
Ah, so you believe everyone has a right to their own ethnostate? I completely agree.
NORAD is looking for my sides
What do you think dumbass? Look at posts with the (you) next to Anonymous in them and provide a source for the arguments that are inside them. I know it's hard to get used to the layout of imageboards after migrating from r/the_donald but you can at least make an attempt.
When did I ever say that? All I said was that if you honestly believe Muslims should not be allowed to live in europe because they are too "dangerous" than that means you should also believe that whites shouldn't be allowed to migrate to America, because of how dangerous they were to the native americans.
Muslims shouldn't be allowed in Europe because they're killing people right now.
That's not how it works, you're the one making false claims and random implications, why would you expect others to provide proof to you when your claims don't even have any substance. Stop embarrassing yourself.
wew, i'm dealing with the retard chieftain here
I'd honestly be happy if you posted literal propaganda tier websites like
just as long as you'd actually provide a source for your autistic rantings. Sorry, I don't argue with faggots who can't back up their own claims. Filtered.
crying out in pain while they strike you
Thanks for permabumping a white thread, achmed
I still don't get it, even when reasoned with, you stand behind your destructive ideals, and for what?
technological progression and scientific understanding is progress, and inviting IQ, parsley inbred, superstitious zealots aren't going to help that
a hand full of scientist over the hundreds, doesn't really prove anything, and if there are high IQ, mud slime scientists, they have long since emigrated to the west already, the ones coming now, your average (for niggers) IQ mud slimes that are looking for free shit.
low IQ, parsley inbred, superstitious*
scientists over the hundreds of years*