Look at this...

Look at this, Tom gets blasted in the face by a inconsiderate asshole yet manages to keep his cool and call the guy out on his bullshit. Is he ourguy?

He was always /ourguy/


Fucking based!

You're a jerk

I'm not being ironic. I really think he handled this quite well, he pointed out how much of an asshole that guy was and didn't make himself look retarded or enter a fit of rage in the process. It was pretty based.

I honestly hate all of you who hate Cruise. Not because I have a hard on for him, but just because you are as mindless as people who hate Trump. Yeah yeah, he's a fucking scientologist, like it fucking matters. I'm an atheist and I don't give a shit. Give me scientologists over muslims. Look at all these degenerates protesting and getting angry over literally nothing, just like you. I despise that you don't have a brain. You either listen to the media saying that he's crazy or you're just a christian, this shit doesn't make sense. Why don't you faggots protest islam in the streets?

Oh, no! He's a scientologist and that's the worst thing ever, despite how well he acts in real life.

And before you sperg out like a retard, genuinely take a moment to think how many times you've heard about scientology besides the neckbeards and their protesting shit, or how scientology affected your life. It's like going up and complaining about buddhists, as if they're not as wrong as any other religion. At least scientology talks about something else other than fucking earth to fit in the modern times, at least give it credit for that.


It's just another organized religion, in all honesty their beliefs aren't any more or less retarded than other religions it's just because it was created fairly recently that people mock them. I think people hate Tom Cruise because he is a successful man who could fuck almost any woman he wanted more than they hate him because of Scientology.

Sure, it's a religion after all, and it's crazy, but what religion isn't? And from all the possible targets, people pick scientology because the backlash is just fines for trashing their churches and shit. Why don't these pussies go and pick on Islam? I don't find it brave or funny that people have nothing better to do with their time. Tom has a good attitude, and he still wasn't shaken by these fucking losers pointing at his religion, which he actually doesn't talk about it too much.

But yeah man, I agree with you. The success and fame all while belonging to a new religion give losers ammo to feel better about themselves.

Oh, the memories. The one big thing le chans ever got around to do, only to give up on it for more time towards CP.

Hello newfag. Lurk for 2 years before posting again. I bet you read about chanology on KYM.

Oh boy, it's a Kekfag. How embarrassing.

I remember one time in film class (feel free to laugh) our tutor showed us this clip as an example of how much of an weird asshole Cruise is. Like he's a dick for making such a big deal out some interviewer's sad attempt at a joke. Meanwhile I was just sitting there like: "I'm completely alone in the universe."

try posting without using reaction images if you want me to take you seriously kiddo.

For you.


>only mindless people hate (((trump)))
stopped reading right there

I bet it must be maddening for you Soros goons to see your president working with the wrong kike families. The establishment keeps getting kicked in he nuts and you can't do anything about it.


A wild cuckservative appears!

He didn't shout or get visibly angry. He was irritated that he had been sprayed but he didn't resort to vulgarity or screaming he just let the guy know he was a jerk. Bear in mind that he is a huge celebrity I think his response is great.




Not the first time Cruise has been blasted in the face by a liquid substance.

As long as he wrecks the cucks I hate he can make any deals he wants. Geopolitics forces him to work with both Israel and Saudi Arabia but where he has free reigns he delivers. If he actually went against the kikes and the saudis he'd start WW3 anyway.


This tbh. If you stand up for yourself they win.

No, this is Holla Forums. I've never visited Holla Forums except for a couple of times. I get that you're a commie who's pretty butthurt about that board but not everyone is a part of your bogeyman board. I don't care much about archaic ideologies such as fascism or gommunism myself, I'm just happy that they guy from The Apprentice is kicking ass.

As long as the politically obsessed normalfags on this board are upset then I'm happy.

i was starting to think that anybody who still supports trump by now must be a brain dead retard
this post cleared any doubt, have a nice day gentlemen

He was a jerk Tom just told it like it was. There is literally nothing wrong with that.

Why are you derailing a thread about Tom Cruise with your political bullshit? You could be having this argument on >>>Holla Forums rather than boring us with the same boring shit we have heard a hundred times. It was funny when Drumpfsperg did it but you people aren't funny.

lol trumpcuck bootlicker is mad as fuck

I like how you cover up your ignorance with an insult. What do you think would actually happen if Trump went against Israel and Saudi Arabia? Maybe you have a degree in memeology but I'd say your understanding of how the real world works is very lacking. How long do you even think Trump would have left to live if he started to plan such a thing?

better to die free than live as a kike slave.

Only retards fall for the two party shell game in the first place. My point is that you have completely derailed the thread with totally unrelated political garbage that nobody actually wants to read. You should be spamming Holla Forums with your boring shit instead of posting it here.


Uh huh, so how come you're still alive then?

i'm not a burger. i am free.

stay mad trumpcuck. no amount of backpedaling to muh too enlightened for two party systems will hide your shame at being bamboozled by a fat cat elite. live long in your shame

Name your nation. Unless you're a poo in the loo or a chinaman (who are both very kikey in their own ways) I doubt you're free from the rule of kikes.

I've believed that democracy is a sham for years. You missed the whole point of my post, constantly posting off topic political shit in every thread is boring. Take your repetitive thread derails to Holla Forums.


It's not because it's new, dipshit, it's because it's an even more blatant scam than most already established religions, which is a huge fucking accomplishment.

i didn't miss the point. i called you a liar, trumpcuck.

How so? Plenty of established religion's ask for handouts and encourage cultish behaviour. If scientology had been around for as long as they had everybody would think it was totally normal.

Prove it. You can't.

i don't have to prove it. we both know what you are and i will never let you forget it, trumpcuck.

He's one of the people that plebs feel comfortable attacking even though most of them don't know why they are actually attacking him. It's because they envy him.

Here's your (you), now shoo!


yes I would try to frame it as bait or funposting too if I were a trumpcuck trying to disassociate myself from my shame.

I like cruise but hes definitely shady you know hes been involved with some weird stuff intentionally or not

There's nothing fun about it. It is the same boring shit over and over and you don't even post it in threads that are already political. You are boring.

What else was the manlet going to do?

Tom is a physical guy. Also the fact that he didn't act like a nigger or a self important celebrity with their head stuck up their ass is what makes it impressive. He is humble.

He's definitely seen some shit.

it's a religion based on a scifi authors delusions
the only thing that would be more blatant is if jedi suddenly became a major religion so disney could get taxbreaks on top of donations from retards
i refuse to waste proper grammar on disingenuous twats

It's not any less valid than Islam, Christianity or Judaism. When it was written and who wrote it aren't really important, what matters is that it has a large following that take it very seriously that makes it a religion imo.

im not wasting anymore time with low effort shitposts that arent even funny
have a last (you) and a bump i guess

I'm not even shitposting, most religions were created by intelligent con men. How is Scientology invalid but Semitic religions are fine? The desert trilogy is just as retarded as Scientology, if not moreso. That is a serious question and if I am just shitposting then you shouldn't have any trouble proving me wrong.


I'm so disappointed that jew-jitsu isn't written on that image.

>The Church of Scientology states that it has no set dogma on God and allows individuals to come to their own understanding of God.[47] In Scientology, "vastly more emphasis is given to the godlike nature of the person and to the workings of the human mind than to the nature of God."[25] Hubbard did not clearly define God in Scientology. When pressed about their belief, Scientologists mention the "eight dynamic" which they say is the "God dynamic".[48]

Because Christians know God, and know when something is originally satanic/occultic.

Staying in shape, an example to us all.

oooo, he said a naughty word!

LMAO kiddo

It was funny for the first few times but now you're just trying too hard. There are other things you can make genuinely non-retarded shitposts about. Just accept that Holla Forums won this time and move on.


It stopped being funny the moment that Drumpfsperg left. Even then it was only funny because liberals were going full retard at the time. Truthseeker and Drumpfsperg didn't just amuse us with their bait, they also knew when do stop. They were true gentlemen.

Everyone is telling their version of the "truth", when you compare them together you see who is pretending not to be occultism and who is actually exposing evil.

If the jews and bahai's tell you that the new world order is something good but you know it's evil than you can see where and why their end goal is wrong.

There is a spiritual world, that is more real than what we see, to deny it ignorant.