Why isn't egoist black metal a thing?
Why isn't egoist black metal a thing?
Because politically the black metal scene tends to be either fascists (NSBM) or nihilists (DSBM)
And tbh nihilistic black metal > hypothetical egoist black metal
I guess you could count the Red/Anarchist Black Metal scene, but I personally think they have their roots more in crust and punk music and are just kind of musical tourists.
this is good leftist black metal fams
And this album isn't one of them. That bluegrass shit was hambone as fuck and out of place.
RABM has too little influence to even be relevant IMO. I can only name a handful of bands.
That being said Panopticon is pretty great.
fuck off reactionary
I don't like the banjo in my black metal. Plus, Cascadian shit is lame as fuck. I want something that sounds like this:
With the aesthetics of nihilistic early Amebix or something.
It's more of the Cascadian Hipster Atmospheric Black Metal for Little Girls
That's the problem with that scene, I think, and why those ideas haven't made in headway in the larger black metal scene, largely because the people making that music are outsiders to the genre and largely rely on anarcho-punk aesthetics.
Ehh, too far into the crust punk feel for me. I think early Amebix kinda transcends that sort of thing.
I also have a hard-on for Orthodox black metal aesthetics, so I'd love some egoist stuff in that.
Because metal is for edgy teens
At least punk was self-consciouss
wow rude
DSBM is avant-garde art you fucking pleb
You think metal isn't self-conscious?
Just look at goofy slam bands.
DSBM is largely shit, with a few exceptions.
You are largely shit. Good choice though.
Christ's Wounds Are NOTHING Compared To Mine!!
Xashtur is too try hard for me tbh
Why? I know he produced a ton of material and a lot of it is mediocre shit, but there's some gems there. I'd definitely take like mid-2000's era black metal than the shitshow that is American black metal nowadays.
Overall, though, I still prefer his partner in crime.
You niggas aren't even on the same plane of reality as my avant-garde taste in DSBM: youtube.com
I'm probably just a faggot
Here's some anarchist DSBM
We're all faggots here, friendo.
Anyways, will bookmark for later.
Striborg is boring.
You're boring
Lurker of Chalice blows most of that tepid DSBM shit about of the water.
I bet you like Happy Days too.
Not bad, but I wouldn't say it blows out the good DSBM stuff. It's just, different.
Probably because it's basically dark ambient and Wrest has a better feel for ambient shit than most DSBM bands do.