Can you refute this argument?
Can you refute this argument?
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It's hillarious how 21st century nazis aren't proud of the holocaust and will say it's a conspiracy, but then will proceed to list the reason why jews must be killed.
21st century nazs would be killed by real nazis tho. they are essentially useless, lazy and dumb.
That doesn't reach the 12mil asserted by holocaust speculators. If there were so many people killed in death marches and getting shot, 1) where are the bodies and 2) why did the nazis bother gassing anyone at all? Where did the 4 per oven number come from? His ass? Where did the 1.5hrs number come from? He forgot to account for the time it takes to herd the people into the gas chamber, gas them, wait for the gas to clear out, and then transport all of the bodies to the ovens.
lol oh you so naive
The guy in OP made a distinction between those who were cremated and those who were randomlly shot and death marched. Try again
He's forgetting the many, many people who died of disease, overwork, and starvation.
sure, OP. i will even do you one better: here is every other regurgitated argument you could come up with, too, debunked.
To refute you another way, if ALL the bodies were ash, how do we know how many people were killed? How do we know any were killed at all?
and holy shit, OP. im guessing you dont know how to actually further defend typical holocaust revisionism or you wouldnt have asked for backup, lmao
>>>Holla Forums11296940
>>>Holla Forums11296940
Guessing is half the fun.
For those unaware this is a neurotic Jew that is obessed by the Holocau$t. He has been trying to shill Holla Forums and various youtube videos and most of the time he gets btfo and moves to the next target. Give my regards to Froghurt.
I'm not about to help you do your job Shlomo Shekelstein. Burden of proof lies on the accuser in my opinion. The kikes say x gorrilion were gassed, prove it. Beyond reasonable doubt. The fact that there is still contention, unknowns, and debate over the matter tells me all I need to know.
If this was a court case, it would be thrown out. Have a sage, nigger.
pretty cool ad-hominem and completely pathological line of thought, you have got there. i dont have a youtube account
So in 2 years 838 656 Jews were cremated? That is assuming (without proof) that the furnaces indeed held 4 people at once. So what did the aryan monsters do to the other 5 gorillion?
There was a court case. It didn't get thrown out.
Game day bucket goes boom.
This might shed insight on answers you are looking for
Article 7
and kek that's pretty pathetic
We were proud of it when we thought it happened but as any normal person does when they discover new evidence, or lack thereof, we sadly were forced to abandon it being a cause for joy. The jews in the 20th and the 21st centuries however prove that it needs to happen for realsies this time.
It's not that hard to understand so long as you don't have an IQ of a nigger.
Perhaps if school still taught critical thinking skills you wouldn't be such a lazy dumb nigger yourself to understand the mental flow of nazis.
Ask a local morgue; 1-2 hours to cremate a body; stacks linearly. If there are four bodies in one oven, it's 6 hours minimum.
Images of mass graves of emaciated bodies are from camps that Brits "liberated" after bombing supply lines, so the people starved and had to be buried.
OP takes no consideration of gassing times, time for gas to clear (the official narrative is gassed & then cremated).
Compare Jewish Census data before and after war.
Note lack of mass graves.
Note utter folly of wasting time, resources, and manhours on exterminating much-needed labour during total war.
Weak b8. Sage for shill.
The 'evidence' would be thrown out by any court today. also heiled this.
ITT: Proof that Holla Forums will be anyone's personal army.
Oh, Holla Forums. You so pathetic.
The person who "medically evaluated" Rudolph Hess before the trials, Dr. Donald E Cameron, went on to conduct torture experiments for the MKULTRA project. He became the president of several medical assocoations, including the APA and was the first ever president of the World Psychiatric Association.
Well, it's not in court today, now is it? You're just gonna have to let it go. Who gives a shit if it happened or not, anyway? Does it affect your life one tiny bit either way?
What is holocaust denial laws, what is reparations for survivors, what is the state of israel, what is poland, what is AIPAC
That's the fucking problem. Are you daft?
Oooooh you're a Yuropoor. Well, then why should I give a rat's ass about you? If you can't stand up for your own country's freedom, then why should I help you? God suck Muslim cocks, Frenchy.
Why would it be in court today? On what grounds? The Nazis were already tried and convicted. Can't retry them. They're pretty much all dead.
Because it's being used in a legal basis for passing actual laws. So the media gets the government to ban video games because it causes every mass murder with no proof. Law passes by illegitimate means and now all questioning of whether vidya ever directly or indirectly killed anyone is banned conversation with 3 years in prison.
I guess that doesn't have any real world consequences would it.
He's trolling you retard
Name one.
Name one government banned video game
i heard they banned holocaust jew exterminator v 3.0 from steam
I'm only ironically a denier, step up your game kids
No, I'm not. It's not my fault Europe can't handle its shit. The US doesn't have holocaust denial laws. The US doesn't ban video games.
Try again.
and here
My guess is they've just dipped out of the thread because they find it useless to engage with you guys after seeing how most holocaust threads go, as do I
I'm not going to counter any denial arguments because I literally do not give a shit if it happened or it didn't. It literally does not affect my life whatsoever.
Don't you mean the other 10 gorillion? The supposed number is still 6 gorrilion jews and 5 gorillion goyim, right?
Bump for hoaxers BTFO
That's not me retard.
Yeah, but we've got some fucking faggot kike here spreading his political cancer in the Random board, literally one of the last fucking places on earth you could previously get away from their shit. We all know it was fucking bullshit moshe give it up. Even if you prove it did happen protip it didn't I'd still say it didn't just to spite you. Cunt.
At least you bumped so people can see the BTFO
Refuting the "holocaust" is easy. There's simply no evidence for it.
1. No autopsies of bodies were conducted by any Allied investigators to prove gassings of camp inmates.
2. No photographic evidence was taken by Allied aerial reconnaissance of the camps between 1942-1945 showing mass exterminations or removal of human remains, even though such activity would have been obvious.
3. No German communications, which were being monitored by the British government throughout the war due to the early cracking of German codes, alluded to any mass extermination or extraordinary loss of life in the camps.
4. No captured diaries or journals of high-ranking German officials alluded to any program of extermination, nor is there any documentation whatsoever alluding to a program of extermination. As Holocaust Believers claim that the National Socialists killed eleven million people- five million Europeans and six million Jews- the idea that every single document alluding to this massive operation was destroyed is ludicrous.
5. Neither mass graves of eleven million bodies nor the remains of the equivalent number of bodies in layers of ash and crushed bone, have ever been located in or around the internment camps.
6. The human soap, skin lampshades, and shrunken heads were admitted as lies in mainstream American newspapers in the 1980s.
7. The steam chambers and electrified floors, the first alleged methods of extermination, were quickly proven to be lies before the gas chamber story took hold. If the gas chambers had been real there would have been no need to lie about steam chambers and electrified floors first.
8. The Katyn Massacre, the shootings of over 20,000 Poles for which Germans were hanged, was admitted by the Russian government in 1990 to have been actually committed by the Bolshevik NKVD.
9. The Babi Yar massacre has been proven to be a lie conjured up by Bolshevik Jewish propaganda minister Ilya Ehrenburg. The story, which involved the Germans killing anywhere from 30,000-300,000 Jews outside of Kiev in 1941 (with no eyewitnesses) and then returning to the site three years later to dig up all the remains and destroy them using "bone crunching machines" (while being pursued by the Red Army, no less) was laughable to begin with. However, there is evidence which supports the mass executions of Ukrainians at the site in the early 1930s by the heavily-Jewish NKVD.
10. Official Soviet policy was to prioritize the evacuation of Jews via trains ahead of the German advance. Eastern Soviet territories such as Kazakhstan recorded huge numbers of Jews flooding into their lands during WWII.
11. All the "information" on gas chambers came from the Soviet Union, as the Western Allies did not capture any camps that are said to have had any.
12. All German camps had supplies of Zyklon B, not just the camps which were said to have had gas chambers. Large quantities of Zyklon B are neither mysterious nor sinister, as it takes a relatively high amount of the spray to kill lice.
13. A ground-penetrating radar study conducted by an Australian research team in 1999 proved that the ground around Treblinka had been undisturbed down to 30 meters, meaning that no human remains of one million people were deposited there. This supports offical German documentation which shows Treblinka to be a transit camp.
14. Records show that German guards were severely reprimanded for so much as striking camp inmates, let alone killing them.
15. Germany has no history of genocidal behavior, not even at its most aggressive. Jews on the other hand have a history of genocidal behavior, a history that is soaked in the blood of their enemies. Jews also have a tendency to project their own genocidal fantasies onto their enemies; Russians, Germans, and now Iranians have been the targets of these projetions.
16. German "admissions of guilt" were obtained through extreme torture by Allied agents, which included genital mutilation, mock executions, beatings, and threats directed at family members; Rudolf Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz, was tortured so terribly he admitted to a concentration camp that didn't even exist.
17. If the Germans had wanted to kill Jewish inmates all they would had to have done was simply not feed them; this is how Eisenhower exterminated 1.5 million German POWs in the Rhineland death camps after the war.
18. Rudolf Vrba, the Slovak Jew who invented and popularized the gas chamber story, was forced to admit under oath during the Ernst Zundel trial in 1985 that he had never witnessed an actual gassing, and that his stories were "artistic representations" ( that's Jew for lies).
19. Numerous Holocaust memoirs, such as Herman Rosenblat's 'Angel at the Fence' and Jerzy Kosinski's 'The Painted Bird,' have been proven to be fiction.
20. Deception is central to Jewish interaction with non-Jews, as well as Jewishness in general. Extreme dishonesty in regard to their Holocaust stories is entirely in keeping with their racial character.
21. The Holocaust is used as a political weapon to anually extort billions of dollars from Germany and other nations, to inculcate sympathy for Jewry in the face of its global criminality, and to stifle European nationalism at a time when their homelands are being invaded by millions of hostile racial aliens.
22. If the Holocaust had actually happened, it would not require Draconian laws drafted by powerful Jewish organizations to defend its veracity. No other historical narrative is protected by the threat of heavy fines and imprisonment. Truth doesn't fear investigation.
23. All German documents and statements made by German officials show that the Final Solution meant the repatriation of Jews to their own territory in the East, not their extermination. There is no evidence to the contrary.
24. During World War One, the British government ran stories in the newspapers about Germans gassing people to death and bayoneting babies. After the war, the British government issued an official apology for the lies. They didn't do so after World War II due to the need to justify the foundation of Israel.
25. Jews have a history of exaggerating their suffering, such as during the Khmelnytsky Uprising in Ukraine in the 17th Century. For centuries Jew claimed that half a million to a million of them died during the rebellion when today it's accepted that actual Jewish casualties did not exceed ten thousand.
26. There is no reason to believe that the emaciated corpses found in the camps by the Allied forces were anything other than victims of starvation and typhus, which afflicted all of Germany in the final weeks of the war due to Allied saturation bombing. Gassing people does not cause them to lose weight, and if Jews were being immediately gassed upon arrival at the camps, where are the otherwise healthy bodies that died from these gassings?
27. The mobile gas vans allegedly use to gas Jews were actually a Soviet method of extermination used by the NKVD.
28. German commanders refused to follow Hitler's direct order to have murderous Bolshevik commissars executed, as the commanders considered cold-blooded killing dishonorable. Yet, people are told to believe that these same commanders were overseeing the widespread extermination of millions of civilians on the Eastern Front.
29. Allied propaganda states that the National Socialists had a policy of extermination towards Slavs in the Soviet Union, yet there is no proof of this, and throughout Eastern Europe, the Germans were welcome as liberators. Furthermore hundreds of thousands of Slavic Europeans volunteered for service in the Waffen-SS.
30. Sporadic killings of the few Jews that remained to be caught by the Germans in the Soviet Union were typically carried out by vengeful Slavs who had scores to settle after two decades of Jewish tyranny and violence directed at their countries and families. It was German soldiers, in fact, who routintely tried to stop this violence.
31. The Einsatzgruppen, who lately have been the focus of Jewish TV shows, movies, and books on account of the death of the gas chamber lie, were German troops whose job it was to secure the rear lines, which were frequent targets of terrorist activity by Bolsheviks. There is no reason to believe they were shooting thousands or millions of people.
32. There is no reason to feel sympathy for those few Jews who did end up dead during WWII, as they were an invasive, alien people who had colonized and subverted European nations to the detriment of Europeans. When it was made clear that Jews were no longer welcome in Europe, they should have left. Whatever violence was actually visited upon Jews during that conflict was the result of their hostility and criminality.
33. Going back to 1885 there are at least 200 mentions of six million Jews suffering terrible persecutions.
I believe it happened. I just don't give a shit.
lol Holla Forums gets so triggered
The majority of Jews died do to famine and disease, NOT gas chambers. Hell, even mainstream historians will tell you this. The camps were not death camps, they were labor camps, in the same vein as American internment camps and Soviet Gulags. They became a logistical nightmare to maintain as Germany was losing a war on all sides and so they fell into neglect. That's all. Not deliberate death camps.
Answer me this Jews;
Why would the Nazis intentionally kill off the people building their war machines?
Why would a death camp feature sports faculties and swimming pools?
Why do we never hear about the non-Jews that died in these camps?
And I don't deny a good number of Jews were intentionally killed off, likely for being dissidents of the state and agents of subversion no doubt. But why should we have to put up with being guilted into supporting a war we have nothing to do with because of an event we had nothing to do with nearly a century ago? Why can Japan get over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but Jews can't get over the Holocaust?
I haven't been refuted. It's just hilarious to see people get so mad when someone disagrees with them. Posting literal walls of text = harcore bawwwing.
Holla Forums just grew up and realized Holla Forums is no longer as funny as they once were.
Fuck off, kike.
It's obviously copypasta you noob
This whole thread is a shitshow. Maybe Holla Forums isn't lost after all.
lol no. There is no information. There is only talking points.
Copypasta is the ultimate form of bawwwing. It means you literally have no argument.
The ultimate form of bawwing is effortposting, newfriend
So you are either posting a bunch of austictic material gathered by someone else without knowing or understanding your talking points, or you are lying. At the end of the day the Holocaust is a non-issue(see Poland). The fact that the Holocaust has become some kind of a foundation myth for Western society despite not even being the largest (6mil figure) in terms of total % of the target population tells us a lot about the post-WW2 world. Ultimate evil is National Socialism, ultimate good is Liberalism (anti-racism, equality, diversity, multiculturalism).
cool soources
I don't see one.
>if I ignore the fact that cremation time stacks linearly as more bodies are piled into an oven, and ignore the practical concerns of gassing victims, clearing out the chambers without killing off the guards, and moving the corpses through stairwells to ovens, then I almost get close enough to showing that this thing for which there is no evidence might have been able to happen.
That's the "argument"
You disgust me newfriend
That's a blatant blasphemous thing you've said right there. The OFFICIAL story was that they arrived at a death camp and then we're tricked into being gassed in huge gas chambers orchestrated by kappas (Jews in charge of gassing their own kind). You know just how long it takes to get EMMACIATED? (((datamining))) It takes MONTHS to look like that and completely contridicts the entire Holocaust narrative. Hell, I bet even Jews would get mad at you for a statement such as that.
It would at least take 2 hours (and this is being generous) for each body condidering the limited technology at the time. Not even mentioning the fact that modern ovens burn at a rate of at the lowest, 2 hours per body. And this is with ovens that burn even hotter than coke. You're also ignoring the fact that people people's bodies average about 75% water. SO, even if you could fit 4 bodies in each oven, it would cool down the creamation ovens causing the whole process to take even longer.
"Pages from the Auschwitz Death Registry Volumes", Journal for Historical review vol 12 p265Josef Hoffmann, a Jewish butcher, was 89 years old when he died of "old age" on June 22, 1942.
Abraham Stieber, a Jewish salesman from Slovakia, was 79 years old when he died on July 2, 1942, of "old age."
Chaim Richter, a Jewish salesman, was 81 years old when he died in Aschwitz on March 1, 1942, of "weakness of old age."
Josephine Kohn, a Jewish inmate born in Hungary who had been living in Leipzig, was 69 years old when she died on February 10, 1943. Auschwitz camp physician Dr. Kitt reported "weakness of old age" as the cause of death.
Emil Kaufmann, a Jewish attorney deported from Germany, was 78 years old when he died of "old age" on February 15, 1943. "Weakness of old age" is given as the cause of death.
Julius Sonnenberg, a salesman from Germany, was 65 years old when he died on February 27, 1943, of "angina pectoris." His religion is cited as "non-believing, formerly Jewish."
Abraham Blok, a Jewish butcher from the Netherlands, was 70 years old when he died of "old age" on March 6, 1943.
Jettchen Fuld, a Jewish inmate, was 67 years old when she died on October 10, 1942. Old age and physical weakness is given as the cause of death.
Salomon Serlui, a Jewish laborer from the Netherlands, was 67 years old when he died in Auschwitz on October 16, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Kremer reported a stomach ulcer as the cause of death.
Renö Hirschfeld, a Jewish tailor born in Berlin in 1878, was 64 years old when he died on November 2, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Kitt reported "weakness of old age" as the cause of death.
Armin Horn, a Jewish salesman deported to the camp from Slovakia, died on August 19, 1942, at the age of 70. Camp physician Dr. Thilo recorded the cause of death as "accumulation of fluid in the intestine and weakness of old age."
This Auschwitz camp death certificate reports that prisoner Josef Buck, a Jewish teacher from Kattowitz, was 65 years old when he died on August 1, 1941. "Weakness of old age" is given as the cause of death.
Josek Nisenkorn, a Jewish laborer, was 71 years old when he died in Auschwitz on August 11, 1941. "Weakness of old age" is given as the cause of death by camp physician Dr. Siegfried Schwela, who himself later died of typhus.
Samuel Mandel, a Jewish tailor, was 74 years old when he died in Auschwitz on March 26, 1942. Physician Dr. Entress reported the cause of death as "influenza with heart failure."
Ernestine Hochfelder, a Jewish inmate who had been deported to the camp from Slovakia, was 70 years old when she died in Auschwitz on June 4, 1942. "Physical weakness and old age" is cited as the cause of death.
David Reichman, a Jewish farmer, was 70 years old when he died on July 22, 1942, of "old age".
Oh, and nice sjwtube capture you made retard.
The hallofcost is a 'little' complicated, a lot of shit happened all at once
wew lads those germans were bullies.
I fucking love the deathcoaster
really? (((datamining)))
it wouldn't take fucking 2 hours. if you've ever done any cooking you'd know that if you overfill anything with product to be cooked, you dramatically lower the temperature and raise the time it takes to cook. depending on what you're cooking it might take an extra few minutes or never.
im certain if you stuffed an oven full of bodies it'll never burn at the proper temperature. you'd just get charred bodies, not ash.
you can see this effect at home when cooking it's that fucking fundamental.
I said two ours for each body, not for four at a time.
The more you add to an oven (in this case corpses) the longer it takes to cremate, which refutes their entire argument. This person might actually be retarded.
Well he fucks up right at the start. Just because someone is starved does not make them "very small enough" to squeeze into something.
Hip and shoulder bones would not shrink just because someone is emaciated, so unless they chopped the bodies up first it still wouldn't fit.
Not that much linger. Put a Turkey in the oven, and then four turkeys, time how long they take to burn.
Fuck you cunt, one day I will buy and roast four of them and then the Jew lie will be know for what is it and it's all thanks to you you fuck!
There was a court case about it, didn't you hear? (((datamining)))
To everyone else, the Nazi Holocaust happened, undeniably. Beyond all reasonable doubt. The only people who disagree are already anti-semites.
"Technical rules" being if the evidence was gathered lawfully, dumbass.
Is that a real question? (((datamining)))
Of course. He's very evidently using false premises since he's assuming both maximum and optimal usage of ovens all the fucking time without any rest, all ovens at once. He has no evidence that the ovens were used in such a manner and even if his crazy theory were to stand, he's not accounting for the time it takes to clean and maintain them.
Under that logic, we should count the war killings by the amount of guns and bullets the military had instead of counting bodies. Fucking ridiculous.
Any other dumb question? (((datamining)))
Nice fallacy combo kiddo!!!!11111
Why is toast square? (((datamining)))
It isn't.
Have you emperical vertifiable proof? (((datamining)))
Oh, and by the way… I just landed maybe my biggest turd this year so far… it was about the size of Florida!
There was supposed to be thousands of furnaces but the jews haggled it down
looks refuted to me
gassing is the execution method, cremation is the body removal method, cunt
go visit the display - crematorium capable of burning 1400 ppl a day, as per the oven companys spec