Is it any good? i was told you guise would know
I don't have internet
It used to be good, back in the days
it gets slow when you try to see naked pictures, parents picking up the phone corrupt the download and the modem screech in their ear pisses them off
Internet is for fags. Play gaym instead.
lel this nigga knows
You should have just set your Usenet client to download* overnight. It was direct connection to your ISP's NNTP server, so no flaky routing to drop packets.
I also got some pr0n from local BBS's before having Internet. Some were pretty big, and had several, sometimes even dozens of nodes.
holy moly is that a boob
what year is that from
Those baltika beers are the shit
Judging from the hair I'd say 1984.
Not sure about the date. I got that GIF from either or a torrent with old BBS stuff. The modem speeds at the bottom point to the early 90's, but the picture itself is probably older. Maybe not that much older though. I remember some girls in high school had same hairstyle in 1990.
no, the internet don't real. we're full fuck off. normies not allowed reeeeeeeeeeeee. summerfags gtfo.
It's no good and just a fad
haven't tried it yet but will let you know
who needs internet when you got a bbs
nigga that shit is gay
poo poo pee pee
Yo dawg, I have an internet to sell you
play gaym
and this other gaym
this gaym too
Welcome to the Information Superhighway, shummer.
I just stumbled across this awesome game.