What's the root of antisemitism?
What's the root of antisemitism?
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Explain, pls.
Aristocracy threatened by the fact that jews were at the vanguard of the nascent bourgeoisie and the merchant class because they often weren't allowed to live a settled life
Nobles being threatened by the early bourgeoisie who were predominantly Jewish, and working-class resentissiment aimed at an easy target.
The same thing is seen with middleman minorities all over the world, like with Indian people in Africa for example.
religious bullshit
also the whole "jews mudered jesus thing"
even though it was romans that did it
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Not really. Pilate did it to appease the Jews and not revolt.
Hey guys,
me on
Something like this:
Plus their holy scriptures telling that every non Jew can get fucked, but that's pretty every religion ever.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Real, is in fact, Real/Ideology, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Reality plus Ideology. Reality is not an ontological doctrine unto itself, but rather another free component within the ontological fabric, knitted by the hegemonic systems of representation and reproduction, comprising a full ontological doctrine as defined by Plato.
Many people run a modified version of the Ideological system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Ideology which is widely used today is often called “Real”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically an Ideological system, developed by the ruling class. There really is a Real, and these people exist within it, but it is just a part of the system they experience.
Reality is the state of things as they actually exist. The truth is an essential part of an ontological doctrine, but useless by itself; it can only be experienced in the context of a complete Symbolic Interpretation. Reality is normally used in combination with false consciousness: the whole system is basically Real with Ideology added, or Real/Ideology. All the so-called “ideological conceptions' are really distributions of Real/Ideology
There are different forms of antisemitism, with their own underlying causes and historical developments.
• Religious antisemitism (which sees the Jews as followers of a wicked religion)
• Economic antisemitism (which sees the Jews as money-grubbing usurers)
• Political antisemitism (which sees the Jews as part of a malevolent global conspiracy)
• Nationalist Aantisemitism (which see the Jews as not part of the national community)
• Racial antisemitism (which sees the Jews as part of an inferior race to be eliminated)
Of course, there can be overlap between these different categories. The French antisemite Édouard Drumont (1844 - 1917) was responsible for synthesizing these trends into a more unified, modern brand of antisemitism.
Naw m8 its all le wacism and muh bourgeoisies. You lefties have it all figured out fam
Pretty sure antisemitism predate Zionism.
Beside, antizionism =/= antisemitism, even if Israeli state is pushing for it.
A Jew doesn't have to be Zionist to be fucking subhuman.
It's like saying shit looks good because the pieces of corn has been removed.
Even Bobby Fischer didn't identify as a Jew.
People not knowing what the word means. A Semite is a speaker of a Semitic language this includes Hebrew but also Arabic.So an Anti-Semite is someone bigoted against Middle Easterners of certain countries.
Ashkenazi Jews have the highest mean iq on the globe and as a result tend to end up in positions where they disproportionally own a lot of wealth and exert a lot of influence. People at the bottom see notice this and thus anti-Semitism.
Too bad they don't realize jews are literally the master race and it's only right that they lord over masses of mindless goyim. Pic related oy vey.
It has more to do with the fact that their culture/religion is centered heavily around intense study of Scripture as a sort of religious activity, kind of like on part with praying I guess. It means that religious Jews just tend to be smarter n shit.
Is culture formed in a vacuum? Would an island full of people with downs syndrome develop a culture that values studying philosophy?
Jews have an academic culture because of their superior intelligence not the other way around.
Material conditions tbh fam
No, but Jews don't live in a vacuum dumbass. You're ignoring any external factors
racism masquerading as class-consciousness. Antisemitism was born out of an economically egalitarian impulse in a way. A lot of jews were very financially successful because christian usury laws gave them a monopoly on banking. The jews also developed a tight-knit sense of community and an emphasis on education. The result was a well-educated, wealthy group cut off from society.
Nat-soc developed out of mangled anticapitalist theory and adopted a lot of leftist style rhetoric. Over time it nat-soc became significantly less interested in anti-capitalism and more interested in race.
And then, whenever things weren't going well, IT'S ZE JOOS!
Russia is shit cause the Czar is an idiot?
Germany has to pay debt and it's shit?
'Murica is shit cause neoliberalims?
Ze joos were merchants before, because trade, became merchants after, cause no land, and are noadays experts in exploiting workers, as their whole culture revolves around it.
So, everyone hates them, as they only care about their own "race" (that isn't even a race).
The "they killed jesus" (they did. He talked to much and messed up with profit), is only an excuse.
Post more hot jew chicks
to my understanding this is how happend.
first the catholic, church banned usary
then jews became the europes money lenders, and bankers,
no body likes bankers
jew hatred born
~the more you know~
When humans first started recording civilization by writing, they got their shit kicked by many ancient Mesopotamian empires. It boggles my mind that Jews still fucking exist over 4000 years of recorded history. Hence why you have fringe theories that they may be the devil, god, or a cult of different racial tribes preserving a religion.
Christianity is the root of antisemitism.
Jews suffered from persecution and discrimination by the christian churches throughout the middle ages, because they wouldn't convert.
It's about nepotism, not IQ. In a black or asian society jews would be seen as slave owners.
being different in the root of anti-semitism. Jews persecuted Christians and when numbers were switched, the role changed
The truth. Jews always try to hide the truth.
That's why you lefties like them: "the end justifies the means"
Not true.
It was later painted that way when Paul wanted to spread Christianity to non-Jews.
Read the Gospels, and see how that scene changes from the earlier Gospels to the later Gospels.