Here's what trump has to say about the released audio.
Trums Statement
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I can't wait for Sunday
Non-mobile link
No webm?
hillary clinton and (((her kind)))
Screencap or archive. If you can't even do either then you don't belong here faggot.
webm please
nice facebook links, nigger
Hillary will beat this to death.
Trump really should educate himself with the details of hillaries failures and alliances with the wrong people. And also about the maliciousness of her foundation and governance. And unload all this while saying that 'ive said bad things but Hillary has done worse'
Please for the love of God, get this to Trump. Kek why are you trying us. Did we do something wrong???
I just downloaded it straight from the source.
how the fuck do you archive a video?
Thanks donald, I was hoping for this
this election has become such a fucking joke. this country needs to collapse already.
is there a webm of the audio? or is it just transcript?
Move to Idaho, life for the Northwest Front.
Its your choice. We can make it happen.
Reminding everyone he leaked this himself for the sole purpose of being able to dig in on the rapes.
The God Emperor actually made apologizing great again.
That should negate most of their plays on this, which is good.
That said, Trump has been in a defensive posture for far too long.
If anyone in the Trump campaign is listening:
You have to attack.
Trumps been defending himself far too much, against his opposition, against the media, etc.
Meanwhile, his opposition doesn't face any attacks from the media - despite the ground for such being so fertile that you can't take two steps without hitting a fucking skeleton flopping out of Shillary's closet - and it shows.
You need to attack her.
You need to destroy her.
And you need to do it on Sunday… Which, is going to be nearly impossible, given its a townhall and going to be dripping with emotionally-charged liberal rhetoric from second fucking 1.
That was the whole point of the leak, now he can go no holds barred at the rape issue. 9D chess.
fuck that retarded bullshit. im staying in the south and purging all these kikes, spics and dindus.
The kid gloves are about to come off I see.
I for one will welcome spilt blood of the witch.
I get the feeling that Trump leaked this himself
now he's free to talk about bills rapes and hillary attacking his victims
He should have 20-30 segues memorized to bring up Hillary's dirty laundry every time they attempt to repeat this shit.
It opens up Hillary to Bill's history of rape and abuse and her enabling. The media took the bait for the millionth time.
Its not even something recent that he said either, the cunt did the same thing to the Sandman. We should start digging to find audio clips or quotes of Hillarys from the days of yore.
I would not be surprised. Also, it, and Trump's statement, just got more people hyped to watch the 2nd debate.
Story from CNN about it
Good luck if you can do it.
But have you seen the numbers? There are really too many. And the powers that be wont give up the land that you want without resulting to the most vicious of warfare.
That's some real fucking 50th dimensional intergalactic judo. He made it a redemption story about the American people turning him in to a better man, while also pointing out this "scandal" is truly nothing, and bringing up Bill's rape hobby and Hillary's silencing of his victims.
This is a can of centipedes (((they))) shouldn't have opened.
=Now the consequences will never be the same
Kill yourself. Numbers are nothing compared to White warriors.
Guys the media is hitting Trump hard on this. Do normies see this as it is?
It's fucking amazing how good he is at meme Judo.
>CNN: Trump calls 2005 video of his vulgar boasting a distraction
Reminder that media need to hang.
The video is out and the debate is Sunday. They'll try their damnedest, but their damnedest hasn't worked yet.
normalfags don't watch the news on the weekend and those that do, do so on social media. And on social media, way more people are talking about the latest wikileaks drop.
Nigger we conquered literally the entire Planet less than 100 years ago. Whites will kick the shit out of everyone else hands down.
I highly doubt that. This is probably the most damaging thing that's come out and it does him absolutely no good.
As a promotion for the next debate? Maybe. Maybe more people will watch the 2nd one than the first?
Literally means nothing. It's my first post in the thread, so what?
Back at you.
and this time I have the sneaking suspicion that Chelsea being there won't make him bite his tounge.
As Anons have said, the kid gloves are off. I expect seizures, shitting, and possibly Exorcist levels of vomiting from the Cunt right after Trump lays into her, and the moderator.
She's going to be destroyed.
Nigger, her posted that a minute before you said (1). This is bad news for Trump, unfortunately. It doesn't look good no matter which way you put it. I just hope he twists it around to all of Old Billy's rape scandals if they try to push it on him (which they will).
I don't think he did but he's counter-punching so well that it seems like he did.
The last debate was the largest televised political event in history.
How could you top it? Air out slick willy's dirty laundry all over your opponent, his wife.
No. Someone at NBC found the clip collecting dust somewhere. I would wager it was found earlier in the week and the media heads all met to kvetch over it and plan how to use it. They assume it can be used to forced Trump into resignation. I would bet my left nut that the polls are skewed again to cause Trump to drop back down to 10 points behind Hillary in the coming days.
They're too busy grabbing pussy (or wishing they were). Makes this whole thing even funnier.
Perfect statement. Turned this into a redemption story. How soon before we get some that stand that Trump saying the christian thing to do is to forgive Trump and focus on the real issues.
How delusional are they? They must know at this point that Trump supporters are unshakeable.
My God, you are right, and we just entered into Act 3 suing Scott Adam's formula.
Bitch get out of here, aint no women on Holla Forums
Typo. I'm sleepy.
Slick Willy is such an easy followup to this stupid fucking 10+ year old tape that it almost feels like a setup.
Or maybe Hillary had nothing to do with the release of this tape and the media is just that fucking stupid?
It came from the Washington Post- you be the judge of the brain trusts behind it.
Haha. No.
All this came after Trump hit at Soros again (last time he did a bunch of his videos got taken down), and a Rothschild backing Hillary attacked Trump. It's the media trying to destroy him.
Jeff Bezos?
Yeah. Seems like more of a case of angry people letting their emotions override better judgement.
In the end, no one really gave a shit about Bill Clinton's lewd behavior. Why would they give a shit about Donald Trump's lewd language?
C A N ' T S T U M P
Thats a tad delusional . It has been theorized that the Indians wiped out a number of white settlers in North America through sheer numbers.
Doubtful. Did you see the last debate? She was heavily medicated. Some pretty serious anti psychotics mixed with some amphetamines is my guess.
Trips for truth.
Go huff some gas redskin.
Stop misusing my OC you Kentucky fried nigger.
Its in the OP. Mp4, webm, whatever. Does it matter or are you so autistic that you require a webm?
so, which is more likely to you guys?
Clinton camp leaked it, attempting to make him look bad to women
Trump camp leaked it, so he can pursue the rape allegations
Yeah. He seems pretty pissed. The media must be shitting themselves because by reporting that his campaign his tanking is giving him a reason to act like someone with nothing to lose which is the last thing Hillary wants since she can't deal with someone coming hard at her.
This is about the level of stupidity I'd expect from Clinton, so Clinton.
let he who is without sin cast the first stone…
I trust the Emperor, but dang if I'm not rustled!
My sides are splitting.
(((Her kind)))
And more to be discussed regarding Bill…….
He IS growing stronger
Probably Clinton, probably was supposed to leak on Monday after the debate, Trump probably had a contingency plan for slowly drawing out Slick Willy for the 3rd debate but it LOOKS LIKE WERE DOING IT NOW.
Any transcript of the video? I can't watch it right now.
It's the cuckservatives that "care." They are fucking traitors and worse than the enemy and should be shot. They're already abandoning Trump once again.
I see this playing out like this if we are in the "Presidential Act 3". Trump does not take the low road (to the chagrin of those of us that want to see him go for blood) and keeps playing on the redemption aspect- which plays extremely well with the few percentage points that are undecided.
"I've overcome my playboy days, American made me great again- now I want to Make America Great Again… etc. etc."
He MAY bring up Hillary's complicity with Bill, but he will probably just be the nimble navigator he's been since day 1 and do something that NO ONE is expecting. Which will play to the normies and get those last few points he needs to trounce the cunt next month. By not taking the low road, he makes this untouchable by Clinton and the media; and he just used their only weapon they against him on them.
Yup, this was probably "uncovered" by the hit squad they assembled. Makes it even easier to attack the media and reinforce EVERYTHING he's been saying since day 1. Like many anons have said (and it is playing out), those who were voting for Trump don't care, those who weren't aren't.
And where are the Indians now?
There are like 2 cuckservatives for every 150 humans though.
I think the cunt has been sitting on this for a while, and this was her ultimate attack to distract from her being a complete disaster, or going to jail or whatever happened. So she fired it off because these new wikileaks are killing her. And while he took a hit, he counter-punched like a boss.
Clinton and her surrogates. Trump just did such a good job initially countering it with his statement that it looks like he did it himself.
They really do deserve it.
Donald J. Trump
Here is my statement.
I’ve never said I’m a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me, know these words don’t reflect who I am.
I said it, it was wrong, and I apologize.
I’ve travelled the country talking about change for America. But my travels have also changed me. I’ve spent time with grieving mothers who’ve lost their children, laid off workers whose jobs have gone to other countries, and people from all walks of life who just want a better future. I have gotten to know the great people of our country, and I’ve been humbled by the faith they’ve placed in me. I pledge to be a better man tomorrow, and will never, ever let you down.
Let’s be honest. We’re living in the real world. This is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues we are facing today. We are losing our jobs, we are less safe than we were 8 years ago and Washington is broken.
Hillary Clinton, and her kind, have run our country into the ground.
I’ve said some foolish things, but there is a big difference between words and actions. Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. We will discuss this more in the coming days.
See you at the debate on Sunday.
The Senate
Keep in mind that Assage has published less than 5% of John Podesta's emails so far.
NWF assumes that Whites in the NW are magically going to start fighting while Whites in the rest of the country stay cucked forever.
That's bullshit because the entire country has the same media. In fact, the NW has softer Whites precisely because it has so few muds. If they can be uncucked and become ready to fight for their freedom, then so will the rest of us.
And that's why Geralt decided to release his leaks in multiple spaced out packages.
What are they could to do to hide next week's leak and O'Keefe releasing a recording of her calling niggers niggers?
Maybe Trump has a Bill Clinton tape?
Here's the audio and the apology, side by side
The same kind of people who screamed their heads off at Bill's affairs. They didn't amount to jack shit back then, and they don't amount to jack shit now.
They're pretty impotent in the grand scheme, so using bullets on them seems to be kind of a waste. There are cheaper means of dealing with them.
Sumthin tells me theres a-gunna be a rapin' at that debate…
Git that bitch, don
Praise kek
Increase the salary of Correct The Record employees and make them work overtime?
he spent most of the video talking about how he wasn't able to lay a girl he wanted, and somehow that's boasting. oh, and he said women would let him grope them because he was famous. that's not really boasting, just a statement of fact about how women suddenly lose their precious 'sexual morals' around men with high money and status.
That's it? That's the tape? That's fucking nothing
DOTR? It is eco-friendly and recyclable.
holy shit a politician who tells the truth and is sincere, and now he's going to cut Hillary's throad
Sex tape?
Yep. It's all phony outrage. This is how men speak when women aren't around. So fucking what.
Trump's going to grab her by the pussy.
I'm just worried, guys. I've been having nightmares about Hillary winning, and it doesn't help that my anxiety causes me to go paranoid whenever I see a thread like this. It's easy for some of you to laugh at stuff like this but I get genuinely scared, because I always expect the worst. I've been raised to, and having actual hopes and then seeing threads like this just tears me up inside knowing its going to affect the polls at least a little.
Please tell me I'm just being a paranoid newfag idiot or something reassuring, I just want Trump to win. I don't want to have to move away from my family out of country if Clinton does, and I don't want to go die in a war she shouldn't have started.
I wonder who the little cuck bitch was that recorded this tape?
besides the fact he tried to fuck some dudes wife. its justified if the guy is a cuck but some slimy shit otherwise.
Shut up pussy.
Trump will win, user.
Believe in kek.
trump did and he leaked it to give him precedence to talk about bills rapes and hillary attacking his victims
Trump should offer to pay for a DNA test for Chelsea and Bill Clinton's other son.
wtf i hate trump now
Did you even watch the video? He did just this.
fucking nu-polfags man
Another bitch.
to where faggot? america is the last stand
attempting to have sex with women is now classified as rape.
has any man ever said to a woman 'may i now finger your vagina'?
is there anything more guaranteed to dry up a snatch than requesting permission before making a move?
it makes me long for the old days when feminists just said 'no means no'. although women sometimes say no halfheartedly to not look like a slut, at least that was more reasonable. but now they say 'yes means yes', which means if you progress sex in any way without asking for permission, i.e. "may i now squeeze your left nipple?" you're a rapist.
keep in mind none of these feminists who say this would actually have sex with a guy who was a big enough pussy to behave like this. it's just a giant shit test. and also it gives them the option to retroactively accuse pretty much any sex partner of rape if they decide later they don't like him. and some of them are just dykes who like to fuck with hetero relationships.
Another fact about the audio that people seem to be downplaying is that the guy Trump's talking to you in the video is Jeb and Dubya's cousin.
How things come full circle.
That's hilarious. Switzerland, Hungary, Poland, and Russia are all better off in both demographics and culture than the United States at this point, we're already a fucking minority here when it comes to people under 18.
Does it bother anyone else that the entire future of our country has been reduced not to leftist globalism vs right wing nationalism but to this trivial shit?
Are you honestly saying you'd rather live in Russia than Hillary's America?
I've been to Russia. It's a shit-hole. A beautiful shit-hole, but a shit-hole nonetheless. The water's so dirty it's either brown or yellow
I doubt the Bush guy leaked it though. It doesn't make him look any better than Trump since he goes along with what Trump is saying. Also if he were doing it out of loyalty to the family he would've done it when Jeb was in the running.
If you look it up there are numerous examples where it appears that Trump himself released something that at first glance made him look bad. There is method to his madness. It keeps the press focus on him. It gives him the excuse to go in hardcore on the Clinton rapes. It makes him look like an ordinary dude. It gave him an opportunity to use one pointed sincere-sounding apology that will stand out since he's not known for them. Trump leaked it, I'm certain of it.
i dont have any connection whatsoever to eastern europe and switzerland will be pozzed the first day its no longer useful as a banking nation.
It's more fun this way.
We have been given more power as memesmiths to influence the world now.
There won't be an America if Hillary is elected, she's a globalist.
Truth !
hillary's america wont have running water because we'll be in civil war
Yes, I'd prefer Switzerland to either but from what I've read its not easy to immigrate to which is simply smart of them.
Memes won't matter in a month.
You seriously don't see the potential in this? This opens up the discussion of Bill's abuse towards women and Hillary's coverups for her husband's attacks. Hillary herself is going to become a target because she's a cuntmuncher that covers for her rapist husband. The ball's in Trump's court now. They gave it to him for free in a desperate attempt to shift the news away from the latest leaks.
Well in a month the election will be over, so yeah
Christ, no! That minger drips acid and eats automobiles whole, we need him in one piece
I would definitely feel cleaner surrounded by Russians than the infinite sea of spics and niggers I'm currently in.
Lurk moar. It's sarcastic you dolt.
It won't be over by a long shot, it will just be the beginning.
I see the potential, but it's still all trivial relative to the future of our country. Do you think Bill sticking a cigar in some interns pussy is on par with pushing for nationalism?
Russians would kill you soon as look at you
I agree.
Btw, here's a better version of the audio
Are you saying Russians are worse than niggers?
it doesn't assume shit, it's a stategic move to reduce the operational area to make it a more manageable conflict.
read the butler plan before you talk shit:
Nice of you to show so much CONCERN
Or glowing after Russia nukes us. don't blame them
Bill Clinton's Brother Sniffs Coke And Says 'Nigger' [FBI TAPE]
I don't think he should have even brought it up, honestly.
No way Trump leaked this himself, no chance at all. He needs problems with women like a hole in the head. Then again, I think in 4D and Trump has achieved more than I can hope for.
Time to spend some money on
(you have to admit the design is genius)
'mirin them digits tbh fam.
Yet you lived there and are here posting.
he had to say something. you can't not address that in 2016 with election right around the corner
Did OP ever deliver?
This is who Trump "made a move on", Nancy O'Dell.
He has something like 38% of women. He's doing better with women than Clinton is doing with men by a large margin. You can fuck right off with this "muh vagina", pedestal bulls hit.
I never said that I lived there
That is one botched fucking nose job.
Her face looks kind of weird.
wtf i love trump now
Looks alright for 50.
quick googling shows its ran by 3 kikes. larry king, freddie roman, and jerry lewis. maybe shes a prostitute passed around by kikes.
You can fuck off being a clueless statistician. He has a perception of having a women problem, he's spending a lot of effort trying to remove it. He didn't need this, don't be a moron you really think he leaked this intentionally?
Trump has a problem with female voters, Hillary has a slightly large problem with male voters (at least white ones). Next time, apply a little thinking before ranting.
Yeah that was weird. It was obviously Bush.
If, and I mean if, Trump did release this himself, it was because he knew she had it and would release it herself.
If this video must be released, this was the best time to do it, for Trump.
There is substance to the Hillary leaks, they need time to sink in but they have staying power. If this video was designed to draw attention away from the leaks, it won't work. The Benghazi shit is not going away.
Trump's lewdness has higher initial emotional impact. But that emotional impact fades with time.
in what universe did you think such was not inevitable?
prepare. network. keep the faith. now is not the time to cower in fear.
The real problem Trump is going to have is in his bedroom listening to a crazed Slovenian yelling at him. Dunuld, Dunuld! Why you dirty man!
From some liberal site
Oh look the DNC is back..
Pic related is what she looked like back around the time when Trump tried to fuck her
leftists attempting moral superiority. the whole time embodying moral relativism.
fuzzy logic or just plain bullshit?
How do we know it was that O'Dell chick for sure though?
oh please. she knows.
trump/10, would take furniture shopping
To be honest, she's many points behind Melania.
good god, she looks like a local news anchor
No lad the US is done eastern europe is the last stand
I'm sure GRU-chan will give us a chance to avoid such a scenario.
thats the whole point of moral relativism. act high and mighty when it suits you.
Nancy was Billy Bush's co-worker on access hollywood, and I believe Nancy may have done work for Miss Universe.
Fight you fucking pussy
I would live in bulgarian romanian hungaria the ukraine or russia before hilaries america yes. I to have been to Russia and its not that bad
You know, I did have some doubts at times whether or not Trump can pull out of stuff like this, but this video is just great. Can not wait for the debates, and more importantly, the election.
It's for the best that Donald stuck with his wife.
Pretty enough for Bill, though
Most women understand that his is part of the deal when dating or being married to powerful men. They'd rather be part of an alpha's harem than monogamous with a beta
Please no. I don't want a bunch of spics and niggers bombing us into oblivion.
She probably knows, but probably pretends not to know. Crazed women aren't worth dealing with, even if you're an Alpha. Part of me wonders if Trump is chilling with Nigel Farage at a private pub somewhere, just shooting the shit.
I'm from Eastern Europe and while SOME countries are anti-kebab, everything else about eastern european countries has been pozzed to death by half a century of communism my friend.
If your last hope is Eastern Europe - the embodiment of 2nd world countries - you're fucked.
Whites have faced far worse odds before.
Have any of you seen Trump looking more pissed off than he does here? Deadly serious, sincere, but overall quite vexed.
We are fucked lads the future is a big shit sandwich and we are all going to have to take a bite so get use to that.
NW whites are Scandinavians. Fewer German and Anglo stock whites than the rest of the country. Scandinavians have more genetic pathological altruism, so the NWF is actually quite a foolish idea from several angles.
Farage has similar degenerate practices with women, so they probably have a lot in common there.
he said he hits back 10 times harder. we shall see.
He gets pretty pissed at the whiteguilt cuck in this video
Regardless, NWF is coming from all over the US, so it's a mixed bag. Lots of germans and anglos as well. There are also Europeans immigrating to join.
Exactly, and this 'scandal' gave Trump the perfect opportunity to apologize to women (or on a 'women's issue') and come across like a changed man. Most women know that they use filthier language than this among themselves and that they would prefer that a wealthy high-status interested man take charge and grab them and not be all demure about it. Also a lot of women hate Hillary and when Trump is now able to get into how she intimidated and shamed Bill's rape victims they will end up siding with Trump.
She's way hotter than Melania tbh
Hillary, pls
Whatever happened to the Trump that just BTFO'd every opponent, ignoring their remarks and smirking all the way?
and before you bleat "shillll!!!!!" I'm still voting for him regardless
just kind of disappointed that his tone has been so neutered lately
They're both a little weird looking, but you still need to get your eyes checked.
I think you need to get your eyes checked.
Whites have survived not the US I am hopeful we can carve out a new country someday but the demographics are no longer possible to save this country.
I didn't know that, I thought he might be like the Mike Pence "goody two-shoes" type family man.
By the way, here's an effective countershot if you have to convinced women demonstrating phoney outrage. Ask them who in the real world is a perfect world leader, without any personal flaws. There will be a long Gary Johnson pause as they're taken back into the real world.
Now you pose the question of whether they're comfortable seeing the death of America, because of some locker room banter.
He has the republican base on lockdown and is trying to swing Bernout votes now
I do agree that many of the southern states are lost for now.
i cant help but notice that he's not trending on facebook
this is how it looks for me
is this a thing?
Well what was that stat 50% of that wenches money comes from jews so go figure…
It's natural for him to become more 'diplomatic' the closer he gets to the Presidency.
You need to learn how to stop worrying and Trust in Kek!
look in his eyes during that "apology" and tell me you don't see the gaze of a furious man.
No, we just need to stop being retarded and making sweeping generalizations about entire regions. That's where dumbass shit like "MUH BASED PUTIN" and "MUH BASED SLAVS" come from, idiots looking for a savior or some untouched white paradise they can flee too. Every european and white country has it's uncucked and cucked constituents, every country is fighting a cancer of some kind, it's just that some countries have a less metastisized cancer than others. Our real hope comes from first organizing our own countrymen, then organizing internationally.
Preemptive fuck you. The germans came to the aid of Franco, and supplied Mussolini with arms to help gas the niggers. Irish fascists fought side by side with the Spanish. Cooperation doesn't mean amalgamation.
I won't do your legwork for you, CTR.
Look at what is trending. Wikileaks. People seem to care far more about Hillary's leaked emails than 'Trump said some stupid shit 10+ years ago and he's sorry'
He's up to what, 50 million personally invested in the campaign? Plus over a year of work. You can bet he's pissed and it just made Sunday even better. The gloves are coming off.
All he should be doing is hammering those Goldman Sachs emails for them. Even getting them so disgusted that they don't show up election day is a win.
they should BOTH be trending based on the numbers
i'm looking at the (((algorithm)))
Im 100% correct and I need to apply some thinking?
Fuck you're like the (((MSM))) on how Trump needs To get above 4% black vote when he's at like 19.8%. Same with Latino vote when he's above 30% there.
Statistics are the absolute most meaningful thing in an election and polling.
Started out kind of cucky but ended in kek
It's not cucky to apologize when you really screwed up. This is like his first apology ever. Nu-males apologize for every little thing.
Men and women participate at pretty much an even rate. He's lagging behind with female voters (which you even noted), so that is why there is a problem. I'm arguing that he didn't leak the tape himself, because you see, that would be fucking insane.
Orginizing in the US would and will require us to re group and create a new shared identity similar to what NWF wants. The problem with US fixing anything is the demographics are no longer here to save this whole country all across the board its only 60% white and in newborns its not even half. Balkinization would almost be impossible because the countrys "diversity" is so evenly dispersed. The only hope is something like NWF taking off.
wrong image.
and lets just correct the record on the fact that his apology is the best kind- incredibly nebulous and not specific
If this Trump shows up at the debate, Hillary is fucked beyond saving.
there's already natural white flight to the northwest, so it will be very easy to tip the numbers
Did you know that Bill Clinton bombed Iraq and Serbia to distract from Monica?
not to mention creating a new meme
why the fuck didn't he trash bosnia instead of serbia
fuck bosnia
Scott Adams bringing the bantz
.mp4 is non-free.
give me more, vaporwave maestro
His bantz are always top tier.
Wield your dank memes responsibly, tadpole
He does it for a living. I always laugh when these SJWs think they can come against a man who writes daily banter for a living.
mp4 is an open standard container. You're probably thinking of H.264 a proprietary codec often used with them.
This one is my favorite
He is Not lagging behind with female voters. That's a forced meme kikes love to use. Same with black and Latino as I noted. Also as I noted he's doing better with females than Clinton is with males, see;
mixed feels, on the other hand you should never apologize (((them))), but he played it well, if he survives this fire, he'll be stronger than ever
haven't seen that one before. top notch bantz
Holy shit
TF is with these jews…
the memes!
I even told you that in my response. What should be apparent is that he doesn't want to haemorrhage any female support. Which is why he would not leak the tape himself.
Pureblood scandis aren't bad. They just have a fatal flaw that crops up when they are exposed to mud races (which would never happen in "natural" per-industrial circumstances, on account of their geological isolation).
Scandis far up in the north never had to deal with neighboring mud races, so they lack the requisite defenses. Physically and otherwise mentally, they are very good.
Nah this was clearly a media leak. It coincided directly with wikileaks releasing tons of emails that show Hillary for who she really is.
This allows the media to try and memoryhole the wikileaks stuff while focusing on Trump.
That's pretty slick. 2:45 am too.
wasnt even a high energy statement. he was reading a teleprompter. paid trump shills pls go, we're already voting trump
Trump has to hit Hillary hard with the Bill Clinton rapes this coming debate otherwise the leaked video may be the killing blow to his campaign.
It doesn't seem to be working
Have I been out of the normie world this long?
they probably don't read dilbert and think it sucks because dilbert is le white male.
oh, fuck. He set himself up for that completely, what a fucktard.
If it were me I would have leaked them after the debate. During the debate I would have mentioned how Donald has said such bad things about women and begin to list some of the things said in the tape. He would deny ever having said such things and then when the tape comes out he will be seen as a liar as well as however people think about him from the tape itself.
Kek says yes
To be fair, I could understand their thinking that a newspaper strip might be shit.
Ah, the Bill Clinton tactic
Trump has been successful so far because he smashed his opponents with no mercy.
All I am saying is that if he cucks out during the coming debate like he did with the first one then the Trump campaign won't recover from this blow entirely.
If he focuses on calling out the emails, child rapist defending and Bill Clinton rapes then it will be a completely different story.
Oh would you look here… look who released the tape.
Every. Fucking. Time.
Come on now.
Kill yourself kike.
Meanwhile, twatter Holla Forumsand trends were mostly sandnigger runes earlier today. Shit's fucked.
no shit you can fuck bitches if you're rich. that's no fucking secret
You did fine, Mike. Good enough for a private. You even got the 'conspiratard' buzzword out of him.
Here's some eyecandy
Fuck off faggot. Did you even listen to the last part?
No. Not him.
Praise Kek.
So can the Trump shills finally admit it's over or will they look like retards and press on all the way until election days proves them to be?
What did he meme by this?
G'day Schlomo. ;^)
Whoever is making these things I keep seeing everywhere should make them in high resolutions for desktop backgrounds.
You should read this book if you actually think that, I tried to find a pdf but couldn't. All we would have to do is draw new borders, and collectivize white nationalists into an area.
You want to talk nail in the coffin?
All will be well user
That is a pretty good image for Trump shills.
Any rational thought would let them know it's over and they lost.
Oh well. Can't wait to spam Holla Forums for a month straight with keks when he loses.
Doing well then I take it.
Make these high resolution for desktop backgrounds you fuckin' faggot.
This is just going to make it worse for you guys when he loses.
I was just warning you but ok.
See you the day of election with screen caps of all the idiots in denial.
yeah its some elementary school shit. id rather he go high energy on the federal reserve and policy rather than sex scandals. im not le 4d chess master though.
Make these high resolution for desktop backgrounds you nigger fucking jewass faggot.
See ya Sunday.
Oh you poor misinformed soul. Take a little trip to Kent, Des Moines or Tukwila sometime. Burkas and strollers as far as the eye can see. And what's worse, when you see them with their husbands, it becomes apparent you're not dealing with some run of the mill dunecoons, these are the most ungodly conglomeration of niggatry and barbarism you can imagine, they're fucking somalis. Go northwest and you're dealing with pajeet strongholds, northeast to renton and the outlying area and you're in little guadalajara. South to south tacoma and lakewood and you're firmly in nog territory. Not even east of the pass is safe because of how many browns, illegal and legal, who are imported to provide labor for the agricultural sector.
I've got nothing to say in either direction regarding NWF and its goals or longterm viability, but make no mistake, we're no better off demographically up here than anywhere else, barring outliers like detroit or birmingham.
Please. It's not altruism, it's social intelligence. Nordics care SO much more about what people care about them than most others. That makes them pleasant, but also extremely susceptible to jewish propaganda.
At the same time, it's not genuine, it's all virtue signalling. Nordics don't actually give a fuck about shitskins, just about people liking them more.
Why is it you leftists think we're going anywhere after the election? You think we're going to simply take a knee and do what you say? You have no fucking idea what's coming.
How do you think he'll lose? Rig in the swing states? Delayed elections, martial law, something more devious?
Getting less votes
You don't belong here, outsider.
;^} kek
insert empty spoiler tags into your links to break their formatting but still leave them easily copy+pastable for your fellow anons
is it really that bad? Surely you're exaggerating because it used to be not be so diverse.
Are your cities 30% black or more? No? Then it's not as bad as other places.
website doesn't work
My take on this:
He released it himself as a bait thrown at Clinton and the MSM, which has been starved of any dirty shit on him. And just in time for the October surprise.
This apology is important, in a sense of appealing to the voters and most importantly fundie christians who saw him as a New York degenerate.
One thing that I noticed was that the right wing and alt media released some hit pieces on Hillary and Bill raping women and her defending it. Along with that dindu son(very very important).
IMO this release was the starting salvo and the debate will be the decisive battle. He's using information from the first debate where he also scouted how Hillary would react when he seems confused and vulnerable.
If you remember, she had that psycho grin from the second debate onwards when she saw that he was her victim to destroy. Be becouse, well, she's a pure psychopath. And that's how their reptile(no joke) takes control.
What I believe it will happen at the debate/final battle they will ever have and is almost a PERFECT October surprise. And they are desperate.
2. Trump will bring up Bill's rapes and Hillary's attacking of the victims, which he pre conditioned people through the alt media.
3. He will play off his "Reagan" card of a changed man regarding his statements and will brush off the accusations in a presidential way. This will solidify and bring the rest of the fundie christians on his side. And maybe
4. Dat cracka like dat pusseh mang, he da real deal nigguh. Uh, uh dat white boi kno ho to treat a hoe. But dat dike bitch is ok with rapin black hoes? Say goodbye to the black vote Hillbeast. He's using the jewish MSM infantilization of blacks to his advantage.
Trump isn't playing nD chess. He's doing total war with military tactics applied to public relations and politics. He's baiting the she-psychopath with this October surprise into thinking he is vulnerable. She will probably be doing an even more creepy smile in the debate. But in their arrogance they will be destroyed completely.
Be sure to watch the final showdown with some favourite beer guys. This will probably decide the elections.
you dont belong here bitch. not my fault you cant see past the election and god emperor memes newfag.
Can someone post a webm of what the "leak"?
He's implying Marx wasn't actually a Jew, and it's just a conspiracy theory, ignoring the fact that his grandpa was Jewish and that he married a Jewish woman.
"We must secure the existence of our memes and a future for anonymous shitposting"
Both his grandfathers were Jews and his mother was a practising Jew, so anyone who says Marx wasn't Jewish is no less than an idiot and should be disregarded completely
Hey Holla Forums, I screenshot a conversation from /n/, and these anons claim Billy Bush was bugged, and that COINTELPRO may have been following Trump for a long time to pick up any blackmail they could use in the future on him
fortunately, assange is smart enough to not publish the leaks all in once exactly to avoid this kind of shit
Wasn't he literally descended from a line of rabbis?
I'm pretty sure some anons said this would would happen anyway. Trump gets soft in the first debate to give a real swing at Hillary in the next, while Hillary wastes her low energy in the first which makes it all the more worse for the next debate. The best part about it is that the polls said he won the first debate, so imagine what it'll be like in the next.
Nancy O'Dell is the new anchor for Entertainment Tonight
Would be hilarious.
That's not far-fetched at all. Everyone knew there were multiple debates, but couldn't make the Sun Tzu-tier appraisal of the situation: Just win the war, and use the battles as needed. A great warrior is not a superhero from some horrible Marvel Universe movie.
That whore is some kind of non-White Medinigger for sure. I had high hopes for the Donald, and I hate to say this, but apparently the Don is a promiscuous degenerate who is into bestiality. He's no Hitler, or God Emperor, but let's just hope he'll keep his word and build the wall 10 feet higher while making small dick China suck America's huge red, white, and blue cock.
Putin is BASED, you D&C cocksucker!
That's why he studied gook martial arts and let one of his daughter marry an honorary kike South Korean gook. He clearly cares deeply about maintaining the racial and cultural purity of the White race.
What the fuck user. Please watch this to curb your ridiculous attitude.
Anons will have bigger problems to worry about the moment she is announced winner, like preparing for WWIII and the inevitable result of it. Holla Forums would be very busy infodumping survival information and warfare strategies like it's the last day of the internet.
Seriously. Trump was right when he said he could shoot a man in New York and not lose support. I'm honestly impressed at our loyalty to the Trumpenfuhrer.
Hillary winning would mean the instant end of the internet. ICANN is already in place, once she's officially in charge she'll shut us down so fast. Good thing Trump's going to win!
Reminder to always filter ban-evading Torfaggots
Because if his words offend you, you're an absolute beta bitch. Those sort don't hang around here very long.
These videos are great.
Fortunately it wouldn't be instant, you'd have a few weeks before Holla Forums is blackholed worse case. Bureaucracy takes time.
Point is, due to the severity of the situation, if Hillary wins, efforts would have be dedicated in information sharing from that moment (no time to even rage at the result).
Sunday will be fun but just know everyone in that room is gonna be a hillary plant
I was expecting at least something a little more. But I guess in 2016 mediocre man talk is too controversial.
she looks kinda like Jeb
nah, pocohantas has FAS and jeb doesnt
Something's not right about Jeb at all. He's a Bush, but he doesn't have the sanpaku eyes of George & Sr. Ever payed attention to the empty psychotic look GWB has? It's as if Jeb decided not to join the family cult, but that being the case why would they try to run him for president?
because it would give hillary an easy victory
It's a smart move let's see if it pays off
And the award for slowest user of the week goes to…
Go to sleep on other side of Atlantic, wake up to this. Ha, media moves fast since this whole thing is pretty much over already, but once again you see the news cycle - they dropped this late on a Friday, so that's all that this whole weekend is going to be about.
This is also a wake-up to women in the world - guys, no matter what stature, talk to each other like this. That's all there is to it.
It was his lifelong dream to become president, user. He got funding like the rest of the Bush family just as a formality before he would have been demolished by the media and the democrats in the GE. But deep down, the retard really thought people wanted him as a president.
Didn't he get hundreds of millions in donations from superPACs and such? As suggests, did the Bush family intentionally run Jeb to help get Hillary the popular vote?
t. nervous man
Norwegian media is blasted with "IS THIS HIS BIGGEST MISTAKE?" "WILL THIS STUMP TRUMP FOR REAL?" and so on.
As if it's something he said yesterday, not a decade ago.
But it shows that if you are willing to use 10 year old quotes to "demolish" a candidate, Hillary and Bill is ripe for the same behavior - and they have much more then a stupid quote.
The debate is this Sunday? If so, it will make all the liberals and Hillary-supporters frown in their mouth eagerly await how embarrassing the debate will be for Trump, when he flips it around and completely wrecks Hillary.
Not to mention, with Wikileaks hyping their releases, forces the Clinton-camp to play their biggest hand to distract the goyim - which I guess is this "leak".
It's an attack of fear, not tactical advantage.
Don't get me wrong, everyone but Trump would have made the country swing for Hillary, which is why the superPACs were so adamant on taking down Trump almost a year ago. Jeb was also given the hundreds of millions because he was, initially, the most likely to win the nominee. But by the way he spoke in interviews and in his "speeches," it seems like he really did believe he was running as a legitimate candidate.
Bill Clinton grabs woman by the pussy and it is caught on tape. Spread it far and wide amongst the normies.
Praise Kek!
I was talking with my dad about trump grabbing someones pussy and CNN seriously running the story, he looked me dead in the eyes said no damn way and then rage switched to CNN no surprise there was Don "The Nigger Louse" Lemon talking about it.
if we moved to Russia we could Make Russia Great Again
but I'd rather live in the states
amazing how the left suddenly becomes morally stuck-up bigots when it doesn't suit their electoral needs
Leftism is a mental illness. They don't have principles, they don't have values, they are literally empty shells filled with political propaganda and flavour of the month feel-good materialist ideologies packaged for the dunning-kruger crowd. Disgusting.
Yet you barely hear anyone about it. Go away kikeberg.
I love your vid man
She released those leaks at the wrong time.
The Podesta one's are only 2000 emails with nothing too damaging yet, 40000 or so are still remaining.
What a cuck.
Oohhhh it's on..
okay shill
He actually spun this whole story into an attack and into something positive.
This video made me pic related level of happy.
This is how all guys talk about women. For fucks sake it's nothing at all.
what words is he talking about?
People are just jealous tbh, see vid.
But my main concern is
If he was married at the time and Melania didn't know about him doing this to other women, it's going to impact his marriage, which will impact his mental health and potentially his presidency. Hell, it might make him lose concentration during the debates too.
Australian ABC24 seem to be trying as hard as possible to meme this incident into being the end of Trump
It does have a staged feeling to it, like they had this hit ready to go, and that includes on the Republican side also
The curious part is though that despite the obviously biased narrative, they showed the clip of Trump's response in which he called out allegations surrouning Bill Clinton.
It's a bit like them claiming the sky is green for 5 minutes and then showing a picture of a blue one.
There's a ton of internal resistance within the media. They're told to convey a certain message, a certain piece of disinformation, but part of their real thoughts and feelings always make it through here and there. No liars are perfect, and the truth is always there right under the surface. Tuff life those journos have
no way Melania doesn't approve of Trump banging lesser women on the side.
ABC is notoriously left winged, so of course they'll do everything in their power to make him look as bad as possible.
They've most likely had their hands on this recording for a while and may be all they have for their October surprise.
All in all though, it could make the next debate a bloodbath - however hard they try to hit Trump with this, they must realise that Bill Clinton has actually DONE worse things to women than what Trump was talking about.
You CAN NOT stump the Trump.
Music by the good goy "White Hot Takes".
But that could be intentional on Clinton's part though, the more the discussion is focused on such personal incidents, the less is mentioned of the leaks and the prospect of WWIII happening soon. They're also probably anticipating that people won't ultimately care too much about Bill's past because he's not the one running for office. Expect the whole affair to serve as deliberate misdirection.
I doubted Trump after Iowa defeat in January - I thought we had all set too high expectations.
Then he came back with guns blazing and started to win win win. I vowed then not to doubt Trump again.
Forgot to mention
it's just lads talking shit, you can tell by the tone of voice
But on a related note, here's an interesting question I posed to someone IRL once though, "What stops Bill's actually running the office in secret while Hillary pretends to be in charge?" After all she's gravely ill so it wouldn't be far-fetched they tried such a thing.
that's almost like she was saying
glorious aryan qt tbh
Maybe the fact that she would have to become President (actual president) if she wins, making him irrelevant except for dinner talks and morning conversations over coffee and occasional phone calls?
Maybe the fact that he becomes the first lady if she wins?
Trump should try to keep the next debate's discussion from personal attacks (not paying tax, this audio) and try to keep the focus on matters at hand (immigration, middle east policy, national debt).
If they try to attack him personally, he's always got ammunition in the form of Bill's past behaviour and Hillary's threats to his victims.
Keeping the focus on the current matters is key, as Hillary has played a major role in destroying any cohesion America may have had with Libya and helped kick off Isis.
If the moderator does keep hammering Trump over the audio, maybe the best thing he could say would be 'I addressed the issue, I publicly apologised, I shouldn't have acted in such a way' and be done with it. They'd look desperate if they kept beating that dead horse once it's a non-issue.
Firstly, I'll bet you that Bill cares about Bill's past. This is why every time he 'campaigns' for Hillary he says something self sabotaging. He doesn't want Hillary in the White House. If Hillary goes to the White House, Bill could very well spend the last few years of his life in jail, instead of having a peaceful retirement and being regarded by most as one of the best modern Presidents.
Secondly, it's not so much a question of what Bill did but rather what Hillary did to keep the public from finding out what Bill did. Hillary makes a big deal of her feminism and how important it is to Listen and Believe rape victims, yet she's done nothing but cover up for Bill and attack his accusers when they've accused him for rape or inappropriate sexual conduct.
The fact that he's very old.
Mandatory viewing.
the best part about all this is that he now looks like a counterpuncher, after he avoided the topic during the first debate
nigger if your leader is a puppet then she's not a leader.
That's a added bonus too - he said he didn't want to disrespect Chelsea in front of her father. If Hillary wants to bring this tape up, there's a lot more skeletons in her closet than in Trump's.
The Clintons' corruption is not a personal attack.
People need to hear this. So long as they don't goad him into it, Trump should stick to the issues. But if they bring up that tape then they've opened the door to all discussion about Bill's own sexual misconduct and Hillary's covering for and enabling of that misconduct. The media can't edit the debate footage. This is the best opportunity to get it out there how much of a criminal Hillary is.
Other way around
That's the reason why I posed the question, it's a way to pose doubt in whenever she'll actually be leading and not serving as a 3rd/4th term extension of Bill's administration. Just curious if there's any usefulness for get more people to think about this. It would amplify the effectiveness of attacks against Bill impacting her if it worked.
Though has a good point, he's probably as fucked as Hillary from age related disorders too, so I guess not.
This can hurt Trump a little, more so due to him trying to bed a married woman. Degenerate Don shouldn't be celebrated and should be shat on for trying.
That said, these leaks will amount to nothing, due to Trump's character/persona he has crafted over the years. The timing is mighty suspicious as well, with the e-mail leaks immediately covered up by…TRUMP SAYING SOMETHING OUTRAGEOUS ONCE AGAIN.
Wil LITERAL CUCK Wheaton chimed in
This story is very bad news for Clinton.
Donald Trump now has free reign to mention all of Bill and Hillary Clinton's crimes against women.
This includes the groping, sexual assault and even the multiple accusations of rape.
Shit, the Clinton's even settled with one of Bill's many victims out of court. The rest were intimidated into silence by Hillary.
He can bring all of this up in the debate now without fear of reprisal.
And all he has to say is that "yes, I've said bad things, but Bill and Hillary have done very evil things."
This will backfire on the Clinton's in a BIG way.
And hey, if you're the kind of human garbage who believes Trumps words can make you feel better about supporting an actual serial sexual predator, then kindly go fuck yourself.
In that sense, it's almost a positive for Trump. If and when they bring this tape up, Trump's going to have no choice but to bring up the long string of women Bill has assaulted and also the case about where Hillary defended a guilty rapist of a 12 year old girl.
I agree he should stick to the issues, but he also needs to know his facts about Bill for when they inevitably bring up this audio.
Thanks for the correction.
Uploaded for posterity.
memetically that would backfire hard because the left loves bill way morr than they do Hillary. Tellingbthem Bill would run the show would be a relief to them.
I now full well what they both have done. Trump just fell down a bit in my book, especially for how he talks about having a great family then tries to ruin some other family with an affair.
It has a soundcloud source, too.
True, though I thought that would have died down by now.
Trump is a red blooded lad, I love him even more now.
Wish us brits had a proper leader
Not even close, everyone I know (retarded baby boomers) who supports supports Hillary will give the excuse that they thought Bill was good so he might be behind her.
Holy fuck I almost choked on my pudding laughing at thus. That was a 10/10 reply.
lets all love lain
It's no fucking coincidence that this got leaked the day of Wikileaks' first big October Surprise. The MSM has this tape for weeks, even months waiting to show it whenever Julian started leaking some serious shit.
his statement should have just been the "right in da poosy" meme.
Shivers, user. My favorite author being right on the money as always. I still don't know what the frog really wants, but I trust in him.
this is probably what he meant, but the reality is that they both were jews and they both did their part in helping modern judaism and the state of Israel come to fruition
they also both wrote a lot against jews, but a mans deeds speak louder than his words, especially in the case of addi
Hillary will grant citizenship to enough indistinguishable brown sludge that we will never be able to turn the country around by voting. You're concerned about getting your feelings hurt. Fucking kill yourself. I'm not kidding. You should slit your wrists and bleed to death.
Yeah you're a fucking Hillary supporter.
CTR shills are trying super hard to turn pepe into a hillary thing. Good goy.
It would be best to disabuse them of this belief. Bill Clinton is 70 years old and (before you say Trump is also 70) he's had a quadruple heart bypass, he's been treated for a collapsed lung, he's had two stents put in his chest following yet another cardiac event following the bypass. He's on a vegan diet and he looks like a fucking mummy.
He's been president twice already. His ambitions for his life now are probably just to give expensive speeches, play golf and look after his grandchildren. There is no way he's running anything from behind the scenes
The God Emperor's sun warms us with a gentle Indian Summer. Autumn is nigh. Let us harvest our carefully tended memes.
facebook does not work, what did he say?
He really might be our Darth Vader who says "fuck it, I never liked this system anyway" and pushes Hillary down some stairs for Keks.
user, if these people were motivated by logic they wouldn't supporting Clinton in the first place.
What are the chances Trump told Billy to release that shit so now when media brings up Billy Bush, Trump says: look up @ the big bad bill fam
You mean the various and sundry mongrel bastards? I doubt Killary will let him have any contact if she wins. Chelsea's ain't his.
There's no way that's his only progeny
fair point. it's all we are aware of for now. you'd think more of them would have come forward though. except maybe for that whole suicide by five bullets in the back of the head and the gun is 100 yards away thing.
It's because he's special.
Seriously, he has been the special kid of this whole Presidential election.
He's going to make a great jester next year.
It's literally fucking nothing. Normal people are worse in normal conversations than this.
Anti slide bump
Fuck off ctr
All this thing did was out more traitors within the republican party.
this tbh fam
He's just bantering, this is literally high school drama
triple sevens confirmed, this leak is keikaku doori
If Trump ran his campaign on some kind of holier-than-thou, my-shit-doesn't-stink wholesome platform like every politician does, this would have really hurt him. Luckily, everyone who knows of Trump expects him to say shit like this because he comes off like an average guy that just happens to be a fucking billionaire so it shouldn't hurt him.
Trump confirmed for Rick Rolling the entirety of the United States of America.
Praise Kek
All gays are faggots. Not all faggots are gays, but all gays are faggots.
(checked n kek'd)
It's not like Trump bas ever marketed himself as being wholesome unlike a certain syrup scented rat.
(((LAUREN SOUTHERN))) (real name simonsen)
grandparents survived concentration camp and now are still "recovering" (receiving money from germany)
alt-right tries to use white create ties with israel for the option C
*alt-right tries to use white people to create ties with israel
wew what a champion.
you won't get paid well for sloppy shit like this.
The real lesson is that kikes always play both sides.
You misspelled Israel, fam. Otherwise, good call on being high energy.
Alt right is just right wing people who are gay and / or Jewish.
I have no problem with people being gay or jewish in private as long as they arent going to bum me or something.
Here's the best part
It is isreal.
It is not real.
Now that trump will surely lose what are pol plans? Civil war?
Grab them by the pussy should be our new rallying cry
I could see Fuck Her Right In the Pussy guy coming back now.
Guys, i missed the get, was it good?
It was: h
I understand perfectly, thank you for the detailed explanation
That was actually a good comeback.
We know, but her tweet is still perfect.
It's a perfect, lucid summary of 2016 US politics.
that pic is stimulating muh heritage glands tbh
76/sp/ stole them, they have an automatic "get robot" that tells them which boards on what chans are going to have what gets
read thread
Everyone knows that the drive to become rich and famous is to drown in pussy. (((Their))) beloved dindumonkeys endlessy boast about this in their fucking rap """music""" (Sorry Bach, I know calling this shit "music" hurts you even in the grave)
Yet they are gonna act all shocked now? Fucking hilarious
There were some rumours in the news last year that some participants at "miss universe" had to give blowjobs to be nominated. One of them spilled the beans and said she left because she didn't want that.
I'm surprised normalfags ignore this shit and don't realize it.
Yeah, plus leftists have been screaming that Trump is sexist for how fucking long now? This is a weak attack at best, and it's painfully obvious that this is being pushed to distract from wikileaks.
Trump's leaked words only offend two types of people. Liberal whores (male and female) that wouldn't vote for him either way, and more importantly, devout Christians. (((They're))) trying to portray him as a philanderer of weak moral fibre. It's just another of the endless bouts of shitslinging in hopes that something sticks.
Trump used this "time to apologise" as a way of highlighting Bill and Hilldog's treatment of Willy's victims. However, we know the the (((media))) is just going to cut out that part of the video whenever they play it.
I wonder how many americans actually still buy into this sexual assault shit and are not already tired to no end about it.
It's a tragedy that something so irrelevant in the face of potential WW3, the threat of islamic terrorism, national debt and birthrates below replacement level is even a thing.
Theres this meme of the new world order, with their 'order out of chaos' strategy. And I used to think its about mass migration to create civil war, famine etc. But the real chaos is our daily life we live in, so we don't see it.
The absolute fucking madman.
p-pol, is this a good thing or a bad thing?
I always thought that his strategy was to be unforgivingly ruthless in a time where everybody apologizes for every meaningless thing ever.
Is this their nuclear bomb? Better dropped now than 3 weeks from now.
It's a horrible look, but it may get more people to watch the Sunday debate – where Trump needs to take control of the race. He can't play defense for the next month and expect good results.
Hey does anyone think Trump dredged this up so that he can finally start talking about the Clinton's consistent sexual abuse?
They dropped this now to distract from the leaks.
Trump will use this to back fire with Hillary has done to all those women. The raping and killings. The heat trump has is nothing compared to what Hillary has.
All I saw was a tweet saying he'll be speaking in Vegas this morning. Couldn't find any streams. Anybody got one?
Because he's not arguing for us, he knows we're on board. Even if we disagree with him, it's obvious that he's better than Hillary. He's arguing for the moderates and undecided folks who might be swayed by petty bullshit like this. By accepting responsibility (for something that shouldn't be a problem in the first place but anyway) he can pivot away from the issue and open fire with the vast amounts rape and actual sexual abuse that the Clintons are responsible for.
o.k. great thx
fucking 4cuck scum
either post a screenshot or archive
Killed in a "robbery" where nothing was stolen. Gets a brief mention in the MSM. It was a fucking assassination and the media was complicit. If they had a shred of journalistic integrity they would have reported on the suspicious details.
Gyro… I've found the golden ratio!
Likely Clinton and friends holding on to it for when the next batch of wikileaks came out. They probably expected this to kill him outright but he's going to use it to open up Bill's sexual misconduct. It probably didn't have any impact on votes but liberals and cuckservatives are going to act all offended and outraged but it might get Trump some of the black vote.
thats rea -EYE- donaldtrump. fake account
I have a question guys, when I post something here, the webpage jumps to the post instead of continuing where I was. Is there a way to avoid this.
stop being a faggot and listen to both the original audio, an d his apology, guess what? audio is mild as fuck and his apology serve as launch to attack Clinton and Bill, wrapped in a redemption story.
Yes, it's his character arc.
Blow your brains out.
That shows character.
How awfully libertarian of you. Just because they aren't doing physical harm to you or any other person doesn't mean they aren't doing cultural harm to society. Pride parades are doing cultural harm to society. Jewish media is doing cultural harm to society. Live and let live is a shit ideology that allows the garden to be taken over by weeds.
You realize a lot of queers hate these things because they make them look dumb, right?
What do you mean by queers?
1. No queers are acceptable.
2. All queers will die.
3. You’re wrong.
Get those pussies ready, boys!
eastern europe has more muslims than the western europe. dumbass defeatist faggot
>bringing up shit Trump said over a decade ago
No shit it's a distraction. You'd have to be clinically braindead not to see it's a distraction.
If they rig this election & leave the American people no other recourse the lying press are practically hitting the speed of light in their eagerness to leap into the noose.
Trump is going to hang on the day of the rope when Hitler comes back tbh. Your heads are going to explode after u see what happens in the rest of CURRENT YEAR.
Top stuff m8, very classy.
Scott Adams (the Dilbert bloke) on the controversy:
come on mang, do you really think that super high-powered couples live life that way? A woman like Melania knows that her billionaire genius husband is going to bang some lesser women in the long run. That's what men do when they're successful. Sex is just sex.
I just love how they're turning simple guy-talk into "MISOGYNY MISOGYNY MISOGYNY".
They probably neglected to tell you this at gender studies but the majority of successful men do not cheat on their wives.
To men, sex is just sex, it's the relationship that means more. Go away halfchan.
It has the verified mark you double nigger.
Plus you outed yourself as a cuckchan refugee in your second post.
Lurk more.
I didn't just kek… I lmao'd.
So is this when they go back to oversampling Democrats in public polls again so it looks like Trump's campaign is in free fall, or do they wait until after the next debate?
I did have an argument: you're making excuses for degeneracy and you're using reddit spacing. And all you've done in return is act butthurt and reply with counter accusations that you pull out straight of your BBC enriched asshole you faggot. But call me halfchan all you want, it's not nearly as bad as being reddit. If you weren't from reddit you'd know that.
didn't read, filtered, go away
You're not just a faggot, you're also a hypocrite.
He's a big guy
this is going great, tbh.
The MSM narrative, even the some of the narrative here on the chans doesnt make sense. I dont listen to any of you if you are ridiculous. The only things that make sense are the leaks and how I construct the narrative for myself. The hillary health thing does make sense in broad lines though, but its more of a worrysome trend than a definitely proven thing I think.
But seriously though, how can this presidential race even be a contest? Trump in all of his normalcy is a thousand times more sane, and more potent as a president. Even if he doesnt have the experience with politics, compared to hillary. Hillary has not only demonstrated ill will against the nation multiple times, she also has colluded with its enemies. If it was up to me she would be put against a wall, with a blindfold. Its a shame that this world has lost so much of its sanity.
Simonsen is a completely normal Danish surname.
t. danefag
Unfortunately the majority of people don't actually pay attention to what politicians do while in government. So their political knowledge is based entirely on the campaigns and the fact that one of them is incumbent (viewed as a positive unless their opponent can get the media to reveal a scandal). So since the media is pushing Hillary and demonizing Trump most people are more than willing to believe them despite the realities of the candidates pasts because they only know what is presented to them. There is very little initiative on people''s part to do research or even attempt to understand policy, they just supoort who their friends or family are supporting or who the media tells them is better.
Trump's scandals are all personal gaffes and at worst potentially some tax evasion via his foundation if he did in fact use it as a charity for tax purposes (right now it looks like he just called it a charity without registering properly and since he gets audited every year I doubt he'd intentionally do something so stupid).
Whereas Hillary's scandals involve the mysterious deaths of people who were a threat to her, allowing an American ambassador and his staff to be brutally murdered in Lybia, potentially forming ISIS and definitely supporting and supplying them, her foundation watering down the AIDS drugs they sent to Africa, her foundation being used to launder bribes to Hillary and Bill, selling uranium for donations from (was it Russia or iran?), destruction of an enormous amount of incriminating evidence, sending highly classified documents over unsecured channels and sharing them with people without clearance, her husband being a literal rapist and very likely a paedophile, and on and on and on. But the way the media portrays both of them gives Trump's mistakes more weight than Hillary's in the eyes of the public, and since Hillary's worst scandals simply aren't talked about most people just don't know about them.
You can't be serious
did trump just rickroll us?
now this is podracing.
just saw this on twatter. fucking kek
Last debate was rope-a-dope, she had no challenge.
This one will be different.
leftist cuck faggots are always hypocrites
Beautiful. Downright poetic.
dems da real sexists.